Chapter 1481


The five girls all looked at him in surprise.Just in a daze for a while, I thought of a way.

"Of course." Zhang Tianhao smiled triumphantly.

Soon, after knowing that Zhang Tianhao was back, Li Guang also hurried over.

"I've met you, Young Master." Li Guang looked at Zhang Tianhao and said respectfully.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said to Li Guang: "Take this girl to prepare a room, she will be my sister from now on. Butler Li, do you know what to do?"


Li Guang naturally knew what Zhang Tianhao meant by his so-called younger sister.In that way, he became one of the masters of this courtyard.It's not a servant, the difference is still very big.Although Zhang Tianhao is here, he hardly puts on airs.He treats his subordinates like relatives, but Li Guang naturally knows that in many cases, the relationship must be clearly distinguished.

"Big brother, I..."

Xu Xiaoling also hesitated.

"Why, Xiaoling, don't you like living here?" Zhang Tianhao asked Xu Xiaoling a bit misunderstood by looking at her.

Xu Xiaoling quickly said to Zhang Tianhao: "No, no...Big brother, Xiaoling is not a person who doesn't know what to do, it's just where Xiaoling lives..."

Looking at Xu Xiaoling's hesitant look, Zhang Tianhao suddenly realized.It seemed that Xu Xiaoling was worried that if she left, no one would live in the manor.

Zhang Tianhao smiled at Xu Xiaoling: "Xiaoling, you don't have to worry. Big brother sent someone to take care of that manor house. You can go back and have a look at it anytime later. How about it?"

"Thank you big brother!" Xu Xiaoling said pleasantly to Zhang Tianhao.

After Li Guang took Xu Xiaoling down.The five women began to interrogate Zhang Tianhao in turn.

"The five female Bodhisattvas are really wronged. It's not that the young ones don't want to come to you. It's just that they really don't have time!" Zhang Tianhao looked innocent.

"That's right, how did I hear that you have a very close relationship with Shen Xinru from Donghua Pavilion!" Gao Xinyu said to Zhang Tianhao.

"How can there be! We have a normal relationship between superiors and subordinates, so it's normal for me to find him." Zhang Tianhao said.

"Really?" Gao Xin looked at Zhang Tianhao dubiously.

Zhang Tianhao shrugged his shoulders, and said righteously: "It's more real than pearls!"

A few women actually have no evidence.With Zhang Tianhao's sophistry, he had no choice but to let it go.

"Warning, don't bring other women back without our consent." Ning Xue glared.

"That's right, if you mess with women again, be careful we will castrate you..." Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Gao Xinyu's gaze looking down at him with malicious intent, and suddenly felt a chill in his lower body, and couldn't help but tighten his legs.

"Understood... just let me serve all the female Bodhisattvas at night?" Zhang Tianhao smiled obscenely.

"Who wants you to serve?"

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's provocative smile, the women couldn't help but feel excited, and looked at him with winking eyes.It's just a few women except one of whom died in an accident.The others are all big girls with yellow flowers.None are ready yet.Although he was about to move, he was still a little scared after all.

"Why, I don't need to serve you anymore, it's just last time. I don't know which one I served." Zhang Tianhao also felt hot in his lower body when he thought of the passion at night last time.

With Zhang Tianhao's current cultivation base, if he doesn't vent for a while, he will feel exhausted.

"Don't know what you're talking about. Sisters, let's go!"

The girls were a little shy and left quickly.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the women who denied it, and was also a little confused.He murmured, "Could it be that I was really dreaming last time, but that dream was a little too real, right?"

After looking at the sky, he thought that he had an appointment with Sun Haofeng of the City Lord's Mansion.Don't think about anything else,

Outside the city lord's mansion
Just as Zhang Tianhao walked outside the City Lord's Mansion, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion immediately said respectfully: "I have seen Mr. Tianhao."

"Well, where's your city master?" Zhang Tianhao asked the guard.

In the city lord's mansion, there are singing and dancing at the moment, and the city lord Sun Haofeng is hosting a banquet to entertain the guests.

It was a young man in his early twenties with a haughty look.Standing behind are two red-haired warriors.

When Zhang Tianhao walked in, the city lord Sun Haofeng stood up immediately.Looking at Zhang Tianhao, he said, "Young master Zhang is here, so flamboyant!"

"Hmph!" The young man seemed very disdainful.

Sun Haofeng said in embarrassment: "This is Mr. Yan, Yan Yanqi, Sun Jie's cousin, and an inner disciple of the Chixia Sect."

Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised when he heard about Chixiazong.Chixiazong is one of the top ten holy places, and its strength is not inferior to that of Xiaoyaozong.It is said that the strongest of the Chixia sect is the power of the fire element.Seeing that Yan Yanqi's hair turned out to be fiery red, it was obviously because he practiced the fire element technique.

"I said Uncle, Sun Jie is too unprogressive. Entering the Xiaoyao Sect is only an outer disciple. Why not join the Chixia Sect with my nephew. Maybe he can become an inner disciple." Yan Yanqi said proudly.

"Hehe, Sun Jie doesn't have this blessing." Sun Haofeng was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Tianhao could also see that Sun Haofeng was also somewhat displeased with this nephew.It is estimated that due to affection, there is no refutation.Moreover, this Yan Yan's cultivation base is not weak, and he is actually Emperor Wu Bachongtian.The strength is still above Sun Haofeng.Comparable to myself.

"Ahem, let me interrupt. Sun Jie is now an inner disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect. He just passed the examination not long ago." Zhang Tianhao said flatly.

"Really?" Sun Haofeng stood up happily.Obviously he didn't know the news yet.

"Hehe, City Lord Sun, how could I lie to you. The next time Sun Jie comes back, the City Lord will know." Zhang Tianhao said calmly.

"That's true." Sun Haofeng was overjoyed.

The outer disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect and the inner disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect are completely different concepts.In a sect, the registered disciples are not even regarded as sect members, and the disciples of the outer sect are just ordinary disciples, who are not valued too much.Only the inner sect disciples can be regarded as truly brought into the attention of the higher-ups.

Sun Jie has entered the inner sect of Xiaoyaozong, which is of course great news for Sun Haofeng.

Yan Yanqi frowned, feeling his face was hot.He just said that people are useless, but now someone else slapped him, which made Yan Yanqi feel a little embarrassed.

"Who are you?" Yan Yanqi looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao didn't like the strict and strange attitude, and said calmly: "Zhang Tianhao, a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect's inner sect."

"Your Excellency is Zhang Tianhao. Hehe, I have heard about your reputation since I arrived in Lingxi City. It is said that you are very arrogant!" Yan Yanqi looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly.

"Arrogance or not, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with your Excellency?" Zhang Tianhao said lightly.

"It has something to do with indifference. I would like to ask you for advice, to see what your arrogance is." Yan Yanqi said to Zhang Tianhao with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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