The strongest fury system

Chapter 1511 Chongwu Mountain Range

Chapter 1511 Chongwu Mountain Range
The powerful power of Fan Tian Yin caused the man in black to vomit blood profusely.Flying upside down tens of meters.


Naturally, Zhang Tianhao couldn't let the man in black leave, so he sacrificed the Heaven Turning Seal again.It hit the man in black.

The man in black felt the power of the Heaven Shaking Seal to be extremely terrifying.He knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to escape the attack of this seal.

"Burning blood to disintegrate Dafa!"

The man in black roared.The body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the bits and pieces disappeared into the air.

"Well, what's going on, man?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"System, what's going on? Do you know this martial skill?" Zhang Tianhao asked the system.

The system replied: "This should be a secret technique. But there is still a price to pay for using it. Although the man in black escaped his life after using this secret technique, it is very likely that he will go back a big realm, and It is impossible to go any further for the rest of my life, and the price is not insignificant.”

"It turns out that it's okay." Zhang Tianhao regained his psychological balance.

After Zhang Tianhao unleashed Guang Chengzi's power, thinking of Zhang Xixi at this moment, he immediately rushed towards the place where Zhang Xixi and Chen Huai disappeared.It's just that Zhang Xixi and Chen Huai were not found at all.

Did he go back to Lingxi City?

But this possibility was immediately rejected by Zhang Tianhao.If he leaves the Demon Prison Forest, Chen Huai will inform him.But Chen Huai didn't, so it was very possible that he and Zhang Xixi were still in the Demon Prison Forest.

"Howling dog!"

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and summoned the Roaring Sky Dog again.

"Xiaotiangou, help me find him." Zhang Tianhao said to Xiaotiangou.

Xiao Tianquan nodded slightly, and said to Lao Dao: "Master, don't worry, Xiao Tiangou will definitely complete the task."

After Xiaotiangou left, Zhang Tianhao's heart was extremely solemn.For some reason, he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Zhang Tianhao meditates cross-legged on a branch.Waiting for news from Xiaotiangou.

After about a cup of tea.The Roaring Dog is back.Said to him: "Master, a corpse was found in front."

Zhang Tianhao's heart shook, and he said to Xiaotiangou: "Corpse, male or female?"

"Men!" Xiaotiangou said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao frowned into Sichuan characters, and said to Xiaotiangou: "Take me to see right away."

"Master, the Xiaotian dog will lead the way for you." After saying that, the Xiaotian dog rushed to the front.

Zhang Tianhao followed Xiao Tiangou and chased after him.

After about a cup of tea, Zhang Tianhao looked ahead and found a corpse lying on the ground.When he saw the style of the clothes, he felt that he was very similar to Chen Huai.

After Zhang Tianhao turned the corpse over, he found that it was indeed Chen Huai.The surrounding area is full of potholes, and many towering trees have been cut down in the middle. Obviously, there has been a big battle here before.

"Oh, Chen Huai is dead, and Zhang Xixi has obviously fallen into the hands of Xingchen Pavilion." Zhang Tianhao murmured.His expression was extremely gloomy.

"Let's go!"

Although Zhang Tianhao was extremely disappointed at the moment, since he believed that Zhang Xixi had fallen into the hands of Xingchen Pavilion, he had no good solution in a short time.

Just after Zhang Tianhao returned to Lingxi City, he immediately ordered the people in Donghualou Intelligence Hall to search for Zhang Xixi's whereabouts with all their strength.However, even though Zhang Tianhao spent a lot of time searching for Zhang Xixi's whereabouts, there was still no trace of Zhang Xixi.

Although Zhang Tianhao was anxious, he didn't have a good solution.We can only hope that the Donghua Building Intelligence Hall can give him a chance to live up to his expectations.

Ten days later, Weng Taibei, the deputy head of the Intelligence Hall, found Zhang Tianhao.

"My lord, the people in our Information Hall are following some warriors who are suspected to be from Xingchen Pavilion. After arriving at Chongwu Mountain, we lost their traces." Weng Taibei got it with a serious expression on Zhang Tianhao.

"Suspected person from Xingchen Pavilion?"

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, looked at Weng Taibei and asked, "Are you sure?"

Weng Taibei looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously: "My lord, there is absolutely no problem."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, looked at Weng Taibei and said, "What does Hall Master Weng mean?"

Weng Taibei said solemnly to Zhang Tianhao: "Young master, what I mean by this subordinate is that the branch of Xingchen Pavilion in Sanyezhou should be in the Chongwu Mountain Range. It's just that the strength of our Information Hall is limited, and the specific location is not yet available." locking."

"Okay, your intelligence hall has done a good job. If the news is confirmed to be correct, I will reward you greatly." Zhang Tianhao looked at Weng Taibei and said with a smile.

"Thank you, my lord, I only wish to rescue Hall Master Zhang." Weng Taibei said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that in the intelligence hall of Donghua Building, Weng Taibei was the deputy head and Zhang Xixi was the head.But now it seems that Weng Taibei is willing to be his deputy.

"Master Weng, if Master Zhang doesn't come back, the position of the master of the Donghua Building Intelligence Hall is yours. Why do you still want Master Zhang to return?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Weng Taibei in surprise.

Weng Taibei's complexion changed, and he said to Zhang Tianhao: "Princess, because Weng Taibei knows that the Donghualou Intelligence Hall will develop faster only under the leadership of Zhang Tianhao."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Weng Taibei and nodded and said, "Very good, it really is the person Xixi likes."

"Thank you, son, for your compliment," Weng Taibei said modestly.

"Go down and give me full attention to the movements of Xingchen Pavilion." Zhang Tianhao said to Weng Taibei.

"Yes...Young Master..." Weng Taibei's expression darkened, and he turned to Zhang Tianhao.

Just after Weng Taibei left, Zhang Tianhao took out a map of Sanyezhou.There are hundreds of mountains in the Chongwu Mountains.The terrain is complex, with a radius of thousands of miles and a depth of thousands of miles.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and murmured: "If Xingchen Pavilion really establishes a branch here, it is indeed a very secret place. And if Zhang Xixi is really captured by people from Xingchen Pavilion, that would be very interesting." It may be in the branch of Xingchen Pavilion. But as Weng Taibei said, if the branch of Xingchen Pavilion is in Sanyezhou, it will be very difficult to find the other party, just like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, no matter what, this is also a clue, and Zhang Tianhao must go through it.And the Xiaoyao Sect's inner sect assessment is about to start.Zhang Tianhao must also hurry up.I hope that Zhang Xixi can be rescued during this time.

Three days later, Chongwu Mountain
The Chongwu Mountains straddled several empires in Sanye Continent. , with a wide range of coverage.Although Zhang Tianhao was mentally prepared before coming.But after seeing the continuous dense forests of the Chongwu Mountains.His brows could not help but condense.

"It's really not easy to find the branch of Xingchen Pavilion in such a large Chongwu Mountain Range." Zhang Tianhao murmured.His brows frowned into the word Chuan.

"Xiaotiangou, this time I need to rely on your strength." Zhang Tianhao released Xiaotiangou again.

(End of this chapter)

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