The strongest fury system

Chapter 1445 Curse Elimination

Chapter 1445 Curse Elimination
At this moment, Zhang Tianhao looked at Naga Coconut's expression, as if he was watching a tease.Stepping forward, he punched Kayako's head.

Jiaye let out a heart-piercing scream, turning into black skeleton shadows and rushing towards Zhang Tianhao.

A look of disdain appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.


The Blood God Saber in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed out at an extremely fast speed, catching up to those skeleton shadows in the blink of an eye.

All those skeleton shadows were beheaded.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, you have obtained Dark Matter 1" the system's prompt sounded.

A satisfied smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.

"Sir, then... what about that ghost?" Yui Ikuno pointed at the ghost that appeared just now, and looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked with some trepidation.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Ikuno Yui, who was still terrified, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll kill her."

Zhang Tianhao released his spiritual sense and searched for Toshio Saeki's whereabouts.His spiritual sense was released like a spider web, and finally his spiritual sense searched for something.

It was the little boy hiding in the dark.

"Toshio Saeki?"

Zhang Tianhao came to a place and grabbed the ground like lightning.Then, in the shock of Ikuno Yui, he grabbed a little boy out.The little boy was still struggling in his hands.

"Saeki Toshio!"

Ikuno Yui looked at the little boy in Zhang Tianhao's hand and shouted.


A cruel smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face, and he crushed Toshio Saeki's neck.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for obtaining Dark Matter 1." The system prompt sounded in Zhang Tianhao's ears.

Zhang Tianhao murmured with a smile: "There are seven clusters of dark matter, and only three clusters of dark matter are enough."

"Thank you, sir, for saving me." Ikuno Yui looked at Zhang Tianhao and said gratefully.

Looking at Yui Ikuno's appearance, Zhang Tianhao also knew that Naoto should be dead.He sighed, and said apologetically to Ikuno Yui: "Miss Ikuno, I came here just for you. It's just that I didn't expect it, and it's still a step late."

Ikuno Yui was feeling sad because of Naoto's death at the moment. Hearing this, he looked at him with some puzzlement and asked, "Sir, what do you mean by that?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Ikuno Yui with a slight chin and said, "I originally came here for these grievances, but I came a step late. I didn't expect your boyfriend to die anyway. I feel very sorry."

Ikuno Yui hurriedly said: "Sir, this is none of your business. If it wasn't for you, Yui would have died long ago. Yui also needs to thank you."

"Do you know Saeki Toshio?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Ikuno Yui and asked.

Yui Ikuno said in great pain: "Sir, Toshio Saeki seems to be a ghost too, but Yui still doesn't know why."

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly and said, "Actually, everything in this still starts with Kayako."

Zhang Tianhao watched the final series of The Grudge in the original earth time and space.Naturally know the cause and effect of everything.

Kayako was originally an ordinary woman who wanted to have a child many times but was unable to conceive. After moving to that small wooden house, she was even more eager to have a child after receiving numerous complaints from her husband.Then a vengeful spirit appeared, he was a lonely vengeful spirit, and entered the body of Kayako.In the end, Kayako gave birth to Saeki Toshio.After Saeki Toshio grew up, his father Saeki Takeo suspected that Saeki Toshio was not his child.It ended in family tragedy.

After Takeo Saeki killed Kayako and Toshio Saeki, he committed suicide, which also became the beginning of all curses.

After hearing this, Ikuno Yui was extremely shocked.But she still looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously and asked, "Sir, how do you know all this?"

From Ikuno Yui's point of view, she read the diary, but she didn't seem to know as much as Zhang Tianhao.

"You don't need to know that. You just need to know that I'm here for it." Zhang Tianhao smiled mysteriously.

Ikuno Yui nodded and said, "Understood, sir."

"Well, Yui, you still have to worry about it, this resentful spirit won't let you go easily." Zhang Tianhao said seriously to Ikuno Yui.

Ikuno Yui looked at Zhang Tianhao with some fear and asked, "Sir, didn't you kill her? Isn't she still dead?"

Zhang Tianhao said lightly to Ikuno Yui: "Well, she is not dead yet. As long as the cabin is still there, she will not die for the time being. And as long as she continues to kill, the power of the resentful spirit will increase again."

"Then, what should we do then?" Ikuno Yui felt horrified whenever he thought of that terrifying wraith.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Ikuno Yui's pale face, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Yui, you can live with me at night, and you won't be afraid of the wraith coming."

"Ah, live where you live?" Ikuno Yui was a little shy.

"Why, it's fine if it's inconvenient." Zhang Tianhao smiled at Ikuno Yui.

"Convenience and convenience..." Yui Ikuno felt terrified whenever he thought of that terrifying wraith.

After completing Naoto's affairs, Yui Ikuno moved to live with Zhang Tianhao.It's just that after seeing Nanami also there, Ikuno Yui was also slightly surprised.But Nanami is the younger sister of Ikuno Yui's friend, and Ikuno Yui also knows her.The two women share the same illness and pity each other, and they get along happily.

After seeing Song Sitian, Ikuno Yui and Qihai were also shocked by Song Sitian's beauty.After all, the two girls are already very confident in their looks.When I saw another girl who seemed to be more beautiful than myself, I was also amazed.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Kayako and Saeki Toshio reappeared.But they were all beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.When Zhang Tianhao obtained the dark matter from the No.11 regiment, Kayako and Saeki Toshio seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

Zhang Tianhao waited for a few more days, but he was slightly surprised that he did not wait for Kayako and Saeki Toshio.He asked the system: "System, why didn't Kayako appear again?"

The system said: "Host, the power of the curse cannot be replicated infinitely. During this period of time, Kayako and Toshio Saeki were constantly beheaded by you, but they did not kill new life and could not get new resentment, so in the power After being continuously weakened, now the curse is also eliminated."

Only then did Zhang Tianhao understand, it seems that this Kayako is not unkillable.

Zhang Tianhao brought Qihai and Ikuno Yui to the weird cabin.

Nanami and Ikuno Yui still felt goosebumps all over their bodies when they saw the cabin.

"Mr. Tianhao, are we really going in?" Qihai looked at Zhang Tianhao timidly.

(End of this chapter)

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