The strongest fury system

Chapter 1362 Black Praying Mantis

Chapter 1362 Black Praying Mantis

But Zhang Tianhao seemed very calm.Looking at the man in front of him, he said lightly, "Do you think you can run away?"

The bald head said sharply: "It doesn't matter, if I die, she will die too. Anyway, someone will be buried with me, I'm not afraid."

"Blade of Darkness!"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed.

The bald warrior had no idea what was going on.Suddenly, a crack in the void appeared behind him.Inside the void crack, a terrifying light blade shot out from the void crack.It directly scratched into the neck of the bald warrior.


The bald warrior didn't know what was going on, but he felt his neck go cold.Immediately afterwards, my head suddenly moved.His head flew into the void.Still looking back at his headless body, he didn't know what was going on.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Guo Tao, with 100 billion experience points, 1000 million real yuan, and [-] berserk energy!" The system's notification sounded.

Shi Hongmin was startled, looking at the headless body in front of her, she was trembling with fright.

Although Shi Hongmin is the Emperor Wu, the number of people she killed has remained in single digits since she practiced.It can be said that it is a miracle that Shi Hongmin can cultivate to the Emperor Martial Realm.

Sun Jie took advantage of this opportunity and rushed forward.He hugged Shi Hongmin in his arms and comforted her: "Hongmin, it's okay, I'm here..."

Zhang Tianhao: "..."

Zhang Tianhao really admires this guy's face, damn it, he was still anxious like a headless chicken just now.Now it's time to dress up.And the man killed himself.What does it mean to have you here.

"Ahem, Qingwu, let's let them have a good chat, so we don't want to be a light bulb here." Zhang Tianhao said to Feng Qingwu who was still blushing beside him.

Feng Qingwu nodded, but looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously and asked, "Tianhao, what is a light bulb?"

"Eh... this light bulb is a very common thing in my hometown?" Zhang Tianhao explained to Feng Qingwu.

Now Feng Qingwu understood.It's just that Feng Qingwu didn't ask where Zhang Tianhao's hometown is.Feng Qingwu once asked casually.At that time Zhang Tianhao replied that his hometown was far, far away.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao didn't seem to want to answer very much, Feng Qingwu didn't ask any more questions.Seeing Feng Qingwu like Zhang Tianhao, he stopped asking.

Zhang Tianhao turned his head to look at Sun Jie who was getting bored with each other, and he wondered if he wanted to let Sun Jie enter his own shrine tonight, let them open a room in his own shrine, and then have sex.Although Shi Hongmin said that her figure and face look very lolita.I heard that Sun Jie is a lolicon.This Shi Hongmin also seems to be in line with his aesthetics.

An hour later, Shi Hongmin and Sun Jie came back.Zhang Tianhao looked at the two of them ambiguously.

"Tianhao, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Sun Jie asked a little embarrassed by Zhang Tianhao's eyes.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and smiled at Sun Jie: "It's nothing, I'm just curious what you've been doing all this time. Did you do something else?"

Feng Qingwu and Shi Hongmin, two relatively innocent girls, naturally couldn't understand Zhang Tianhao's subtext.But Sun Jie is an old driver, so he understood it immediately.

"Tianhao, don't talk nonsense, we are very pure." Sun Jie protested to Zhang Tianhao.

"Hehehe, it's very pure, I believe."

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said, "Okay, let's find the next target."

Now that Shi Hongmin joined, Zhang Tianhao and others naturally regarded her as one of their own.Need to find a token for her too.

Suddenly, there was a huge noise in the woods ahead.It looks like someone is fighting.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and said to the people behind him: "You are waiting for me here, I will go and have a look."

After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he flew away.His body was like green smoke, and soon he came to a big tree, condescending.It was found that more than [-] warriors were besieging a black mantis.This black mantis has the strength equivalent to the peak of a human warrior emperor.And those fighters who besieged it were mostly junior Martial Emperors.

Originally, the orc race surpassed the same level of human fighters in terms of combat effectiveness.What's more, this black mantis is even stronger.Although it seems that those warriors are besieging it.But it's more like a one-sided massacre by the black mantis.

Those warriors were gradually afraid of being killed.The original dozens of warriors were reduced by a third.

"Okay, let me do it!"

Zhang Tianhao saw that the strength of the black mantis was not weak.Ready to start.He flew down, came in front of the black mantis in the blink of an eye, and slashed down with a single blow.

The black mantis was immediately beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Black Mantis. The experience value is 100 billion!" The system's prompt sounded.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the Bronze Token!"

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, glanced at those warriors, turned around and left.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao didn't dissect the black mantis, those warriors were overjoyed.One of the fighters with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes scolded with a smile: "This man is really stupid. He killed the black mantis and didn't even dissect it. The token in its body has killed us."

"Brother, maybe God is helping you."

All the younger brothers are flattering.

It's just that when these warriors dissected the black mantis, they didn't find the copper token.

"Why not?" The sly-eyed warrior was a little surprised.

"Brother, does it happen that this one doesn't exist?" A younger brother looked at the boss and asked.

"Impossible. Earlier I saw a weaker black mantis with this black mantis was killed, and it also had a copper token. Why didn't this one, which was stronger?" teeth.

"Then... Could it be that guy just took it away." The younger brother said with some uncertainty.

The bandit eyebrow warrior frowned, and said: "But I obviously didn't see him take the copper token, how could it be him?"

"Brother, not necessarily! Maybe he used some method that we don't know, otherwise why didn't he take the copper token after killing the black mantis. Brother, I don't believe he would be so kind to help us!" said the younger brother.

"Damn it, what you said is reasonable, it should be him who did it. Bastard, we have almost exhausted the Black Mantis after we killed so many brothers. But he came here to pick up a bargain. How can there be such a good thing. "

"Follow me, he can't go far." The thief eyebrow warrior gritted his teeth and ordered to the little brother beside him.

Zhang Tianhao did not go too far, and was overtaken immediately.

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the group of warriors who came up, raised his brows, and asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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