The strongest fury system

Chapter 1357 Vajra Ape

Chapter 1357 Vajra Ape

Zhang Tianhao looked at Sun Jie beside him, smiled slightly and said, "Now we must get rid of him first. His goal is to register as a disciple."

"Oh..." Feng Qingwu glanced at Sun Jie.

Sun Jie smiled slightly at Feng Qingwu and said, "Miss Feng, I am quite self-aware."

Zhang Tianhao hadn't introduced Sun Jie to Feng Qingwu yet, so he said, "Qingwu, do you know his name?"

"Of course I do. Didn't you call him Sun Jie?" Although Feng Qingwu was not familiar with Sun Jie, after staying for a few days, she naturally knew his name.

"Well, his father is the Lord of Lingxi City, Sun Haofeng." Zhang Tianhao said.

"Oh, Sun Haofeng, I know, I heard my mother mention it, he seems to be a very capable person." Feng Qingwu said.

"Ah, the emperor really mentioned my father?" Sun Jie said happily.

"Well, I mentioned it before." Feng Qingwu said.

"Great, thank you Your Majesty for remembering our Sun family." Sun Jie said happily.

"Hehe, your father is the emperor who asked your father to be the city lord of Lingxi City. He feels a little wronged. If your father hadn't made some mistakes back then, he might be a general of the empire now." Feng Qingwu said.

"Don't be wronged, don't be wronged, my father is a relatively straightforward person. He doesn't follow others. He doesn't know how to flirt, so he can't eat it in the emperor, and my father understands this. He likes to be an old man in Lingxi City. City Lord, there is no need to intrigue." Sun Jie sighed.

For some reason, Zhang Tianhao always felt that there was some story in it.Sun Haofeng, an imposing martial artist in the Great Emperor Realm, would be the city lord of Lingxi City, which in itself made him feel a little strange.And go, from Sun Jie's tone, it seems that his father is very concerned about the emperor of the Kate Empire.Is there any unknown inside story here?

However, this doesn't have much to do with Zhang Tianhao, he's just flirting.In the end, it has nothing to do with him.

At the same time, in a corner of Death Island.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen corpses lying here and there.The corpses were miserable.Blood dripping.Their bodies were all placed in very strange poses.It looked like some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

In front of these corpses, there was a young man kneeling.His hands make prayers.

If this young man was seen by Zhang Tianhao, he would definitely exclaim.Because he is indeed Sui Wuqing.

"Great Lord Demon God! Your most loyal servant, please show up!"

Just as the young man finished praying, a violent black storm blew up all around.Ghosts and wolves howling, like the end of the world.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Sui Wuqing, a huge phantom head appeared.Blood red eyes, extremely cold.

"See Lord Demon God!"

Sui Wuqing fell to his knees on the ground, looking extremely devout.

"Who are you?" the huge phantom asked.

"Lord Demon God, you are ruthless in Xia Sui. I accidentally saw a scroll in a ruin, which recorded that Lord Demon God was sealed on the island of death. And it said that as long as you can release Lord Demon God, you can get the power bestowed by him? "Sui Wuqing said.

The Demon God laughed and said: "That's right, as long as you can release this Demon God according to the method described above, this Demon God can give you great power."

"Master Demon God, there are 500 million sacrifices in total this time. I will let them destroy the power of the seal first, and then let them become sacrifices for you to restore your power." Sui Wuqing said respectfully.

"It's... very good... you go, I look forward to that moment..."

After finishing speaking, the huge phantom of the Demon God gradually dissipated.

At another time, Zhang Tianhao, Sun Jie, and Feng Qingwu were studying the map in their hands.This map is the only equipment provided by Xiaoyaozong, and everyone has a copy.

"Qingwu, according to the information collected by my battle pet, we are now in the vicinity of the Shuhai Waterfall. Let's go and see. Since there is a waterfall here, there may be some strange beasts." Zhang Tianhao said with certainty. road.

"Well! I'll listen to you." Feng Qingwu smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

Just when Zhang Tianhao, Feng Qingwu, and Sun Jie were approaching the Shuhai Waterfall, Xiao Hei shot over and blinked in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"Boss, I saw a spirit beast ahead!" Xiao Hei jumped onto Zhang Tianhao's shoulder and said to him.

"Spirit beast?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned, looked at Xiao Hei and asked, "How is that strength compared to yours?"

Xiao Hei said to Zhang Tianhao: "Weaker than us, but there are many younger brothers around the spirit beast, we dare not chase too closely, and it is more familiar with the surrounding environment than us, we quickly lost it. "

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and said to Xiao Hei, "What kind of spirit beast is that?"

"It's a vajra ape, and its strength is not weak." Xiao Hei said.

Zhang Tianhao thought about it for a while, even Xiao Hei said that he was not weak, even if he was weaker than Xiao Hei and Xiao Long, he probably was not much weaker.

"Well, go and meet it. Maybe it should have a token on it, at least a copper token. It can be snatched and given to Sun Jie." Zhang Tianhao thought to himself.

"It's okay, you guys keep watching. If you do a good job, how about I reward each of you with a roast duck?"

Zhang Tianhao knew that if Xiao Hei and Xiao Long didn't give some special rewards, they would be more active.

"Great boss, we'll go right away..."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Long immediately flew towards Shuhai Waterfall.

Feng Qingwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked curiously: "Tianhao, why are they so good at roast duck?"

Zhang Tianhao proudly said: "Because the roast meat I cook is a must! Not only roast duck, but also roast chicken and roast rabbit..."

Feng Qingwu was said to be miraculous by Zhang Tianhao, and said curiously: "If you have a chance, you must try it."

"Tianhao, you can even barbecue, why can't you?" Sun Jie shook his head.

"I won't have children..." Zhang Tianhao rolled his eyes and said.

Sun Jie: "..."

Just when the three of them reached the edge of Shuhai Waterfall, Xiaolong and Xiaohei suddenly shot towards them.It seems that the target has been found.

"Boss, I found that Vajra Ape. It's behind the Shuhai Waterfall." Xiao Hei said.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly looked happy and said: "That's good, let's go there! This time, we must blow up this vajra ape, and there must be a token."

All three of them hurried away excitedly.After all, this was their first goal when they reached the island of death.

Under the leadership of Xiaolong and Xiaohei, the three quickly found their target.This is a vajra ape with a height of about five meters. It looks very sturdy and exudes a fierce aura.

"Tianhao be careful, this vajra ape is extremely powerful, I'm afraid it may not be easy to deal with." Feng Qingwu reminded Zhang Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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