Chapter 1410
"Don't worry! I'll be fine." Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi.

Zhang Xixi still looked at Zhang Tianhao worriedly.

"My lord, we're fine, don't go." Song Sitian also looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "I don't like to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of trouble. If I don't show him how powerful I am, I think anyone can shit and pee in front of me. How can I do that?"

Song Sitian and Zhang Xixi looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling helpless, and stopped persuading them.They all understood that Zhang Tianhao's decision would not be easily changed.So it can only be so.

Zhang Tianhao took out two pills and handed them to Zhang Xixi and Song Sitian, saying: "This is Bi Ling Pill, take it and you will recover soon."


Zhang Xixi and Song Sitian took Zhang Tianhao's Bi Ling Pill.

The news that Zhang Tianhao was going to challenge Li Su on the stage of life and death spread like the wind throughout Xiaoyaozong.

"How is that possible? That's Li Su, who ranks No. 90 among inner disciples... Who is that Zhang Tianhao?"

"Hehe, this kid is not an ordinary person. It is said that he is ranked No. 70 in the Sanye Continent Talent List!"

"Sanyezhou Tianjiao List, are you kidding me? I dare not say it in the top ten of Sanyezhou Tianjiao List, and the others are all in vain. There are many disciples in our inner courtyard who can easily enter the list."

There was a lot of discussion about the battle between Zhang Tianhao and Li Su.Maybe it's because Xiaoyaozong hasn't been so lively for a long time.Countless disciples flocked to the stage of life and death.

Life and death platform, life and death conceited.As long as you are on the stage of life and death, you will not be restricted by any rules.Even Xiaoyaozong has no right to interfere.

Feng Qingwu, Sun Jie, Murong Xian'er, Shi Hongmin and others all rushed over.

"Boss, you're really awesome. It's only been so long since you came to Xiaoyaozong, and you've made such a big commotion." Sun Jie said sincerely.

"I heard the discussion around me, this Li Su might not be easy to get along with." Feng Qingwu said.

"Well, this Li Su, ranked No.90 among the inner disciples, is also a ruthless character. Few people in the inner sect dare to offend him. I just don't know how Brother Tianhao offended Li Su." Murong Xian'er frowned involuntarily.

Feng Qingwu said seriously: "Based on what I know about Tianhao, he is definitely not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble."

A figure swept up the stage of life and death.Mixed exudes a terrible murderous aura.It was Li Su.

"Li Su!"

Li Su stood on the stage of life and death.The whole body exudes a terrible murderous aura.

"Li Su is here, and I saw that Zhang Tianhao was unlucky once. He didn't know how he died after messing with Li Su, and he even got on the stage of life and death. Now, no one can save him."

"Oh, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

"Who is it? My brother Tianhao is the strongest, but he doesn't necessarily lose." Murong Xian'er pursed her mouth very dissatisfied.

At this time, another voice came from a distance, the speed was extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning, it appeared on the stage of life and death in the blink of an eye.

"It's Brother Tianhao!" Murong Xian'er jumped up for joy.

A strange color also flashed in Feng Qingwu's eyes.

"Boss, I support you. In my heart, you are the strongest." Sun Jie's expression was very firm.

This person is Zhang Tianhao, who faces Li Su far away.

"Do you have any last words?" Li Su held the Lieyang Saber and looked at Zhang Tianhao with a cold voice.

Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly, and said to Li Su: "I'd better give you this opportunity to say my last words!"

"Arrogance, you die for me!"

Li Su slashed at Zhang Tianhao with a knife, and the force of the knife was heavy, instantly sucking out all the air within a radius of ten meters.

Zhang Tianhao felt a mountainous pressure lock on him.With a cold snort, he said, "Piercing Heart Shattering Fist!"

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The two forces collided together in the void.

Zhang Tianhao was knocked back three steps by a huge force.


Li Su's body turned into a cloud of faint green smoke, and he swept towards Zhang Tianhao, and once again slashed down with a single knife, the heavy shadows of the knife locked Zhang Tianhao's whole body.


Zhang Tianhao's long knife was also out of its sheath.

The Blood God Saber slashed at Li Su.

"Choke choke!"

Zhang Tianhao and Li Su fought fiercely with hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye.The two sides killed inextricably.


Zhang Tianhao and Li Su matched each other's moves, and each took three or four steps back.

"Interesting! It was just a warm-up, now you deserve my serious attention." Li Su looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Su with some disdain and said, "Unfortunately, what happened just now wasn't even a warm-up for me."

"Damn it, you dare to entertain me! I will kill you today!"

Li Su looked at Zhang Tianhao's arrogance, and shouted angrily: "Lie Yan Thirteen Knives!"

The Lieyang knife in Li Su's hand slashed thirteen times in the void in an instant.The surrounding temperature exploded by hundreds of degrees in an instant.Endless heat waves swept towards Zhang Tianhao's location.

"What a terrifying sword technique! It's definitely a middle-grade holy sword technique." Zhang Tianhao thought while staring.

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"Infatuation knife!"

"Ruthless knife!"

"The Heartless Knife!"

The sharp knife shadow slashed down on Li Su's body.

The sword light collided, and a boundless air wave burst out.The surrounding void was cut down by two sharp blade lights, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Zhang Tianhao felt the waves of heat coming, making him almost suffocate.It was as if he was in a ball of fire.And the true energy in his body was working harder and harder under this heat wave.

"What a weird kung fu, no, it must be done quickly." Zhang Tianhao thought to himself.


Zhang Tianhao disappeared in place.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly disappeared from Li Su's eyes, which surprised him.In the next second, Zhang Tianhao appeared behind Li Su.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

A muffled thunder god sounded out of nowhere.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tianhao slashed behind Li Su.

Li Su's reaction was still quick, and the knife in his hand was blocked in front of him.But under Zhang Tianhao's ready attack, his actions are completely useless.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

Zhang Tianhao's Blood God Saber shook Li Su's knife away.Immediately afterwards, his blood sword slashed at Li Su's body.

"Do not……"

Li Su smiled crazily, and the protective gas mask on his body stood up.

But under Zhang Tianhao's sharp knife, Li Su's protective air shield was torn apart instantly like paper.

"Ah!" A scream sounded.

Li Su flew back upside down like a kite with a broken string.He fell to the ground and vomited blood.


Now that he is on the stage of life and death, Zhang Tianhao will naturally not hold back his hand again.The whole person chased towards Li Su's place like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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