The strongest fury system

Chapter 1493 Refining Breaking Spirit Pill

Chapter 1493 Refining Breaking Spirit Pill

"Give me death!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression was extremely cold.roared.The long knife in his hand beheaded and went out.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

The Blood God Knife cut through the void with a brilliant light.Cut to one of the warriors.

The warrior didn't know what was going on.Suddenly my body hurts.The whole person flew upside down, and his body was completely wiped out by the flame power of the sword glow.

"Ding dong!"

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

The long knife in Zhang Tianhao's hand was drawn out extremely quickly.Because of the profound meaning of Kuai Dao, Bai Dao Kuai Dao went to the extreme, and Bai Dao turned into a single sword, and beheaded one of the warriors.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The blade light in the warrior's hand was instantly shattered by Zhang Tianhao's blade.The knife light drove straight in, cutting his body in two.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a moment, his body was like lightning, and he flew towards the other warriors again.

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

"Break up the world!"

"Reverse the chaos!"

The god-slaying sword technique was fully deployed.

A few more warriors were blown up.At this moment, Zhang Tianhao is like a demon king in this world, ruling the world.

It's a long story, but it's only time for a cup of tea.Originally there were a dozen warriors, but now only the youth in blue and Li Feixiong remained.

The young man in blue is no longer as arrogant as before.His body trembled with fright.Looking at Zhang Tianhao's expression was full of fear.At this moment, he hated Li Feixiong deeply. If it wasn't for his invitation, how could he come here and offend Zhang Tianhao.

"Junior brother, is there some misunderstanding between us?" The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked tremblingly.

Zhang Tianhao sneered and said, "Really? This is also called a misunderstanding?"

The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao and begged, "Junior brother, let me go! I will definitely not tell anything about this place."

Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in blue with a half-smile and said, "Do you know why I left you behind?"

Looking at the puzzled expression of the young man in blue, Zhang Tianhao said with a half-smile: "Because I want to see how you look like two people before and after. Now that I see it, I'm really disgusting, so you go to die for me." Bar!"

Zhang Tianhao stopped talking nonsense, and once again killed him with a single blow.


The head of the blue-clothed youth flew up from the body.A blood arrow soaring into the sky flew out of his neck.

Zhang Tianhao's eyes fell on Li Feixiong again, and said: "Brother Li? Come on, do it! Don't you hate me? Now you come to fight me hard?"

Li Feixiong looked at Zhang Tianhao and said: "Zhang Tianhao, do you think you have won? If you dare to kill me, Brother Wu will not let you go, he will definitely avenge me, I advise you to let me go! I can be today None of the things happened, and I will not tell the things here.”

Zhang Tianhao clapped his hands, shook his head and said, "Li Feixiong, Li Feixiong, you really make me sick. If you choose to fight with me now, I will still respect you as a man. However, your actions disappointed me. Brother Wu, my son doesn't care about it. If he dares to show up, I will definitely pay him the price. Now you should think about yourself!"

"You..." Seeing that Zhang Tianhao must have ignored it, Li Feixiong looked a little flustered.


Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Li Feixiong.With a swift swing of the long knife in his hand, Li Feixiong's head was chopped off.

"Pfft!" The bloody arrow flew into the sky, and Li Feixiong's head moved.

"Ding dong..." The system's notification sounded.

Li Feixiong and Zhang Tianhao didn't take it too seriously either. In his eyes, he was just an insignificant role.If it wasn't for Li Feixiong to jump out by himself.Zhang Tianhao didn't bother to pay attention to him.Now that he jumped out, Zhang Tianhao took care of him by the way.

After incinerating all the corpses at the scene with flames, Zhang Tianhao returned to Xiaoyaozong.After buying all the medicinal materials needed for breaking the spirit pill in the Lingyao Pavilion, Zhang Tianhao came to Lingxi City through the teleportation array in Xiaoyaozong.At this moment, Shen Xinru has prepared all the medicinal materials for Zhang Tianhao.Zhang Tianhao is still very satisfied with Shen Xinru's ability to handle affairs.

Zhang Tianhao entered the Jiuxiao Palace and began to refine the elixir.

Po Ling Pill is a pill of the first rank of the Spirit Rank.Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao is an alchemist of the second rank of the spiritual rank.Therefore, there is not much pressure to refine this elixir.

After putting all the medicinal materials into the cauldron, Zhang Tianhao silently said a word of refining in his heart.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully refining! Proficiency 6" the system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao showed satisfaction on his face.Opened the alchemy furnace, and found that there were five longan-sized elixirs lying in the alchemy furnace, with a tangy fragrance and crystal clear.

"It's good to refine five pills at once. These pills can still be prepared, and maybe they can be used in the future." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Tianhao calmly walked out of the Nine Heavens Palace.He found a black shadow rushing towards him, and at first glance, it was the Xiaotian dog.


Xiaotiangou licked Zhang Tianhao's toes affectionately, very affectionately.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly thought of something, took out a ball of energy from the Dragon Soul, put it in front of it, and said to him: "This is for you, you have worked hard to guard Donghua Pavilion during this time. "

Xiaotiangou also knows the goods, looking at the energy in front of him, he is overjoyed.I swallowed it in one gulp.He said to Zhang Tianhao: "Master, Xiaotiangou is going back to the battle pet space. It is estimated that this group of energy can make Xiaotiangou advance."

Zhang Tianhao nodded and agreed.Said: "Okay, you go back first!"

Xiaotiangou immediately returned to Zhang Tianhao's battle pet space.He walked towards Xu Xiaoling's room.Walking outside Xu Xiaoling's room, Zhang Tianhao heard a burst of crying, the voice was very low, obviously worried that others would find out.But Zhang Tianhao, who has very sharp ears and eyes, still heard it.

Zhang Tianhao sighed, knowing that it was Xu Xiaoling who was crying.Although it has been a while, Xu Xiaoling obviously hasn't recovered from her grief.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, then stepped forward and knocked on the door of Xu Xiaoling's room.

"who is it?"

Xu Xiaoling shouted immediately.

"It's me!" Zhang Tianhao said immediately.

"Ah! Is it Big Brother?" Xu Xiaoling immediately shouted after hearing Zhang Tianhao's voice.

Xu Xiaoling opened the door of the room, and found that it was Zhang Tianhao standing outside, with a happy expression on her face, she immediately let Zhang Tianhao in.

"Xiaoling, why are you crying? Don't you like big brother here?" Zhang Tianhao asked pretending to be puzzled.

Xu Xiaoling lowered her head and said, "No, it's just that Xiaoling misses her brother."

Zhang Tianhao sighed, and said to Xu Xiaoling: "Xiaoling, we must learn to forget our sorrows and look forward. Big brother also believes that your brother must want to see a happy you, not the current you, you know? "

(End of this chapter)

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