Chapter 1491
"Host, it's normal that there is no reward. Because the dragon soul is not a living body. What's more, it is a great harvest in itself." The system said.

Zhang Tianhao has long adapted to the sudden rhythm of the system's speech.Yes.Also kept silent.

"Boss, Xiaolong feels that swallowing the energy in this dragon soul will definitely increase his strength a lot." Xiaolong looked at the dragon soul with a salivating face.

Xiao Hei also kept staring at the dragon soul under Zhang Tianhao, so he almost didn't kneel and lick it.

Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly and said, "Do you want to eat?"

Xiao Hei nodded hurriedly and said, "Of course I want to."

Bai Yanghu was only drooling right now.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while.Look at this dragon soul.Compressed the energy of its entire body.Then condense into a small ball of light the size of a fist.Zhang Tianhao divided it into five parts.

One for myself, one for Xiaohei, one for Xiaolong, and one for Xiaotiangou.The remaining one is going to be left to Bai Yanghu.Zhang Tianhao keeps his word.Since Bai Yanghu was there before, he was very cooperative, so naturally Zhang Tianhao couldn't neglect him.Therefore, one of them was given to Bai Yanghu.

Bai Yanghu saw that Zhang Tianhao really gave himself a share.Thank you so much.In its impression, human beings are mean and shameless.There are very few people like Zhang Tianhao who keep his word.

"Thank you son, thank you son, with this group of energy, this tiger king is very likely to be able to advance." Bai Yanghu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao said to Bai Yanghu with a slight nod: "Well, this is what I promised you earlier, and it should be like this now. I think you should be able to break through soon, right?"

Bai Yanghu smiled and said: "Well, young master, we should be able to break through soon, especially with this dragon soul energy."

"Okay, you can go. I hope to see you again sometime." Zhang Tianhao said to Bai Yanghu.

Bai Yanghu took a deep look at Zhang Tianhao and said, "My lord, that Bai Yanghu has gone."

After Bai Yanghu left, Zhang Tianhao let Xiao Hei and Xiao Long return to the battle pet space.At this moment, Xiao Hei and Xiao Long can't wait to prepare to digest this mass of energy.Zhang Tianhao reckoned that after they digested this mass of energy, they would not dare to say that they would be promoted to high-level spirit beasts.Spirit beasts at the peak of the middle level are still acceptable.

A mid-level peak spirit beast is equivalent to a human emperor.This is already remarkable.

Zhang Tianhao did not leave immediately.Instead, he has a little curiosity about his wild dragon pool.Since there is a dragon soul here, there should be a dragon.But what is under the Wild Dragon Pond?

The original barrier had been torn apart by the dragon.Zhang Tianhao triumphantly entered the wild dragon pool unimpeded.But at this moment, the wild dragon pond has formed thick ice.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhao was ready to go down and have a look.Perhaps there is some secret hidden under this wild dragon pool.

Zhang Tianhao stood on the frozen Wild Dragon Pool.Looking at the wild dragon pool below, he punched down.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

A huge hole was blasted out of the ice on the Wild Dragon Pool.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the cave, pondered and loved it, and jumped down.Entering the ice cave, Zhang Tianhao came to the bottom of the pool along the thick ice around him.

At the bottom of the pool, Zhang Tianhao found a huge cave.He was a little curious.Where is this huge cave?There is no ice in the cave.It was as if there was a force blocking the influx of water from outside.

Zhang Tianhao pondered for a while, unable to hold back his curiosity, and entered the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Zhang Tianhao found that there was a different world here.It seems to have come to another world.

here is……

Zhang Tianhao looked at a huge pool of blood around the cave.The blood pool is full of blood.

"This is?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the blood in the blood pool, a little surprised.Rather than saying that this is a pool of blood, it is better to say that this is a small lake of blood.

However, Zhang Tianhao took a closer look and found that the blood in the blood pool had no energy.

"What the hell is this place? Why is there so much blood?"

"Could it be dragon blood?"

Thinking of the dragon soul that flew out earlier, Zhang Tianhao vaguely knew what was going on.

Zhang Tianhao secretly had a guess.He can be sure that there should be a dragon here before, but where the dragon went later is unknown.And there is such a big blood pool here, the biggest possibility is that a dragon was injured before, and he was recuperating here.And the blood of the real dragon, what kind of essence is that.After all, not to mention the blood essence of the dragon, even the saliva of the dragon is known as the birth of the dragon, and it is a treasure of great tonic.Such a large pool of dragon blood, after a long period of condensation and evolution, naturally gave birth to the dragon soul.

Although Zhang Tianhao was just guessing, he felt that his guess should be close to ten.

Next, his eyes fell on a seemingly flat wall beside him.There is nothing on this wall, which would not have attracted his attention.It's just that the wall is too flat, it looks as if someone has polished it.This is a little unusual.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao touched the flat wall with his hand.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao felt his hand was stabbed by something.His blood dripped on the wall.

"Hey, what's going on here. Such a smooth wall, what on earth stabbed me?" Zhang Tianhao was a little puzzled.

After all, Zhang Tianhao is now the Seventh Heaven of Martial Emperor.This cultivation base has rough skin and thick flesh.It is impossible for ordinary things to pierce his skin.

Just when Zhang Tianhao was a little puzzled.Words appeared on the wall.Well, the ancient Chinese characters.

"This is……"

"Yu, the ice dragon from the Dragon Kingdom, Daides. He was seriously injured in a battle with the demons outside the territory. He was separated from his companions and recuperated here for 10 years. Finally, he received news from his companions. If there are any lost companions of his own clan, come here again , when you can find the remaining information, come to join us."

Soon, the words disappeared.What appeared was a map.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao couldn't understand what these maps were.He was afraid that the map would disappear again, so he quickly memorized the maps with memory beads before giving up.

Zhang Tianhao squinted his eyes and murmured: "It seems that a long time ago, there really was a senior of the Dragon Clan who came here. And he was injured in a fight with the Heavenly Demons outside the Territory. It seems that before that Henggu, it was the Dragon Clan Seniors guard this land, otherwise the Zhenwu Continent would have been reduced to fish."

And what I expected before was not wrong.The senior of the dragon clan was indeed injured.It has been cultivated here for tens of thousands of years.That pool of blood should be the blood that Senior True Dragon was injured and shed.In the end, it turned into a dragon soul and dissipated in the sky.And what is that map?

(End of this chapter)

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