The strongest fury system

Chapter 1406 Mission Hall Conflict

Chapter 1406 Mission Hall Conflict

"Is there a time limit for your mission?" Zhang Tianhao couldn't help frowning.

"Not really. It's just a little unbelievable." Xiaoguang looked at Zhang Tianhao and the others and shook his head.

"Hehe, there is no time to complete the task, but I strongly suspect that you caught a random spider to pretend to be a red flower spider." Li Feixiong sneered.

"What are you talking about, who do you think we are?"

Sun Jie was a little dissatisfied with Li Feixiong's slander, and immediately threw out the eight long legs of the red flower spider he had collected.Throw it on the table.

Look at the bright red eight long legs.The disciples present were a little surprised.Some savvy disciples said: "It's really a safflower spider! I saw it last time when Team Thunder handed in the mission, and it's exactly the same as this one. These should be the eight long legs of the safflower spider. Oh, no, It just seems a lot bigger."

Although it was only the eight long legs of the safflower spider, because it had just died, those eight long legs exuded a terrifying coercion, which made people imagine how domineering it was before it was alive.

"That's right, it's the eight long legs of the safflower spider!"

Xiaoguang has also seen the safflower spider a few times, and said immediately.

"Slow down, hum, we need poison pills for this mission, right? What are you doing with the eight legs of the red flower spider? Who knows where you picked them up?" Li Feixiong said coldly.

"That's right, we need the poisonous pill of the red flower spider this time. If you don't have the poisonous pill, it still doesn't count as completing the task." Xiaoguang also looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

"What's the hurry? Did I say not to take the poison pill?"

With a wave of Zhang Tianhao's hand, he took out the poison pill.It's a black bead that looks about the size of a pineapple.

"Wow! It's really the poisonous pill of the safflower spider. It seems that the inner pills of other spirit beasts are pure white, only the inner pill of the red flower spider is special, and the poison pill is bigger than what I have seen before." Bian There is a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.

"Impossible, he must be making a fake. This is definitely not the inner alchemy of the safflower spider. How could the poisonous elixir of the safflower spider be so big." Li Feixiong's face changed.

Li Feixiong's words made the disciples around who were sure of him hesitate a little.After all, the size of Zhang Tianhao's poisonous pill is at least one-third larger than that of the previous red flower spider's poisonous pill, which is indeed very easy to attract suspicion.

Xiaoguang thought about it for a while, and said: "The appraiser from our mission hall is inside, I will ask him to appraise it and then I will know."

"Xiaoguang, please go and ask for an appraiser right away, so that they will have nowhere to hide." Li Feixiong looked at Xiaoguang and said.

"Please!" Zhang Tianhao looked very calm.

Xiaoguang turned around and went in.

"Boy, you should admit defeat immediately. When the appraiser comes, you will really have nothing to hide." Li Feixiong looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with a half-smile.

"Idiot!" Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Feixiong and shook his head.

"What did you say? Who are you calling an idiot?" Li Feixiong was stunned by Zhang Tianhao's arrogance.

"I'll call anyone an idiot!" Zhang Tianhao said coldly.

"You..." Li Feixiong was driven mad by Zhang Tianhao.

In the inner sect of Xiaoyao Sect, Li Feixiong still has some status, few disciples dare to talk to him like that, let alone a new disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.

"Zhang Tianhao, you will regret offending me, Li Feixiong." Li Feixiong looked at Zhang Tianhao and gritted his teeth.

"I'll wait and see." Zhang Tianhao glanced at Li Feixiong.

Soon, Xiaoguang came with the appraiser.

"It's this poison pill."

Xiaoguang picked up the poison pill that Zhang Tianhao gave him just now and said respectfully to the appraiser.

The appraiser is a man in his 30s with a goatee and wise eyes.

"Well, this is indeed the poisonous elixir of the safflower spider, and it is not an ordinary safflower spider. It should be a safflower spider at the peak of the mid-level spirit beast. It is a safflower spider that is about to transform into a high-level spirit beast." said the appraiser.

"Ah, really?" Xiaoguang was a little surprised.

"Of course, it can be seen from the size of this poisonous pill. The demonic aura on it is extremely strong, and some places have turned from black to white, showing a star shape. All this shows that this is an animal that is about to evolve into A safflower spider of a high-level spirit beast." The appraiser said firmly.

"How is it possible, how is it must have made a mistake." Li Feixiong couldn't believe it.

"What, you dare to doubt my vision?"

The appraiser was angry.A sharp breath emanated from his body.It is the aura of the peak emperor.

Li Feixiong suffocated his breath, and quickly said: "Disciple dare not!"

The appraiser of the mission hall is higher than the deacon of the Xiaoyao Sect, so Li Feixiong naturally dare not offend.


The appraiser cast a cold glance at Li Feixiong, turned around and walked into the inner hall.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao's eyes fell on Li Feixiong, and he said coldly to him: "Li Feixiong, don't forget our previous bet."

Li Feixiong's expression changed, seeing Zhang Tianhao said coldly: "What are you talking about, why don't I know what you mean!"

The surrounding disciples looked at Li Feixiong with contempt.This guy, why is he so shameless, he doesn't count his words.

"It's okay for you not to keep your promise, but you have to kowtow to me three times, and I'll let you go if you call Grandpa three more times..." Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Feixiong and said.

Li Feixiong's expression changed, and he said, "What did you say?"

"Leave my words here, I still need to do it myself." Zhang Tianhao said to Li Feixiong.

Li Feixiong looked at Zhang Tianhao and gritted his teeth: "Zhang Tianhao, don't go too far."

"How about I go too far? You have been provoking me from the beginning to the end. You have wronged me here just now. Today, I, Zhang Tianhao, will let you know that clay figurines also have three parts earthy nature."

While talking, Zhang Tianhao thought about Li Feixiong forcing him away.

"Damn it, get out of here."

Li Feixiong punched Zhang Tianhao.

This punch.Destroyed.Roll up violent air waves.

"Explosive punch!"

Zhang Tianhao, who was a little annoyed, was not polite anymore.The blasting punch went out.With this punch, Zhang Tianhao used [-]% of his strength in anger.

Li Feixiong didn't expect Zhang Tianhao to be ruthless from the very beginning.

"Boom!" sounded.

The two forces collided together in the void.

Li Feixiong snorted.The whole person couldn't help but took a few steps back.He looked a little pale and extremely depressed.

"Wow!" Li Feixiong couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Li Feixiong was actually defeated?"

"It's too exaggerated, this is Li Feixiong! A rare ruthless character in the inner sect!"

"Yeah, how is it possible?"

The disciples around were extremely astonished.


At this moment, outside the mission hall, more than a dozen disciples wearing special costumes walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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