The strongest fury system

Chapter 1456 1 twist 3 twists

Chapter 1456

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

The fierce sword light traversed the world, and the invisible sword net strangled the head deacon.

"Broken Immortal Soul Slayer Knife!"

The saber in the hand of the head deacon kept slashing out.Shattered Zhang Tianhao's sword glow.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao used teleportation, and appeared behind the chief deacon like a ghost.Killed with a single blow.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression was incomparably solemn, and he unleashed the fourth knife of the God-Slaying Saber Technique.

Wherever this knife passed, the sky and the earth were burned, as if even the air was going to be burned.The power is terrifying.

The chief deacon felt as if his knife was about to be incinerated, and an endless heat wave swept over his upper body.


The chief deacon screamed.It felt like the terrible flame was about to swallow him up at any moment.Immediately supported the protective gas mask.In order to block this terrible flame.But the power of this flame is too terrifying.The chief deacon felt that his protective air shield was about to collapse at any moment.


Naturally, Zhang Tianhao would not miss this opportunity, and resorted to a mysterious movement technique, and rushed towards the head deacon in a false and real manner.The chief deacon couldn't capture Zhang Tianhao's figure at all.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

There was a muffled thunder out of thin air.

Zhang Tianhao's knife was so close to the extreme that even the big deacon couldn't capture the trajectory of the knife.


Zhang Tianhao's knife slashed firmly on the head deacon's body.The chief deacon's protective air shield was torn apart by Zhang Tianhao's knife in the blink of an eye.Let his knife slash on the head deacon's body without hindrance.


The chief deacon let out a scream, and his whole body was blown away.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.His expression was extremely dispirited.

Zhang Tianhao noticed that the third deacon looked panicked in the distance and was about to run away.Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly and said, "If you want to run, you have to see if I agree."

"The Blade of Darkness!"

A mysterious symbol flashed in Zhang Tianhao's eyes, and then, a void crack appeared behind the third deacon, and a black sharp blade shot out from the crack like lightning, and struck towards the third deacon's body past.

This black sharp blade appeared so abruptly and silently that Ye Jian had no defense at all.


The third deacon screamed.Slashed across the body by the sharp blade.


Ye Jian fell to the ground, dripping with blood.He looked extremely pale.

At this moment, the disciples of the outer sect were all stunned.It's a long story, but it happened in a short period of time.Before the outer disciples could react, the battle was over.

"Oh my god, what did I see? The three deacons were all defeated. And they were defeated by an inner disciple. Could it be that my eyes are blurred?"

"It should be the top ten disciples in the inner sect!" said a disciple from the outer sect.

"No, this person looks very unfamiliar. He should not be a senior in the top ten of the inner sect. I am familiar with most of the inner sect's disciples. I think this person is very unfamiliar. He should be a new disciple."

Zhang Tianhao walked up to Ye Jian, the third deacon of the outer sect, and smiled coldly at him: "Ye Jian, how are you doing now? Aren't you a high-ranking deacon of the outer sect? Now give me another arrogant one?"

Ye Jian felt the terrifying murderous aura on Zhang Tianhao's body, and his heart shuddered.He said fiercely to him: "What do you want to do? This is in Xiaoyaozong. If you dare to attack me, Xiaoyaozong will not let you go."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Ye Jian with a cold smile, and said disdainfully: "I don't need to bother you, because you are so old, say your last words and die..."

"Tianhao, forget it, give me some face."

At this moment, a somewhat helpless voice came.Zhang Tianhao turned around and saw that it was Shui Yongqiang who came over with more than a dozen disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Brother Shui is you?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"Tianhao, this is the Xiaoyao Sect after all. If you kill Ye Jian, even if your reason is stronger than the sky, the high-level officials of the Xiaoyao Sect will not sit idly by. After all, the Xiaoyao Sect has the rules of the Xiaoyao Sect." Shui Yongqiang said to Zhang Tianhao said seriously.

Zhang Tianhao also gradually regained his sanity at this moment, and what Shui Yongqiang said was correct.Although his own strength is considered good now, it is nothing in the entire Xiaoyao Sect.There are many people who are stronger than him, not to mention everywhere.At least if he encounters a high-ranking Xiaoyaozong who is a god-king, he won't be able to deal with it.

"Hey, when you are not strong enough to ignore the rules, you still need to be patient." Zhang Tianhao thought to himself.

"Okay, Senior Brother Yongqiang, I'll give you this face." Zhang Tianhao exhaled deeply.

"Shui Yongqiang, as the Twelve Dragon Envoys of the Xiaoyao Sect Law Enforcement Hall, do you just let this low-ranking offender like this go?" The second deacon looked at Shui Yongqiang and said in a stern voice.

"The following guilty?"

Shui Yongqiang looked at the second deacon and smiled mockingly: "You are only the second deacon of the outer sect, when did you become an elder of the inner sect. As far as I know, Zhang Tianhao is a disciple of the inner sect, right? There is nothing more to say Offense? Does the Dragon Envoy still need to salute you when he sees you?"

The second deacon was speechless.Indeed, Zhang Tianhao is an inner sect disciple, and the two sides are not affiliated with each other. Strictly speaking, it is indeed not a crime of inferiority.Under normal circumstances, when inner disciples see them giving face, they just respect them as seniors. If they really don't care about them, they can't do anything about it.

"Furthermore, after my Dragon Envoy found out about the situation, Ye Jian did not ask indiscriminately, but attacked the disciples who were undergoing assessment. I will report to the Law Enforcement Hall so that the Chief Law Enforcement Officer can investigate." Shui Yongqiang said firmly.

"How can you wantonly frame this deacon when you spit out blood. It was Sun Jie who attacked his opponent with a fire scale bullet and violated the rules. How could it be that I am wrong?"

The third deacon, Ye Jian, shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Deacon Ye, if people don't know unless they can do nothing about it, then what is going on with the Fire Scale Bullet, Deacon Ye, I think I understand very well in my heart." Shui Yong said strongly.

"Hmph, I don't understand what you're talking about." Ye Jian's expression was a little unnatural.

The three deacons were very resentful towards Zhang Tianhao's expression, but this time the assessment still needs to continue.

In the end, Sun Jie successfully advanced to the inner sect.

Although the assessment this time has twists and turns, as long as Shui Yongqiang can advance to the inner sect smoothly.Overall, everyone is happy.

"Tianhao, although Sun Jie successfully advanced to the inner sect this time, you offended Ye Jian. I heard that the Ye family's influence in Xiaoyaozong is very large. You have to be careful!" Feng Qingwu was a little worried Looking at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao waved his hands, and said calmly, "It's okay, the soldiers are here to cover the water and earth."

(End of this chapter)

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