Chapter 1468

Zhang Tianhao's expression at this moment was unprecedentedly solemn.


Lu Dingtian flew towards Zhan Feiyu, his movement speed was extremely fast.In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Zhan Feiyu.

Although the opponent was not Zhang Tianhao or Chang Xiao, they also knew that Zhan Feiyu must not be allowed to fight alone, otherwise Zhan Feiyu would be unlucky and it would be their turn next.

"The Ultimate Knife!"

"Heavenly Killing Sword!"

Zhang Tianhao and Chang Xiao immediately rescued Zhan Feiyu.


Lu Dingtian knocked back the light from Zhan Feiyu's spear with one punch.The terrifying punch created endless ripples.The huge impact sent Zhan Feiyu flying.

The attacks of Zhang Tianhao and Chang Xiao were broken by Lu Dingtian's two casual punches.The sword glow shattered, and the sword glow also annihilated.

Zhang Tianhao was sent flying tens of meters by the huge impact.He felt a huge impact rushing into his heart, which made the blood in his body boil.

What a terrifying body training.Zhang Tianhao's expression was shocked.Sure enough, the other party has refined the body to the peak of the state, only one step away from becoming a martial arts god.

While thinking about it, Lu Dingtian punched Zhang Tianhao again and killed him.This punch will annihilate every inch it passes.It's coming very fast.


Zhang Tianhao knew that this punch was not easy to take hard, so he immediately used teleportation.

In the next second, Zhang Tianhao appeared 100 meters away.

"Boom!"A violent explosion sounded.

A huge pit appeared in Zhang Tianhao's original position.There was dust and debris flying.

After missing a hit, Lu Dingtian rushed towards Zhang Tianhao like lightning.A few consecutive punches came towards Zhang Tianhao's body and killed him.

The sharp fist seal blocked Zhang Tianhao's surroundings.

Zhang Tianhao was terrified.


"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

"Break up the world!"

Zhang Tianhao used the Tushen Saber technique to the limit, and beheaded Lu Dingtian's body.

The two extremely sharp knives carried the power to destroy the world.Its momentum is like a dragon and a tiger, terrifying to the extreme.

The fierce knife force locked Lu Dingtian's whole body.

"Get out of here!"

"Batian Demon Fist!"

Two terrifying fist marks swept towards Zhang Tianhao's body.In the blink of an eye, his sword light was annihilated.Terrible power of shock.The whole body of Zhang Tianhao was thrown out.

The terrifying fist prints follow like shadows.Such as gangrene attached to the bone.

"Golden wall battle body!"

Zhang Tianhao frowned.The protective gas mask is given out.blocked in front of himself.Although the fist mark was more than half dissipated by Zhang Tianhao's two knives.But that terrifying power still made Zhang Tianhao feel a deadly threat.



Lu Dingtian's two punches struck Zhang Tianhao's protective air shield fiercely.

The protective gas mask held up for a breath before being torn apart by the terrifying fist print.

Zhang Tianhao snorted.Was knocked flying a hundred meters.It hit hard on the wall of the palace.


Zhang Tianhao bounced back and landed on the ground, feeling the energy and blood in his body boiling.I couldn't help but feel a sweetness in my throat, and spit out a mouthful of blood.His expression was extremely dispirited.

Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao's golden wall body is still very sharp.Consumed most of the strength of that fist print.He was still wounded, but not so fatally.

"Invincible Magic Fist!"

Lu Dingtian roared angrily, and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao, Zhan Feiyu, and Chang Xiao like lightning.

The extremely domineering fist seal swept towards the three of them like a mountain.

"Voiding God Pupils!"

Zhang Tianhao casted the virtual pupil.

"Rage Spear!"

Zhan Feiyu poured all his strength into this spear, and stabbed Lu Dingtian towards Lu Dingtian.

Chang Xiao also threw out a talisman, displaying a protective air shield in front of him.blocked in front of him.

"Boom!" "Boom"

Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao snorted.Although their defensive methods were not bad, they were still knocked out.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

The illusory pupil made Zhang Tianhao's figure hidden into another space.Lu Dingtian's punch was instantly missed.This made Lu Dingtian somewhat astonished.

"It's interesting, let's see how long you can bear it."

Lu Dingtian seemed to have seen some interesting toy, and there was a look of interest on his face.

"Barrier Fist!"

The Invincible Fist once again swept towards Zhang Tianhao's body.Wherever it passed, it was annihilated inch by inch.

"Fifth-order infinite rage!"

"One mind, two swords!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.

All attributes have been increased by 32 times.

The Shura sword also appeared in his hand at the same time.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

Zhang Tianhao's dual-knife style and infinite rage made his combat effectiveness soar.At least in terms of speed, Lu Dingtian will not be much weaker.Of course, at this time, he did not use his biggest hole card.The summoning cards of Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.Because he felt that Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao should also have their own cards.I have to spend at least until they use their hole cards first.Otherwise, he would be taken advantage of.

At the moment Zhang Tianhao was just trying to stalemate with Lu Dingtian, but he was defending more than attacking.was absolutely suppressed.But at this moment, Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao were just fighting on the sidelines, apparently with reservations.

Zhang Tianhao was a little depressed. At this moment, the two of them were still not on the same page.It is unrealistic to rely on them to kill Lu Dingtian.

Since these guys are not on the same page, he doesn't need to be in front.


In an instant, Zhang Tianhao disappeared in place and appeared a hundred meters away.

"Spatial artistic conception, you actually master the spatial artistic conception?"

The first time, Lu Dingtian didn't see the truth.But this second time, Lu Dingtian has already seen the trick.

After losing Zhang Tianhao was at the forefront.Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao were a little embarrassed.

"Fist of Despair!"

Two invincible fist marks swept out.The void exploded inch by inch.

Feeling the terror of this punch, Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao immediately shuddered.

"Break it for me!"

One gun and one sword rushed forward frantically.

But how could the horror of this punch be beyond the imagination of the two of them.Zhan Feiyu and Chang Xiao snorted and were sent flying.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.


Lu Dingtian smiled coldly.Grabbed towards the two of them.

felt the threat of death.Gritting his teeth, Zhan Feiyu took out a golden talisman and threw it out.Obviously, this is an extremely precious talisman.When Zhan Feiyu took it out, the pained look on his face was like mourning.


A bright golden light burst out from Zhan Feiyu's talisman.A space crack was torn directly.In the next second, Zhan Feiyu disappeared in front of Lu Dingtian.


Zhang Tianhao was extremely surprised when he saw this scene.That seems to be the great shifting talisman of the holy rank.

(End of this chapter)

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