The strongest fury system

Chapter 1425 Corpse Dan in hand

Chapter 1425 Corpse Dan in hand
Next, Ximen Feishuang and Zhang Tianhao began to cooperate sincerely.Zhang Tianhao watched as Ximen Feishuang took out a roulette.

"What is this?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Ximen Feishuang curiously.

Ximen Feishuang proudly said to Zhang Tianhao: "This is the corpse aura plate, you can use it to accurately find the poisonous corpse, this corpse aura plate can capture the corpse aura from the poisonous corpse."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and then he was relieved.Why didn't I find the poisonous corpse after searching for a long time, but Ximen Feishuang found it so easily.

Zhang Tianhao and Ximen Feishuang went deep into the swamp.After all, there is a baleful aura disk, but it also needs the corpse aura disk to sense the corpse aura of the poisonous corpse in order to capture it.

"What is the sensing range of your corpse aura?" Zhang Tianhao asked Ximen Feishuang curiously.

"About 3000 meters?" Ximen Feishuang frowned.

Zhang Tianhao frowned slightly, the distance wasn't too far, but it wasn't too close either.It's okay.

"Hey, there is a reaction."

Ximen Feishuang embraced Zhang Tianhao's arm excitedly, her little face flushed.Zhang Tianhao felt that his arm touched two soft things again.Very elastic!

This girl looks so thin, but I didn't expect her to be so attractive, she's really unbelievable!
Zhang Tianhao didn't think so much, and approached Ximen Feishuang's corpse aura plate.Watching the pointer above tremble, finally pointing to the northwest.

"300 meters to the northwest." Ximen Feishuang said to Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao said immediately.

Zhang Tianhao and Ximen Feishuang immediately headed towards the northwest.Soon, eleven figures were seen standing there.Of course, they were said to be human figures, but they were actually eleven poisonous corpses.

"Yes, it's right there. What about Tianhao? There are so many?"

Ximen Feishuang knew how powerful these poisonous corpses were, they were invulnerable and very difficult to deal with.Normal attacks are ineffective against these zombies.

Zhang Tianhao said to Ximen Feishuang: "Look at mine!"

"Alas!" Ximen Feishuang muttered.

However, Ximen Feishuang still had some trust in Zhang Tianhao.After all, he was besieged by three poisonous corpses first, and was finally dealt with by Zhang Tianhao.

"These poisonous corpses can be easily dealt with as long as their gas masks are broken." Zhang Tianhao smiled at Ximen Feishuang.

Ximen Feishuang smiled and said, "Hehe, I know about the air-breaking mask. But the question is how to break it?"

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "Since my young master has said it out, there must be a way, just watch!"

Zhang Tianhao used the Thunder Profound Truth.


There was a thunderous explosion out of thin air.Hundreds of lightning bolts fell from the void.Although those poisonous corpses are somewhat intelligent.But it never occurred to anyone to attack suddenly.One by one had no time to escape.He was bombarded by these thunder swords.

The eight poisonous corpses were wiped out on the spot by Zhang Tianhao's Thunder Sword.The defenses of the remaining three poisonous corpses were also broken, and their auras were extremely weak.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing eight poisonous corpses, with an experience value of 800 billion!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao Corpse Pill 8"

Zhang Tianhao clapped his hands and said to Ximen Feishuang: "You can do it now, these guys are not difficult to deal with now."

"Really?" Ximen Feishuang's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Is there any money to lie to you?" Zhang Tianhao glared at Ximen Feishuang.


Ximen Feishuang was bullied by those poisonous corpses before, and now he finally found a chance to vent his anger.He drew his sword and rushed forward.


Ximen Feishuang's sword slashed out like lightning.The remaining three poisonous corpses were extremely weak at this moment.There was no way to avoid Ximen Feishuang's three swords.Instantly beheaded.

"Tianhao, our previous agreement was ninety-one points. But now there are eleven poisonous corpses, how do you want to divide them?"

Ximen Feishuang was very excited to kill eight poisonous corpses in an instant.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly and said, "Not bad, since there are eleven, I'll give you the extra one!"

"Really?" Ximen Feishuang was very excited.

Need to know, one more, that's 20 contribution points!Plus the original share, that is [-] contribution points.

Although Zhang Tianhao gave up one more corpse pill, he got four corpse pills before, plus the nine here.That is thirteen.Converted into contribution points.That's 130 million contribution points.Not less.Zhang Tianhao was also very satisfied.

"Okay, let's go, this body protection pill can only be used for twelve hours, if it exceeds twelve hours, it won't work." Zhang Tianhao said to Ximen Feishuang.

Ximen Feishuang was deeply hurt by it before, so he was still very afraid of this evil spirit.Therefore, he followed Zhang Tianhao and left the Swamp of Desperation.

Outside the Deadly Swamp, Xiaofu's car was still waiting there.It was only a day after seeing Zhang Tianhao came back, he hurried up to greet Zhang Tianhao, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Young master Zhang, are you finally out?"

Seeing that Xiaofu was still waiting here, Zhang Tianhao was also very satisfied, and said to him, "You didn't leave?"

Xiaofu respectfully said to Zhang Tianhao: "I still remember what you said, wait for you for three days."

"it is good!"

Zhang Tianhao said to Ximen Feishuang: "Let's get in the car!"

In the car, both Xiaolong and Xiaohe jumped out.

"Wow! So cute!"

Ximen Feishuang saw little stars in his eyes when he saw the fluffy and cute Xiao Hei.He wrapped Xiao Hei in his arms at once.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Hei's head rubbing against Ximen Feishuang's pair of peaks that were at least 36C.Those who are envious are about to breathe fire.Especially Xiao Hei, who seemed to enjoy it very much.

"Zhang Tianhao, where did you pick up the pet, how about I buy it with you! Give it to me!" Ximen Feishuang smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

"Not for sale!" Zhang Tianhao said flatly.

Xiaolong was also very depressed, seeing Xiao Hei rubbing his head against the peaks of the beautiful woman while showing off to himself, he also vomited blood angrily.

"show off!"

Xiaolong also began to show off his cuteness in front of Ximen Feishuang, and also wanted to be treated like Xiaohei.But the beauty has no love for the little snake.Moreover, ordinary girls still have a natural fear of snakes, so it's not bad that they didn't drive Xiao Hei out of the car.

"I don't have any appreciation for beauty. What's so good about that black carbon head." Xiaolong was very disdainful.


Zhang Tianhao was sitting in the car.Suddenly, the deer cart stopped abruptly in mid-air.

"What's going on?" Zhang Tianhao frowned and asked.

"Guest officer, there are people blocking the front. It seems that they are coming for you." Xiao Fu's voice said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes and jumped out of the carriage.Looking at a dozen warriors in the Emperor Senior Realm standing in the air in front of them, their bodies exuded a murderous aura.

"Who are you, and what do you mean by stopping them halfway?" Zhang Tianhao asked expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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