The strongest fury system

Chapter 1418 Pig 8 Ring Summoning Card?

Chapter 1418 Pig Bajie Summoning Card
The scene of Zhang Tianhao hugging Murong Xian'er was noticed by Li Feixiong. He sneered and said, "Zhang Tianhao, Zhengchou has no way to deal with you. Now I finally thought of a way. I'm afraid you don't know. This girl doesn't just move around."

Li Feixiong turned around and left.

Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that someone was planning to deal with him, but he felt a murderous aura behind him locked on to him, turned around and found that it was Feng Qingwu.Pushing Murong Xian'er away resentfully, he asked, "Xian'er, are you more excited than my brother?"

Murong Xian'er nodded and said, "Of course, Brother Tianhao, you are the best."

Feng Qingwu, Shi Hongmin, Song Sitian, Sun Jie, Zhang Xixi and others all surrounded her with excited expressions.After all, Zhang Tianhao broke the record this time.And this is the record of the Xiaoyao Sect, how can it be taken lightly.

The Great Elder on the cloud had a good impression of Zhang Tianhao at the moment, breaking the record of the Bright Tower was enough for him to remember Zhang Tianhao, not to mention that Zhang Tianhao helped him win the long-coveted Five Flower Brew.

However, Zhang Tianhao is a new disciple now, so he shouldn't meet him too early, the elder feels that this is not good for Zhang Tianhao's growth.New disciples must sharpen and sharpen well.

"Brother Tianhao, can you tell me how you broke into the Bright Tower and what you encountered. Xianer, I also broke through the Bright Tower, the first time I only broke into the No.12 floor. Compared with Brother Tianhao, it is worse It's too far away." Murong Xian'er said in frustration.

Feng Qingwu smiled slightly and said, "Xian'er, why do you want to compare yourself with this freak? It's just asking for trouble."

Murong Xian'er grew up and smiled and said: "Hehe, that's right, Xian'er will not compare with Brother Tianhao in the future."

Next, Zhang Tianhao narrated the opponents he encountered when he entered the Bright Tower, especially the red-haired warrior he met at the end.

From Zhang Tianhao's point of view, the last Red Flower Warrior is definitely much more terrifying than all the previous opponents combined.If it wasn't for the first time for me to break through the level, the difficulty has been weakened, maybe I may not be able to pass the No.20 floor.Zhang Tianhao felt that the red-haired warrior was suppressed.Otherwise, he is definitely not an opponent.

"Wow, that red-haired warrior is so powerful, even brother Tianhao is no match?" Murong Xian'er was a little surprised.

"That's right, who is that red-haired warrior, who even suffers from the boss?" Sun Jie was also very curious.

Zhang Tianhao was also thinking about this question, he shook his head and sighed and said, "I don't know, I just have a hunch that he and I will meet again in the near future."

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, in the secret room of a certain main hall of the main sect of Xiaoyao Sect

A red-haired warrior meditated cross-legged. Suddenly, he opened his eyes.There was a meaningful smile on his face.He murmured: "I am a little interesting boy, I hope to have the opportunity to meet in the future. Well, there must be this opportunity."

After Zhang Tianhao separated from Feng Qingwu, Murong Xian'er and others, he returned to his residence.

"It took me a lot of effort to get this blood moon sacred fruit. I don't know how much blood it can awaken. I hope this time, it can awaken my blood to the extreme." Zhang Tianhao murmured language.

Zhang Tianhao didn't know what would happen if his blood was awakened to the extreme.He is also looking forward to it.It's just that he can't guarantee that a blood moon holy fruit can completely awaken his blood.After all, the later the bloodline awakens, the more difficult it will be.

However, this holy blood moon fruit is also Zhang Tianhao's hope.

Just when Zhang Tianhao was about to swallow the holy blood moon fruit.

"Ding dong! Remind Zhang Tianhao that the A-level treasure chest is about to expire. If you don't open it, it will become invalid..." The system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

Um, a grade A treasure chest.

Only then did Zhang Tianhao remember that he had taken over the system's A-level task before.Become an inner disciple of Xiaoyaozong.Now that I have entered the inner sect of Xiaoyaozong, I have naturally completed the task.

"Hmm! I don't know what can be opened in the A-level box this time?"

The level of the A-level treasure chest is not too bad, and Zhang Tianhao is also looking forward to what good things can be opened.

"Ding dong, I found the A-level box, is it open?" The system's prompt sounded.

"Open!" Zhang Tianhao said silently in his heart.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a lucky draw for a mythical character card." The system's notification sounded.

"Well, it turned out to be a lottery draw?"

Zhang Tianhao was also a little surprised.But since it is a mythical character card lottery, all the characters in the mythical character can be drawn.

Zhang Tianhao was also a little excited!Because if you are lucky, it is not impossible to get Yuanshi Tianzun, Tathagata Buddha, Taishang Laojun and so on!Of course, this requires Zhang Tianhao to fight for character and so on.

"Ding dong! Is the player starting the card draw?" The system's prompt sounded.

"Start!" Zhang Tianhao said silently in his heart.

Soon, a huge roulette appeared in front of Zhang Tianhao's eyes.There are various characters on it.The names of great gods flashed across the roulette.What Erlang God Yang Jian, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, and Tongtian Sect Master are all on it.

It's so awesome, I definitely want to get these awesome masters.If you get it, you will be developed.

As the roulette began to spin.Zhang Tianhao's breathing became rapid.

"Stop!" Zhang Tianhao said silently.

Immediately afterwards, the pointer also began to stop slowly.Zhang Tianhao looked around.It was found that the pointer stopped on a name.

"Damn it, how could it be him?" Zhang Tianhao was a little confused at the moment.

What Zhang Tianhao drew this time turned out to be Zhu Bajie?

Among the three apprentices of Tang Seng in Journey to the West, this Zhu Bajie is completely ridiculous.On the way to learn Buddhist scriptures in the West, if something goes wrong, they are ready to break up.And it's delicious and lazy, just such a guy was actually drawn by himself.Zhang Tianhao felt 1 grass|mud horses galloping past his eyes.

"System, come out, I promise I won't beat you to death." Zhang Tianhao couldn't help scolding his mother.

"Host, are you not satisfied with this lottery draw?" The system finally spoke.

"System, what Jin Zha Mu Zha did you let me get? I also recognize the soy saucers. Why did you let me get Zhu Bajie? Isn't this a scam?" Zhang Tianhao said very upset.

"The host is wrong if he thinks this way, in fact, the host's luck is not bad!" the system said.

"Damn it, system, do you think I'm such a fool as a three-year-old kid?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

"Host, think about it, how long did Zhu Bajie fight Sun Wukong for the first time in Gaolaozhuang?" the system asked.

Zhang Tianhao had read Journey to the West novels.Blunted: "One day and one night!"

"Yes, one day and one night, the host thinks that Zhu Bajie, who can compete with Monkey King for one day and one night, is really weak?" the system asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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