The strongest fury system

Chapter 1360 Feng Qingwu's Strength

Chapter 1360 Feng Qingwu's Strength
After watching Zhang Tianhao take out a system of kitchen utensils from his system space.

Only then did Feng Qingwu, Sun Jie and others believe that Zhang Tianhao was not joking.

Zhang Tianhao chuckled lightly.Although it is impossible to return to the earth, it is also good to enjoy the deliciousness of the previous life.

Feng Qingwu and Sun Jie didn't expect much from Zhang Tianhao's barbecue.Sun Jie is the Young Lord of Lingxi City.Naturally, there is no shortage of food.Not to mention Feng Qingwu.That is Her Royal Highness Princess of the Kate Empire.Needless to say, it is needless to say that it is rich in clothing and jade.

But watching Zhang Tianhao roast a skinned duck with a savory aroma still made them feel hungry.It's not that Zhang Tianhao's way of grilling meat has never been done before.In their view, this is only eaten by the lowest civilians.But now the two began to look forward to it.Especially Zhang Tianhao used tools to smear the golden seasoning on the roast duck.It made Feng Qingwu and Sun Jie feel that the greedy worm had been hooked out.

After the first roast duck was freshly baked, it was still waiting for Sun Jie and Feng Qingwu to export it.Xiao Hei has already rushed out.Put the roast duck under his paws.

"Xiao Hei, that roast duck is mine." Xiaolong was furious.

"Why do you say it's yours? You have it quickly, but you don't have it..." Xiao Hei took it for granted.

"Stop arguing, the second one will be out soon..." Zhang Tianhao said.

Hearing this, Xiaolong stopped talking, and stared at the second roast duck with a vigilant look, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it from him.

After the second roast duck was cooked, Xiaolong couldn't wait to pounce on it.Put the second roast duck under the claws.

Seeing that the second roast duck was gone, Feng Qingwu and Sun Jie could only look at Zhang Tianhao helplessly.

"Haha, don't worry, I will do it again, and I will let you eat my barbecue." Zhang Tianhao smiled proudly.


Feng Qingwu and Sun Jie finished the barbecue in their hands.Feng Qingwu touched her bulging belly, and said to Zhang Tianhao, "It's so delicious, I've never eaten such a delicious barbecue, Tianhao, your skill, if you don't become a chef, you will be buried." Your genius."

"Haha, really?" Zhang Tianhao smiled.

Feng Qingwu smiled at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Come to be the royal chef in the palace of our Kate Empire. Once you come, you will definitely compare with the royal chefs of our palace. Not to mention, as the barbecue technology, our palace of the Kate Empire No one can match you."

"Really, then I'll go." Zhang Tianhao looked serious.

But Feng Qingwu shook her head and said: "Forget it, you come, our palace can't afford your salary, you are the big boss of Donghua Pavilion..."

Zhang Tianhao chuckled, of course he knew that Feng Qingwu was just joking.

"Okay, let's go! We've been here for too long. Even though it's been a month, we can't put our fate in other people's hands." Zhang Tianhao said seriously.

The three followed the guidance on the map and headed towards the next goal.


A triumphant laugh sounded.

As the voice fell, ten youths appeared in front of Zhang Tianhao.

These ten youths are all warriors in the Martial Emperor Realm.The strongest one even has Emperor Senior Realm.

The leader was a young man with a roe-headed mouse. His eyes swept over Zhang Tianhao and the others, and he said lightly, "Hmph, I thought there was not even a hair nearby, and there was only a little beauty with an average cultivation level. I didn't expect , there are still prey here!"

Zhang Tianhao and Sun Jie frowned.I wondered if the beauty the other party was talking about was Shi Hongmin.Shi Hongmin was accidentally deflected by the teleportation array, and he hasn't encountered it in the past few days.Now the little beauty the other party is talking about may be Shi Hongmin.

"Where is that girl you mentioned now?" Sun Jie asked hastily.

"Hey, you are all in danger, and you are still thinking about that girl, it's a joke."

The warrior in the lead looked at Zhang Tianhao, Sun Jie and Feng Qingwu and said: "For those who are sensible, leave the tokens you got, and I can give you a happy time, girls, hehe, even more happy!"

"Let us keep the token, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Zhang Tianhao seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You are so courageous, go for me, kill the man, and keep the woman." The voice of the leader warrior said coldly.

The warrior rushed towards Zhang Tianhao angrily.


Sun Jie and Feng Qingwu rushed forward together.

Sun Jie was anxious to know Shi Hongmin's whereabouts.But Feng Qingwu was angry at how these people treated her frivolously, and the person who went to be the leader looked at her with red eyes.Feng Qingwu was very dissatisfied.

Feng Qingwu's swordsmanship is very light and sharp.There is a feeling of looking ahead and suddenly lagging behind.

"The peak of the emperor?"

Zhang Tianhao sighed: "It seems that these geniuses should not be underestimated. When Feng Qingwu saw them before, they were only at the Martial Saint Realm, but now they are at the peak of the Emperor. It seems that there must be other encounters."

But thinking of Feng Qingwu's background.To be able to practice so fast should be due to the awakening of some extraordinary blood.

It's just that the number of opponents has a great advantage after all.Although Feng Qingwu and Sun Jie attacked fiercely, they were still powerless in the face of the siege of a group of people.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao made a move.His target fell on the leading martial artist who looked like a rat.

"Suffer to death!"

Zhang Tianhao kicked his feet on the ground, and his whole body, like lightning, rushed towards the warrior.Boom down with a punch.

With this punch, the void vibrated.Terrible murderous aura erupted.

"Rolling Stone Fist!"

The warrior obviously felt the power of Zhang Tianhao's punch.His complexion changed, and he stomped on one foot, cracking the ground inch by inch.Cracks like spider webs spread out in all directions.The warrior's hands turned gray.

"Boom!" sounded.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

Zhang Tianhao remained motionless.The warrior snorted.The whole person staggered and took a dozen steps back.


The warrior's face turned pale, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Tianhao naturally wouldn't give him any buffer time.He swooped over again.Blast out with a punch.

"Oh no……"

The warrior felt the fear of death.But it's too late to avoid it.


The martial artist's head was smashed to pieces by Zhang Tianhao's punch.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Xue Gang, with experience value of 100 billion, real yuan of 1000 million, and violent energy of ten!" The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards the other warriors again.

Every punch of Zhang Tianhao will kill a warrior.Only the last one was left alive.

(End of this chapter)

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