The strongest fury system

Chapter 1355 Meeting Feng Qingwu Again

Chapter 1355 Meeting Feng Qingwu Again

The princess of the Kate Empire seemed to have noticed Zhang Tianhao's gaze, and immediately walked towards him.

"Your Highness, where do we seem to have met?"

Sun Jie on the side looked at Zhang Tianhao with contempt, it was a good thing he was still using such an old-fashioned way of striking up a conversation.Sun Jie almost covered his eyes in embarrassment.

"Master Zhang, have you forgotten me?"

Princess Kate took off the white veil on her face.

"It's you?"

When Zhang Tianhao looked at the magnificent face in front of him, he was really surprised, because it was none other than Feng Qingwu who had had contact with Zhang Tianhao in Yuan Xingzhou.

What makes Zhang Tianhao wonder is, isn't Feng Qingwu in Yuanxing Continent? How could she be in Sanye Continent and become the princess of Kate Empire.

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's stunned look, Feng Qingwu blinked at him and said with a catchy smile: "What? Mr. Zhang is very shocked, is it strange to see His Highness?"

Zhang Tianhao smiled wryly and said: "It's really unimaginable, Miss Feng, aren't you from the Feng family in Yuanxingzhou?"

Feng Qingwu smiled sweetly and said: "That's right, my father also grew up in Yuan Xingzhou Feng's family when he was a child, it's not surprising that I was there."

"Okay! Miss Feng..."

Just as Zhang Tianhao was about to say something, Feng Qingwu quickly waved his hand and said to him: "Mr. Zhang, didn't you just say that when you were in Qinglong Cave Mansion? You can just call me Qingwu."

"Hahaha, don't you also call me Mr. Zhang, which sounds quite outlandish too." Zhang Tianhao said with a slight smile.

"Okay, since this is the case, then I will call you Tianhao, and you can call me Qingwu." Feng Qingwu smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

Sun Jie and Shi Hongmin next to them opened their mouths enough to put down an egg.

They never thought that Zhang Tianhao really knew Feng Qingwu, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.Feng Qingwu is the eldest princess of Fenghuang today.The Kate Empire is a feminist country, and the throne is passed on to the daughter but not to the man. Only when there is no princess, the throne will be passed on to the prince.In other words, the princess is likely to become her father's immediate boss.

Seeing how harmonious the relationship between Feng Qingwu and Zhang Tianhao was, Sun Jie was already thinking about whether he wanted his father to change his attitude towards Zhang Tianhao when he went back.Although now under his persuasion, his father has shown a very kind attitude towards Zhang Tianhao.But this is not enough.

"Tianhao, do you mind if I sit here?" Feng Qingwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled.

"Of course, it's a great honor." Zhang Tianhao hurriedly beckoned Feng Qingwu to sit down.

Four female guards stood behind Feng Qingwu vigilantly.

At this moment, the warriors in the inn were all shocked.Obviously, they didn't expect Fengqing Dance Club and Zhang Tianhao to have a good relationship.Bai Zhenjiang, Lin Shaonan, Chen Yankun and others were all envious and jealous.

At least the Kate Empire's influence in Sanye Continent is not lower than that of Tianyun Castle and Feiying Villa.Even more than that.Even the five major forces dare not provoke them.And Feng Qingwu is the only daughter of Feng Huang.future heir apparent.No one dared to ignore her existence.

At this time, a guard came to Feng Qingwu's side, and said respectfully to her: "Your Highness, my son, please go to the box to talk about it."

Feng Qingwu was slightly surprised, but she still refused lightly.Said: "No need, my highness can stay here. If your highness has anything to say, you can talk about it here."

Just after Feng Qingwu finished speaking, Sui Wuqing came over with two young people, and said with a hearty smile: "Qingwu, why haven't I seen you for a few years, and are you so unfamiliar? You didn't even attend my brother's invitation."

Feng Qingwu frowned slightly, and said: "Don't call me so affectionate, we are not very familiar."

"Sister, how can you talk to Brother Sui like that." A young man in black standing beside Sui Wuqing said with reproach.

"Brother Huang, why are you here?"

Feng Qingwu looked at the young man standing beside Sui Wuqing with a slightly surprised expression.

"Hehe, Brother Wei is also planning to participate in the assessment competition this time. This time, Brother Sui invited me to come." The young man in black laughed.

"Imperial Sister, Brother Sui cares about you very much. How can you not appreciate it? Besides, you also know that Emperor Feng intends to betroth you..."

Before the young man in black finished speaking, Feng Qingwu raised her brows and said, "Brother Huang, don't say any more, that's just what the Queen Mother wanted, and Qingwu decides about Qing Wu herself. Brother Huang, please go back." !"

The young man in black looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes locked on Zhang Tianhao who was sitting there like a normal person, and said coldly: "Qingwu, who is this, do you know each other well?"

"He's my friend, don't bother Brother Huang." Feng Qingwu's tone was a little unhappy.

"Friend, hehe, not any cat or dog can be your friend. Qingwu, you are the future crown prince, you must be cautious when making friends, and don't let people with ulterior motives approach you easily..."

"Cough, cough, brother in black, is the person with ulterior motives you are talking about the brother next to you? He looks very much like a person with ulterior motives. Qing Wu, this brother, named Wuqing, He looks like a ruthless person, you'd better stay as close as possible." Zhang Tianhao said seriously.

Sui Wuqing immediately had three black lines on his forehead.

Feng Qingwu covered her mouth, obviously enduring a lot of pain, and said seriously: "I will seriously consider it."

"Imperial Sister, that's all I can say for my brother. How you think about it is your own business." The young man in black gave Zhang Tianhao a hard look, and then turned and left with Sui Wuqing and the others.

After the young man in black left, Zhang Tianhao looked at Feng Qingwu and asked, "Qingwu, that man is your imperial brother? Why do you feel that the relationship between your brother and sister is not so harmonious?"

Feng Qingwu said helplessly: "My brother, I have always been eccentric towards me since I was a child. Of course, although our relationship is not very deep, it is because I have lived in Yuanxingzhou for a long time. This time, It was my mother who called me back. Otherwise, Qing Wu would not want to go back to the palace!"

Looking at Feng Qingwu, Zhang Tianhao asked with a little surprise: "Qingwu, isn't it good to live in the palace? There are delicacies from mountains and seas, rich clothes and fine food."

Feng Qingwu smiled wryly and said: "That's what you think, in fact, what Qingwu yearns for most is the kind of carefree life. In the palace, there are thousands of etiquettes that need to be paid attention to, and they are almost annoying to death. "

"Hehe, it seems that each family has its own troubles!" Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said.

As he said that, Zhang Tianhao paused, looked at Feng Qingwu and asked, "Qingwu, do you know what Sui Wuqing is going to call so many warriors this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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