The strongest fury system

Chapter 1403 Killing the Red Flower Spider

Chapter 1403 Killing the Red Flower Spider

The red flower spider was angry, and endless black threads swept towards Zhang Tianhao's body.

These black threads were tied to Zhang Tianhao's body in the blink of an eye.

"Break it for me!"

The blood sword in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed fiercely on the black silk.

The Blood Sword in Zhang Tianhao's hand trembled slightly.Only two were cut off.

Zhang Tianhao's heart was a little dignified.This black silk is really tough.He knew exactly how strong his knife was.

But this knife did not cut off the spider silk.

At this time, Feng Qingwu, Shi Hongmin, Murong Xian'er and others also came.The three swords slashed fiercely on the shell of the red flower spider.

But the safflower spider's shell is extremely tough. These attacks were unable to cause much damage to the safflower spider, which surprised several people.


The safflower spider was angry.The long giant feet swept towards Murong Xian'er and the others.At the same time, an invisible black energy swept towards Murong Xian'er and the others.

This is poisonous gas?

Zhang Tianhao frowned, but several of them took the detoxification pill, and the poison of the red flower spider could not pose any great threat to them.

"Mysterious ice seal!"

Feng Qingwu roared angrily.The long sword in his hand slashed fiercely on the body of the red flower spider.

The safflower spider trembled.On the huge body, streaks of ice condensed.Soon, its whole body was frozen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Tianhao would naturally not miss it.

"The Ultimate Knife!"

Like a real knife, it erupted from Zhang Tianhao's blood god knife, and slashed towards the red flower spider.

"Boom!" sounded.

At this moment, the safflower spider could not dodge at all.He was stabbed by Zhang Tianhao firmly.Even the huge block of ice condensed on the red flower spider was cracked by Zhang Tianhao's slash at this moment.


With an incomparably serious expression, Murong Xian'er slashed at the red flower spider with a sword.

"Sacred Killing Sword of Heavenly Spirit!"

The surrounding temperature instantly increased by hundreds of degrees.Murong Xian'er's sword turned into a fire dragon with teeth and claws in the void, and rushed towards the red flower spider.

The red flower spider let out an angry roar, opened its mouth to spit out endless black threads, and went up to Murong Xian'er's sword,

Murong Xian'er's sword collided with the red flower spider's black thread in the void.The black silk of the safflower spider was instantly burned, and then the sword killed the safflower spider again.


The safflower spider was sent flying more than ten meters away again. The shell on its body was pitted, obviously it had suffered a great deal of damage.

At this moment, the safflower spider ran away.He frantically rushed towards Murong Xian'er.

The eight huge feet grabbed towards Murong Xian'er.The huge spider feet seemed to be death scythes, emitting a frightening black light.

"Break it for me!"

Murong Xian'er was fearless in the face of danger, and the long sword in her hand slashed out at the red flower spider.

The safflower spider had a ferocious look on its face. While its eight legs were attacking at the same time, black silk spewed out from its mouth.

Murong Xian'er was immediately bound by the red flower spider's black silk, unable to move.Seeing it, the red flower spider was about to pounce on Murong Xian'er.


Seeing that Murong Xian'er was in danger, Zhang Tianhao turned pale with fright.


Zhang Tianhao cast teleportation.In the next second, it appeared beside the red flower spider.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

"Boom!" There was a thunderous sound in the void.

With a lightning strike, he killed the red flower spider.

Murong Xian'er, who was originally frightened and pale, saw that she was about to die under the claws of the red flower spider, and suddenly, like a knife from a flying fairy, slashed and killed the red flower spider fiercely.

"Aw!" a cry.

The huge safflower spider was instantly thrown away by Zhang Tianhao's knife.The huge body hit a towering tree.

"Xuan Ji Slash!"

"Rain-covering Sword Slash!"

"Yuan Sha Shadowless Sword!"

Shi Hongmin, Sun Jie, and Feng Qingwu took advantage of the weakness of the safflower spider and flew towards it.All kinds of lore bombarded the body of the safflower spider, causing the safflower spider to be severely injured again.

Zhang Tianhao on the side could clearly see that the blood bar above the red flower spider's head was only two-thirds of the blood bar left.

But the safflower spider is still struggling at the moment.Struggling desperately.Endless poisonous mist sprayed out in all directions.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and thought to himself: This red flower spider is really desperate. It will die if it sprays poison like this.For some poisons, the poison is its life, so if the poison in the body is sprayed out, it will die.

Sure enough, Zhang Tianhao saw that the safflower spider kept spraying poison, and the blood bar on its head was also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.It's just a pity that the safflower spider didn't know it at all, and they weren't afraid of its venom at all.

"Don't worry about it, I'll see how long it will work!" Zhang Tianhao said firmly.

At this time, the safflower spider sprayed out the venom in its body.The body is also weak for a while.


"Break up the world!"

Zhang Tianhao used the God Slaying Saber technique.With one blow, he killed the red flower spider.

In the void, a terrifying saber energy erupted and fell towards the red flower spider.Wherever it passed, all matter was annihilated, and the saber energy rippled faintly in the void.


Zhang Tianhao's blood knife killed the red flower spider's body.

Zhang Tianhao could see the blood bar above the red flower spider's head drop straight to the bottom in an instant.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing the red flower spider! The experience value is 900 billion!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the Red Flower Spider Neidan!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting 100000 system mall points"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a big roulette draw!"

"Hey! You can explode things without using berserk, it seems that the level of this red flower spider is indeed not low!" Zhang Tianhao murmured.

But Zhang Tianhao was not too surprised, after all, the red flower spider is so hard to kill.This is indeed normal.

"Finally it's not easy to kill the safflower spider!" Sun Jie said happily.

Feng Qingwu, Murong Xian'er, Shi Hongmin and others also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Sun Jie and said with a playful smile: "Hehe, Sun Jie. It seems that someone had doubts about my wolf mouse just now, and they seem to want to make a bet with me, don't they?"

"Yeah, I can testify that this wretched guy lost." Murong Xian'er jumped out immediately.

Although Shi Hongmin and Feng Qingwu didn't help, they looked at Sun Jie with smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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