The strongest fury system

Chapter 1500 The 23th Floor of the Light Tower

Chapter 1500 The Third Floor of Light Tower No.20
In the room, there is a table.There is a box on the table.

Zhang Tianhao's heart moved, and he thought to himself: Could it be a reward.

Opened the box.There is an aqua blue spar inside.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed: This is the profound crystal.

This is a general purpose spar, that is to say.Any attribute can be used.Although compared to the special upright spar, this kind of upright spar is slightly weaker.But fortunately, this profound meaning spar is relatively large, about the size of a fist.

Yes, Zhang Tianhao put it away happily.

There is such a big harvest on the No.20 floor.With his current cultivation base, it is not impossible to break through to the next level.

After Zhang Tianhao thought about it, he immediately went to the next floor.

Just when Zhang Tianhao walked into the 22nd floor.The warriors under the Bright Tower were a little shocked at the moment.

"Damn it, Zhang Tianhao actually entered the second floor of No.20, he's too powerful."

"How long has he been in Xiaoyaozong? I don't think he has arrived in half a year. He can enter the second floor of No.20. Is there any problem with my eyes?"

"I think Zhang Tianhao may break through No.20 [-]%, which is already a new record." A warrior said.

"However, I think Brother Wu Zixu may also become the 20th genius who broke through the fifth floor of No. [-] of the Bright Tower." A warrior said.

There was a lot of discussion under the Bright Tower.

But in the Bright Tower, Zhang Tianhao didn't care so much, he had already arrived at the No.20 second floor of the Bright Tower.

On the second floor of No.20 of the Bright Tower are three half-step warriors of the Martial God Realm.One wields a knife, one wields a sword, and one is empty-handed.The domineering fighting intent of the three of them locked Zhang Tianhao on him as soon as he stepped into the room.


Zhang Tianhao once again used the double-knife style.went up to welcome.

The three attacking at the same time put a lot of pressure on Zhang Tianhao. After all, he was facing three half-step martial gods. Although they were only the most common half-step martial gods, they were not geniuses.But a half-step Valkyrie is a half-step Valkyrie, and his combat power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Third-order infinite rage!"

After facing increasing pressure, Zhang Tianhao used all his cards one by one.

After increasing the strength of all attributes by eight times, Zhang Tianhao's pressure weakened slightly.But facing the attack of three half-step warriors, Zhang Tianhao was still under great pressure.


Zhang Tianhao blinked and came behind the three half-step warriors.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

It's just that Zhang Tianhao's attack is almost impeccable with the close cooperation of the three battle spirits.

These three battle spirits seem to have cultivated a three-talent battle formation.Under the close cooperation between the three.Let their combat effectiveness improve a lot.


A sharp gun shadow rushed towards Zhang Tianhao's location, crushing his sword light directly.The huge impact force slammed into Zhang Tianhao's sword light, causing him to be knocked back tens of meters.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The sword-wielding spirit and the sword-wielding spirit flew towards Zhang Tianhao.

The two battle spirits cooperated perfectly, blocking the space and escape route around Zhang Tianhao by him.And the speed is also extremely fast.

"Golden wall battle body!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed out with two sabers at the same time.

"A knife of nirvana!"

The fierce sword glow met the two battle spirits and killed them.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

Zhang Tianhao's hasty strike naturally couldn't stop the joint attack of the two war spirits.In an instant, the sword light was defeated.The two attacks hit Zhang Tianhao's body with such force.


Zhang Tianhao snorted, and the protective gas shield on his body was instantly broken.Two attacks slammed on his body fiercely, knocking him into the air.


Zhang Tianhao let out a muffled snort, fell to the ground and vomited blood.

The three war spirits were relentless, chasing after each other like shadows.


"Break up the world!"

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

"Reverse the chaos!"

The god-slaying sword technique was thrown out of Zhang Tianhao's hand, and it struck and killed the three fighting spirits.

The terrifying sword light pierced the sky, covering the bodies of the three war spirits.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

The fourth slash of the Tushen Saber technique went out.


The three war spirits snorted and were pushed back out.


Zhang Tianhao charged towards the three battle spirits.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

"A knife of nirvana!"

A muffled Thunder God sounded in the void.

Two razor-sharp sword lights crushed and killed the three fighting spirits.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

The necks of the three war spirits were crushed by the light of the knife.


Zhang Tianhao let out a deep breath.This second level of No.20 is really difficult.It is conceivable that there are a few hurdles behind this.It should be more difficult.

Sure enough, after Zhang Tianhao killed the three battle spirits in the No.20 second level, the closed bronze door ahead was opened.Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed, and quickly stepped into the bronze gate.

This stone room, like before, has a box.But the box is bigger.Zhang Tianhao immediately stepped forward to open the box.

It's just that when Zhang Tianhao opened the box, he found that there were more than a dozen esoteric crystals inside, and these esoteric spars had various attributes.

If possible, he certainly hopes to take away all the profound crystals in this box.But when his hand was on the box.His head received a message, and he could only choose one.

Zhang Tianhao has some choice phobias.Of course, if there is a spar of the profound meaning of space, he will definitely choose the spar of the profound meaning of space.But the problem here is that there is no spatial profound meaning spar.Therefore, now he can only choose between the spar of the profound truth of nirvana and the spar of the profound truth of thunder.

Zhang Tianhao took a deep breath.In the end he still chose the thunderbolt spar.Because now the Thunder Profound Truth has greatly improved Zhang Tianhao's combat effectiveness.And Thunder's power is even more overbearing.On the contrary, although the Absolute Art of Nirvana is not bad, Zhang Tianhao has relatively few related supporting martial arts.

After choosing, Zhang Tianhao also exhaled.

"Well, should I go to the third floor of No.20 now?"

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao's heart hesitated a little.I don't know whether to go to the third floor of No.20 or not.

"I thought that with my current strength, I still have my hole cards. If my hole cards are exhausted, I can still fight." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao is thinking about it comprehensively, and he also knows that the third floor of No.20 is definitely more difficult.Even if he used all his cards, the outcome is only a matter of fifty or five.Of course, Zhang Tianhao's so-called cards naturally did not include the power of the cards.After all, this is the Tower of Light, so avoid using these powers.Otherwise, Zhang Tianhao didn't know what special situation would arise.

"Fight, the number of five or five can still be fought. What if we win?" Zhang Tianhao murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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