The strongest fury system

Chapter 1415 Inner Sect Elder

Chapter 1415 Inner Sect Elder

Under the Light Tower
At this moment, there are more and more warriors watching the battle.

Now Zhang Tianhao has reached the No.19 floor.One more floor is twenty floors.And there is still a third of the incense.In other words, there is still plenty of time.

At this moment, the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was no longer as sure as before.If he loses, not only will he not be able to get the 1000 million crystals, but he will also eat dirt.

As for cheating, he dare not!Because among those few people, there is Fairy Xueyi.Xue Yi is now, among the inner disciples, there is no one who can offend him.If you offend Fairy Xueyi, you don't need to go to Fairy Liu, the master alone. The flower protection team alone can kill him in minutes.Now he regrets a little, why he couldn't help jumping out when he heard Sun Jie's shameless words before, otherwise, there is no need to be so entangled now.

"No, I haven't lost yet. I'm only on the nineteenth floor. He might not be able to reach the twenty-first floor. What are you worried about?"

Thinking of this, the young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks couldn't help but calm down a lot.

Just as the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks thought about it!Suddenly, a martial artist beside him trembled.

"What happened?"

Feng Qingwu, Sun Jie and the others were still in astonishment.But I heard Murong Xian'er beside me happily pointing to the No. 20th floor of the Bright Tower and saying: "Look, the [-]th floor is lit up. Brother Tianhao has entered the [-]th floor."

"Young master is really amazing, I admire you the most." Song Sitian said happily.

Zhang Xixi shook her head and said, "This guy can always do such unexpected things. He's just a freak."

Sun Jie said with deep approval: "That's right, the boss is a freak, there is nothing he can't do. Sigh, after staying with the boss for a long time, I feel that I am not normal."

When the words fell, Sun Jie suddenly remembered something, looked at the young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and said to him: "Hey, it seems that you are the guy who wanted to bet with me just now, do you regret it now?"

The young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at the No. 20th floor of the Bright Tower with some surprise.Muttering: "How is it possible, how is it possible."

"Hmph, so what if you reached the No. 20th floor, but he hasn't passed the No. 20th floor. I'm not considered a loser." The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked young man said with some disdain.

"Hehe, is that right, you are really stubborn, you will soon know that you will lose completely." Sun Jie's confidence in Zhang Tianhao is getting stronger and stronger at this moment.

"Really? Let's wait and see." The young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was still talking hard.

In fact, when he said this sentence, he had no confidence.Sun Jie naturally saw it too.But he didn't tell the truth.

At this moment, the warriors watching under the Bright Tower are also talking about it.At this moment, their disdain for Zhang Tianhao has long since changed to their admiration now.Although Zhang Tianhao is just a junior to many of them.But in Zhenwu Continent, there is no priority in learning, and those who have mastered come first.

"Do you think he can pass the No.20 floor?"

"It should be no problem! After all, he has passed the nineteenth floor, so it is unlikely that he will be stuck on the No. 20th floor, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. No. 20th is a big node. I've heard a brother say it. The difficulty of No. 20th floor is more than ten times that of [-]th floor."

There was a lot of discussion around, discussing whether Zhang Tianhao could pass the No.20 floor.However, judging from the discussion, the vast majority of Xiaoyaozong disciples still think that Zhang Tianhao cannot pass the No.20 floor.No wonder.Every ten floors of the Guangming Pagoda of Xiaoyaozong, the difficulty will become very high.Of course, if you can pass, there will also be great rewards, so many warriors will be stuck on the tenth floor, No. 20 floor.

Li Feixiong was also standing in the crowd. Originally, he came to enter the Bright Tower today.There have been too many depressing things recently, which made his heart extremely angry.In desperate need of a place to vent.This Guangming Tower is a very suitable place.It's just that after coming here, he found that many Xiaoyaozong disciples did not go to the Bright Tower, but stood below, looking at something, which aroused his curiosity.

But when Li Feixiong asked about the situation, it made him extremely upset.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that he is so powerful and has broken into the No.20 floor." Li Feixiong had an extremely ferocious expression when he heard this.

Li Feixiong was naturally upset. He only broke through to the No.15 floor, but compared with Zhang Tianhao's result, the gap is still too big.

in the clouds

The two old men are also attracted at this moment. If there are old disciples from the inner sect of the Xiaoyao Sect, they will be shocked when they see these two old men. These two old men are the first and second elders of the inner sect of the Xiaoyao Sect. .The cultivation base of the Divine Sovereign Realm.Especially since this place is a branch of the Xiaoyao Sect, these two old men can be said to be full of promises when they talk here.

"Tell me, can this kid enter the No.20 floor?" the Great Elder asked calmly.

"This possibility is not very high. The difficulty of the No. 20th floor is more than ten times that of the No. 19th floor. That kid didn't even do it ten years ago." The second elder shook his head.

"Hehe. Don't always look at people with old eyes. The kid's record ten years ago has long been broken. The first time he broke into the Bright Tower, he only reached the No.17 floor. This kid has reached the No. 20 floor now." No.[-] floor. If you doubt the old man's vision, how about we make a bet?" the Great Elder asked with a smile.

Hearing the bet, the second elder's body trembled. Every time he made a bet, he suffered a huge loss from this old fellow.

"What do you see in me again, old man?" The Second Elder looked at the First Elder with some displeasure and asked.

The first elder smiled and looked at the second elder who looked at him like a thief and said, "If you lose, how about giving me a bottle of your five-flower brew?"

"Go, you old guy, you've taken a fancy to my five-flower brew. I said why do you have such wretched eyes, old guy. No... Absolutely not, this five-flower brew cost me a billion low-grade crystals The stone was auctioned off. I have been reluctant to drink it for so many years!" The second elder quickly refused.

"Tch, after talking so much, you old boy is not afraid of losing." The elder said very proudly.

"Who said I'm afraid of losing, this kid can't enter the No.20 floor no matter what this time." The second elder was most afraid of being provoked.At this moment, the fire started, and it entered the hub again.

"Hahaha, do you dare to gamble? If you don't dare to gamble, don't shout nonsense, it's useless." The Great Elder said with a smile.

"Just bet, whoever is afraid of whom, just bet on your flame marrow? My apprentice just needs your flame marrow to break through the realm of profound truth." The second elder rolled his eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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