The strongest fury system

Chapter 1453 Ye Jian's Means

Chapter 1453 Ye Jian's Means

The other nineteen disciples seemed to have seen Sun Jie's fighting power and felt that he was a big threat.Therefore, the remaining nineteen warriors all rushed towards Sun Jie.

"Those people are besieging Sun Jie, it's too much." Shi Hongmin said a little angrily.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "This is normal. On the fifth stage, Sun Jie is the strongest one. It's not surprising that other warriors unite to deal with him."

When Sun Jie was besieged by nineteen outer disciples, he was a little embarrassed at first.But after resisting the first wave of attacks, they began to fight steadily.

"Rain-covering sword technique!"

Sun Jie has been practicing the Rain-Fulling Sword Technique during this time, and at this moment, he has been able to exert more than [-]% of the power of the Rain-Full Sword Technique.The endless sword light burst out in the void like stars like sword light.Those warriors who killed Sun Jie suddenly felt that all directions were filled with stars.

Every streak of stars is a terrifying sword energy.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

The head deacon who was in charge of the assessment at the outer door was slightly moved.

"I don't know, is this the sword technique of our Xiaoyao Sect?" The second deacon of the outer sect was also a little puzzled.

Ye Jian, the third deacon of the outer sect, said coldly: "This should not be our Xiaoyaozong's swordsmanship, it's just heresy. I suggest to find out the origin of this person. Maybe it's a spy who infiltrated our Xiaoyaozong. I don't know."

The second deacon took a look at Ye Jian, and said with a faint smile, "You are too alarmist. Many of our Xiaoyao Sect's disciples entered the sect only at the Martial Emperor level. It is normal to have their own martial arts."

Ye Jian also knew that what he said was indeed a bit far-fetched, so he didn't say anything more, just snorted coldly.

At this moment, the warriors fighting with Sun Jie on the fifth battle stage were also a little shocked at the moment.Sun Jie's swordsmanship is too sharp.Under the sword light killing like a torrential rain, eight warriors were shot down from the battle platform.

The power of this sword is too strong, like destroying the dead.Those outside disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect felt the light of stars flashing down in front of them, and before they knew what was going on, they were blown away.

Sun Jie looked at a ragged disciple standing on the edge of the battle stage, who was ravaged by his sword energy, and said coldly, "Should you go down by yourself, or I will send you down."

The disciple looked at Sun Jie's cold eyes, felt a chill in his heart, and said, "I... I'll go down by myself!"

Yan Luo, that Xiaoyao Sect disciple jumped off the battle platform by himself.

Sun Jie looked at the other nine, his outer disciples who were a little frightened, and smiled sternly.The nine outer disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect were a little trembling.They were afraid that Sun Jie would attack them again.After all, they were very ruthless when besieging Sun Jie earlier.It's just that they didn't expect Sun Jie to be so tough, under the siege of so many people, not only was he safe, but they were the ones who lost.

Sun Jie didn't continue to attack because it was unnecessary.As long as there are only ten people left on the stage, they can enter the final promotion round.

Ye Jian gave Sun Jie a cold look, and announced: "On the fifth stage, the remaining ten players will all advance to the final round of promotion."

Sun Jie got off the stage, came to Zhang Tianhao, smiled at him and said, "Boss, I was on the stage just now, am I handsome?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Sun Jie and shook his head, and said, "Handsome? That's right, it's a cricket's cricket..."

Sun Jie gave Zhang Tianhao the middle finger, and said disdainfully, "Hmph, boss, I know you're jealous of me..."

"Hongmin, tell me, wasn't I handsome just now?" Sun Jie was hurt by Zhang Tianhao, so he had to seek comfort from Shi Hongmin.

Shi Hongmin smiled at Sun Jie and said, "Hehe, it's just like Mr. Zhang said, the cricket's cricket..."

"Too bad, you are all bad people." Sun Jie said depressedly.

Zhang Tianhao looked very serious at the moment, and said to Sun Jie: "Okay, don't make trouble. I think you are still very dangerous during the promotion competition. The way Ye Jian looked at you just now was very wrong. I think that He will definitely deal with you. Sun Jie, you still have to be careful."

But Sun Jie said calmly: "Hehe, boss, don't worry, I will conduct the assessment openly, just like what you said, can Ye Jian cover the sky with one hand?"

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "Although that's the case, but as the invigilator this time, it's too easy for Ye Jian to do something wrong."

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's seriousness, Sun Jie nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, boss, I will pay attention."

At this moment, in a corner of the assessment area

A young man in blue was standing in front of Ye Jian, looked at him respectfully and said, "I have seen Mr. Deacon."

"Well, this time your opponent is called Sun Jie, and he is very strong." Ye Jian looked at Qing Lian and said calmly.

The young man in blue said proudly: "It doesn't matter, the gun in my Zou Cheng's hand is not a vegetarian either."

Ye Jian shook his head at the young man in blue and said, "Your strength is good, but you can't underestimate the enemy. This time, I need you to do something for my deacon."

Zou Cheng hurriedly said: "Master Deacon, please speak clearly. As long as the disciple can do it, he must go all out."

Ye Jian nodded to Zou Cheng and said, "Very good, what I need you to do is very simple, let Sun Jie die for me..."

Zou Cheng was slightly surprised, and said to Ye Jian: "My lord, isn't it strictly forbidden to hurt the opponent in martial arts? If I do this..."

Ye Jian waved his hand to Zou Cheng and said, "It's okay, if I let you do it, I will naturally keep you safe. Although our Xiaoyao Sect prohibits killing opponents, have there been few examples of harming opponents over the years?"

Zou Cheng was speechless.Ye Jian was right.Martial arts casualties are inevitable.In the past, there were also incidents of killing opponents during martial arts competitions.But in the end it was nothing.As long as the hands and feet are clean, and with the help of the deacon, there should be no problem.Thinking of this, Zou Cheng's heart brightened.

"Master Deacon, Zou Cheng promises to complete the task."

Zou Cheng said respectfully to Ye Jian.

Although Zou Cheng wanted to enter the inner gate, he told Ye Jian that he dared not neglect.After all, the Ye family not only has a lot of connections in the outer sect of Xiaoyao Sect, but also in the inner sect of Xiaoyao Sect. If he can get Ye Jian's appreciation, even if he enters the inner sect, he can be like a fish in water.

"Okay, you take this, if there is an accident in the end. Just do as I say."

Ye Jian handed a black bead the size of a ping-pong ball to Zou Cheng, and told Zou Cheng how to use it.

"Yes, Deacon."

With Ye Jian's help, Zou Cheng's victory is now in his hands.A smile could not help showing on his face.

Ye Jian nodded to Zou Cheng.He said lightly: "Well, let's go, the promotion competition is about to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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