Chapter 1465
"Hahaha, of course, there is nothing I can do with my black god." Xiao Hei said very stinky.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed, and immediately took Xiao Hei into the battle pet space.

"Boss, I want ten roast ducks." Xiao Hei said.

"no problem."

For the sake of Xiao Hei's beautiful task, Zhang Tianhao will not be stingy.

At this moment, Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao also chased after him.When seeing Zhang Tianhao.Chang Xiao said angrily: "So it's you..."

"Hey, I'm too lazy to talk to you..."

Facing the two masters here, Zhang Tianhao would not foolishly confront them head-on, and just turned around and left.

"Where to run!"

Because Zhang Tianhao cut off all the previous treasures, Chang Xiao hated him for a long time.Now that the treasure chest was lost again, Chang Xiao naturally suspected Zhang Tianhao seriously.How willing to let Zhang Tianhao slip away in front of him.

Zhan Feiyu was already very depressed when the cooked duck flew away.Seeing Chang Xiao suspecting Zhang Tianhao at this moment, and thinking of the little black cat with a strange origin, he also felt that Zhang Tianhao's appearance here was too coincidental.He was also included in the key suspects.

"Boy, leave it to me."

Zhan Feiyu had nowhere to vent his anger, so naturally he would not let Zhang Tianhao go.He shot Zhang Tianhao and killed him.

When the spear pierced, the sun and the moon were dark, and the sky was dark.Layers of void exploded.

I rub!

Because his back was facing Zhan Feiyu, the shot came so fast that Zhang Tianhao had no time to react.


Zhang Tianhao used teleportation and moved away hundreds of meters.

Originally, Zhan Feiyu was very confident about his own shot.Unexpectedly, Zhang Tianhao could avoid it.This also made Zhan Feiyu suspect that Zhang Tianhao stole the treasure chest just now.

"I will take a step first, see you next time."

Zhang Tianhao also had an estimate of Zhan Feiyu's strength, so naturally he wouldn't stay foolishly to confront the two of them head-on.Of course, Zhang Tianhao is not afraid of Zhan Feiyu.If Zhan Feiyu was the only one, he still wanted to compete with him.But there was another Chang Xiao who was already in a frenzy, Zhang Tianhao naturally wouldn't do this.

"Bastard, leave the treasure chest behind!"

Zhan Feiyu was furious.


Zhang Tianhao also ignored the other party.Use Lingbo Weibu to the limit.His Lingbo Weibu body technique has already reached the pinnacle of perfection.In terms of speed, he is not afraid of anyone who is a master of the same level.

It's just that Chang Xiao and Zhan Feiyu are also a generation of talents. After suffering a big loss, they naturally chase after Zhang Tianhao, and they will not give up until they catch Zhang Tianhao.

Suddenly, a cloud of black mist filled the front.This black mist was extremely strange, and it came to Zhang Tianhao in an instant.

The appearance of this strange black mist made Zhang Tianhao's heart tremble.Can't help standing still.

"No, it's poisonous fog!" Zhang Tianhao immediately held his breath.

Chang Xiao and Zhan Feiyu, who were chasing after Zhang Tianhao, also subconsciously stopped after seeing the poisonous mist filling the void.

"what is this?"

Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao also changed their expressions suddenly, extremely alert, like Zhang Tianhao, and began to hold their breath.

"System, what kind of poisonous fog is this? Do you know?"

Zhang Tianhao has now learned to look for the system whenever he is confused.Regardless of whether the system will answer or not, what if it does.

"This is not poisonous fog!" the system said.

"Isn't this poisonous fog?"

Zhang Tianhao was slightly astonished when he heard this.

But this time, the system didn't answer Zhang Tianhao, and fell silent.

"Fuck, this system is really not interesting. Looking at it like this, you still want my system points, right? But I will not be fooled, there is absolutely no way to ask for my system points." Zhang Tianhao said in his heart and lungs.

"Boy, you took my chance and killed me from Changjiabao. Today, my son, I want to tear you into pieces." Chang Xiao looked at Zhang Tianhao and gritted his teeth.They approached Zhang Tianhao step by step.

"What's taking your chance, it's as if I belonged to a robber. That thing itself is something that has no owner, and whoever gets it will get it." Zhang Tianhao looked at Chang Xiao and said with disdain.

"Smart words and tricks, let your tongue shine like a lotus flower today, this young master will also smash your corpse into thousands of pieces."

As Chang Xiao said, a murderous aura locked on Zhang Tianhao.

"Damn it, I'm afraid of you when I'm a son?" Zhang Tianhao was also very upset when he looked at the domineering Chang Xiao.

At this moment, a strange scene happened.

The corpses lying all over the ground began to get up from the ground after the black mist filled the air.The blood-red eyes are full of frenzy and tyranny.


When Zhang Tianhao saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out.It was the first time he had seen such a weird thing.It's fine if it's a poisonous corpse or some kind of zombie.This is obviously because of the black mist just now.

After those corpses got up, they began to attack Zhang Tianhao and others frantically.

Although these corpses were not as scary as before, they were large in number and their strength was not weak. After being besieged, Zhang Tianhao was a bit stretched.


"Slash with a hundred knives!"

The Blood God Saber in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed out crazily, knocking away all the corpses that jumped in front of him.But there are really too many corpses. After all, this cave has been opened countless times over the long years, and countless warriors have died here. Therefore, there are so many corpses.


Corpse men attacked him from all directions.Zhang Tianhao already felt very strenuous.After all, these are dozens of corpses who were Emperor Wu before his death.Even if the strength is only at the emperor level, it is enough for Zhang Tianhao to eat a pot.What's more, these corpses are not afraid of death.Unless the corpses of these corpses are chopped up, they will not stop.

Like Zhang Tianhao, Chang Xiao and Zhan Feiyu were also besieged by these corpses.Although these two men were very powerful, they were struggling against the attacks of these corpses who were not afraid of death at all, and fell into a hard fight.

"Get out of here!"

Zhan Feiyu was so beaten that he went crazy.With a roar, the spear in his hand shot out in all directions like lightning.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Explosion sounded.

The domineering spear crushed the corpses one by one.But more corpses rushed towards Zhan Feiyu one after another.As if Zhan Feiyu is not an overbearing killing god, but a delicious food,
Zhang Tianhao couldn't hold on any longer.What made him a little stressed was that the corpses around him seemed like cats smelling fishy, ​​and they came from all directions, more and more.

"It's stupid, no, if it goes on like this, it's absolutely dead." Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"Hey, there is a corridor ahead." Zhang Tianhao seemed to see something, and his eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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