The strongest fury system

Chapter 1554 Former name

Chapter 1554 Top Ten

The demon apes around saw that their ancestors were in danger.They rushed towards Zhang Tianhao one after another.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, he couldn't move while manipulating the sub-dimensional confinement.

"Phantom Clone Technique!"

The seven avatars slew towards the pounced demon apes.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

"Three Swords of Sealing Demons"


Those demon apes who were attacking Zhang Tianhao were all blocked by Zhang Tianhao's clone.

Under Zhang Tianhao's idea, one of the clones killed the demon ape.

"Explosive punch!"

The avatar punched the ancestor of the demon ape and killed him.

The reason why he didn't use a knife was because the Blast Killing Fist had a very strong concussion force.This punch directly hit the Demon Ape's body.The huge shock force blasted on the Demon Ape, shaking the Demon Ape into a crack in the void.

In the sub-dimensional space, the ancestor of the devil ape encountered one space storm after another.

At this moment, with Zhang Tianhao's cultivation, he became stronger.The greater the power of this sub-dimensional confinement.The dimensional space transmitted by the space crack is larger, and the space storm is more violent.Naturally, it is not the same as the sub-dimensional space opened for the first time.

about half an hour later

The ancestor of the demon ape was not low in wisdom, and finally found the weak point of the space barrier and killed it.

It's just that at this moment, the ancestor of the demon ape is covered with scars, and his breath is extremely sluggish.

At this moment, the ancestor of the demon ape, his defensive power has been reduced by the sub-dimensional space.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

There was a thunderous sound out of thin air.

Zhang Tianhao slashed to the head of the Demon Ape Patriarch.


The demon ape's head fell off.

"This time it's really dangerous! If it wasn't for my 'Phantom Shadow Distraction Art', I'm afraid it would be troublesome." Zhang Tianhao said to himself.

It's just that although this phantom clone is easy to use, each clone consumes [-] real yuan per second.Now it is seven hundred real yuan per second.

Don't look at the fact that Zhang Tianhao gets a lot of real energy every time he kills an enemy, but it also consumes a lot.

Seeing that there were still some fish that slipped through the net, Zhang Tianhao greeted Sun Jie and continued to kill them.Killed all the demon apes that were not killed before.

Murong Xian'er and Feng Qingwu, who were guarding outside the phantom formation, also joined forces to kill thirty demon apes.

The battle was all over after an hour.Including the ancestor of the demon ape, a group of people beheaded 520 demon apes.

The points for killing each demon ape are not the same.For example, the magic ape points equivalent to the peak of the human emperor is two points, and the point equivalent to the seventh heaven of the human emperor is four points.Doubles for each level up.However, the demon ape, which is equivalent to a human half-step Martial God Realm, is different.100 points are awarded directly.

This time, Sun Jie and the others obtained a third of the inner alchemy.The rest belong to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao gained 1300 points.

Points added this time.Let Zhang Tianhao directly reach 2035 points.The ranking increased again, rising to eighteenth place.

And the rankings of Murong Xian'er, Sun Jie, Feng Qingwu and others also improved again.All promoted to the top fifty.

in another mountain range

Wu Zixu looked at the ranking of the light curtain on the number plate, and his points skyrocketed again.Rank No.1 firmly.But below, he saw a familiar name.

Zhang Tianhao No.18.

Although there is still a gap between Zhang Tianhao's ranking and his own.But the rise was too high.Wu Zixu had a vague feeling that his biggest opponent this time was not Han Jinwu or Lin Zetao.It was Zhang Tianhao.

"Liu Guang!"

Wu Zixu shouted at a young man.

"Senior Brother Wu, what are your orders?" Liu Guang said respectfully to Wu Zixu.

Wu Zixu said to Liu Guang: "It is reported that Zhang Tianhao has the support of West Wind City and is now in the seventh area of ​​the Demon Ape Mountain Range. You take people there and kill them."

Liu Guang asked Wu Zixu: "Senior Brother Wu, do you want me to kill Zhang Tianhao?"

Wu Zixu shook his head and said, "No, there's no need to do that, you just need to kill the warriors in West Wind City who will provide him with information."

"Yes...Senior Brother Wu..." Liu Guang said to Wu Zixu.

three days later

Thanks to the information provided by the warriors of West Wind City, Zhang Tianhao wiped out several medium-sized tribes along the way.The ranking is still steadily improving.

Once again, it was promoted from No. 10 to No.[-].This increase is still very large.The further you get to the back, the bigger the point gap between the rankings.

Looking at the ranking on the number plate, Zhang Tianhao felt helpless.Although he can be regarded as squeezed into the top ten.But [-] points seems like a lot, but compared with Wu Zixu, who is ranked first, it is still too weak.The opponent has [-] points.

"Damn it, why are Wu Zixu's points so much higher than ours when so many of us are working so hard?" Sun Jie said a little depressed.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes and said: "There is no way, the other party brought a group of inner sect disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect to work for him, and it is not his ability alone to gather firewood and make flames high."

"Then what should we do, the strength of the few of us is limited, we can't beat Wu Zixu!" Feng Qingwu was also a little frustrated.

"Don't worry, there's still half a month left, and there will be a way." Zhang Tianhao said lightly.

"Hurry up and eat, we have to hurry later," Zhang Tianhao said to Xi Jie who was beside him.

Xi Jie nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said, "I'll go..."

"Wait a moment……"

Zhang Tianhao called Xi Jie who was about to leave.

Xi Jie stood still and turned to look at Zhang Tianhao in confusion.

Zhang Tianhao said sincerely to Xi Jie: "Thank you..."

Xi Jie smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Well... I should."

After saying that, Xijie left quickly.

Looking at Xi Jie's leaving figure, Zhang Tianhao sighed.He naturally knew Xi Jie's affection for him. During this period of time, in the Demon Ape Mountain Range, although she and Hu Hai did not help him kill the Demon Ape, the task of managing these warriors in West Wind City fell on Xi Jie.He also noticed Xi Jie's hard work.But he couldn't promise her anything.After all, he was leaving the Little Spirit Realm, and he was destined to only be a passer-by in her life.

"Brother Tianhao, what's wrong with you?"

Murong Xian'er noticed that Zhang Tianhao was in a daze and said nothing, so she looked at him with concern and asked.

"Hehe, your brother Tianhao is distressed by showing his affection everywhere!" Feng Qingwu walked to Murong Xian'er's side and gave Zhang Tianhao a sideways look and teased.

Zhang Tianhao smiled awkwardly, glared at Feng Qingwu, and said with a wry smile: "Qingwu, what are you talking about, I can't be merciful."

"You still said no, if you didn't show mercy, could it be that Xi Jie rushed forward by herself?" Feng Qingwu said disdainfully to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao was about to speak to refute, suddenly, Xi Jie walked over quickly, with an ugly look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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