The strongest fury system

Chapter 1428 Escape

Chapter 1428 Escape
"Block me!"

At this critical moment, Zhang Tianhao swung his saber out in a terrible way.In order to block Li Xinjie's sword.

But how can Zhang Tianhao's knife compare with the opponent's prepared blow.


Zhang Tianhao suddenly felt his jaw go numb, and the long knife in his hand was swung away.Although it has dispelled [-]% of the opponent's power.But the remaining [-]% of the power still hit him like a broken bamboo.

"Golden wall battle body!"

At the most critical moment, Zhang Tianhao propped up the golden wall.Blocked in front of himself.

"Bang!" A sound.

Li Xinjie's sword pierced Zhang Tianhao's body fiercely.Jinbi battle body held up for a breath before being broken through by that huge force.The power of the huge shock.His whole body was thrown out.


Zhang Tianhao fell to the ground with an extremely sluggish expression.

"Zhang Tianhao, you will definitely die today." Li Xinjie looked at Zhang Tianhao with an extremely happy expression.

"Damn it, if the old man doesn't show his power, do you still think I'm a sick cat?"

"Blade of Darkness!"

Just when Li Xinjie was getting carried away with complacency.A void crack appeared behind her.A black knife light slashed towards her.

This time the attack was really extremely secretive, Li Xinjie didn't even react at all.

But Li Xinjie's reaction also reached the extreme.Her figure swayed rapidly.

It's just that although Li Xinjie's reaction was quick, the blade of darkness came even faster.

"Eh..." This knife made Li Xinjie grunt, and was thrown flying.On the delicate body, blood was dripping.

"The blood of Xingtian, the ancient god of war, is activated!"

Zhang Tianhao felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.The aura on his body instantly became hundreds of times stronger.

Because of the blood moon sacred fruit, Zhang Tianhao's blood vessels in his whole body are now [-]% awakened, which can be said to be extremely powerful.Much stronger than before.

"Xing Tianzhang!"

Zhang Tianhao slapped Li Xinjie's body with his palm.This palm covered the sky and the sun, and wherever the huge palm shadow passed, there were flying sand and rocks, and dark clouds covered the top.

"Break it for me!"

Li Xinjie stabbed hastily with a sword.

Although it was just a hasty thrust of the sword, Li Xinjie is now half-step martial god.This sword still blocked [-]% of Xing Tian Zhang's power.


Xing Tianzhang, which had dimmed by seven points, still covered Li Xinjie's body.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The ground around Li Xinjie instantly collapsed by one meter.


Li Xinjie let out a muffled snort, flew hundreds of meters away, and barely stood still, but this palm had already hurt her.


Li Xinjie couldn't bear it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Tianhao took out the Pangu axe, and watched Li Xinjie, who was already seriously injured, strike down with the axe.


The huge ax slashed towards Li Xinjie's body like a mountain.

"Xuanbing Kill!"

Li Xinjie suppressed the injuries in her body forcefully, and stabbed Zhang Tianhao with a sword. Wherever the sword passed, the void was frozen.

Seeing that Li Xinjie could still easily catch his axe, Zhang Tianhao's heart sank slightly.He thought to himself: Sure enough, he is a top-ranked strongman in the inner sect. After suffering such a serious injury, he is still difficult to deal with.

But this even aroused Zhang Tianhao's murderous intent.Damn, it's so hard to deal with now.Wouldn't it be more dangerous if he didn't take advantage of this time to kill her and hide in the dark to deal with him later.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew the truth that danger must be nipped in the bud.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and stomped his feet on the ground.

"Gravity Abyss!"

"Boom!" sounded.

Under Li Xinjie's feet, suddenly burst out an abyss hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide.The invisible suction force acted on Li Xinjie's body from the gravity abyss.

What kind of power is this?Li Xinjie was secretly shocked.

"No... I won't be defeated by this kid, how could I be defeated by him, I must kill him." Li Xinjie vibrated vigorously, trying to get rid of the threat of this force.

But how could Zhang Tianhao give Li Xinjie a chance to get rid of his power.

"Great Whirlwind!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.The huge ax in his hand slashed out fiercely, and hundreds of ax shadows, like raindrops, slashed towards Li Xinjie's body.

"Break it for me!"

Even though she was seriously injured, at this moment Li Xinjie still summoned up her might and formed a sword net in front of her, hoping to block Zhang Tianhao's attack.

Endless shadows of axes slashed at Li Xinjie's body.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" violent explosions sounded.


After Li Xinjie received hundreds of ax shadow attacks, the sword net was finally destroyed by the power of Pan Gu axe.


Li Xinjie let out a scream.The whole person was sent flying hundreds of meters away.After breaking a dozen towering trees, they fell to the ground.

Compared with the calm and calm appearance when she came here, Li Xinjie at this moment is already in a mess, and her whole body is extremely sluggish.

Li Xinjie staggered and stood up.Looking at Zhang Tianhao in front of him, just about to say something, he couldn't help but feel a sweetness in his throat, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Li Xinjie, who are we going to die this time?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Xinjie with a half-smile.

Li Xinjie stared at Zhang Tianhao fiercely, wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

"What last words do you have?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Xinjie.

" dare to kill me?" Li Xinjie felt the boundless killing intent on Zhang Tianhao.

"Murderers, people will always kill them. Isn't it too naive to ask this sentence from your mouth?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Xinjie and asked disdainfully.

Li Xinjie suddenly took out a talisman and crushed second.Her body was wrapped in a golden light and disappeared in place.

"Is this the Earth Escape Talisman?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

Although he had been guarding against Li Xinjie's escape for a long time, because he also knew that at Li Xinjie's level, it was impossible for him to have some means of saving his life, but he didn't want to catch him by surprise.

By the way, although she has an earth escape talisman.But I have also used this kind of thing.This Earth Escape Talisman cannot allow her to escape too far.I still have a chance of finding her.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Long, it's time for you to do something."

Zhang Tianhao released Xiao Hei and Xiao Long.

"Boss, do you want us to find that woman just now?" Xiao Hei asked Zhang Tianhao.

"That's right, you should remember her breath, right? Find her for me. The reward is three roast chickens." Zhang Tianhao said to Xiao Hei and Xiao Long.

"no problem!"

As soon as they heard that there was roast chicken to eat, the two beasts seemed to have been bloodied.

(End of this chapter)

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