The strongest fury system

Chapter 1585 The Lord of Rising Sun City

Chapter 1585 The Lord of Rising Sun City


The heart of the young man in white was filled with turbulent waves.He is a high-ranking martial artist.If he wanted to use coercion to force him to kneel with his followers of similar cultivation level, even a half-step Emperor Wu might not be able to do it.Could it be that the other party is Emperor Wu?

The young man in white was so frightened that he trembled all over.

More than a dozen warriors felt as if an invisible mountain was pressing on their bodies.Almost out of breath.

Similarly, the warriors who were watching around were also horrified at the moment.Unexpectedly, there was Emperor Wu eating here.At the edge of this imperial domain, Emperor Wu was enough to start a sect.

"I have no eyes, please take care of my father, the lord of Rising Sun City, Yuan Xiao, and let him go!" The young man in white hurriedly begged for mercy.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, this time he came to find his sister, and he didn't want to make any troubles.In addition, the other party was just talking about taking advantage of it, and did not intend to take the other party's life.Therefore, he said: "Death crimes can be forgiven, but living crimes cannot be forgiven. Each person leaves an arm, get lost..."

The young man in white suddenly became angry.Pointing at Zhang Tianhao, he said, "How dare you... my father is the Lord of Rising Sun City, how dare you want my arm?"

Before the young man in white finished speaking, Zhang Tianhao slapped him across the face.

"Crack!" sound.

The youths in white screamed.The whole person flew out like flying upside down.Before his body fell to the ground, Zhang Tianhao chased after him.He grabbed the young man in white by the neck.

The young man in white suddenly felt as if he was about to suffocate.Blush and thick neck.

"Do you want an arm or a life? Choose one of the two?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in white and said coldly.

The young man in white looked at Zhang Tianhao with terrified eyes, and said with difficulty: "I...I want to die..."

"Cutting off an arm..."

Zhang Tianhao still said coldly.

Under Zhang Tianhao's intimidation, the young man in white and several warriors had no choice but to cut off his own arm.The bloody left hand remained on the ground.

Before the young man in white left, there was that venomous look in his eyes.Let Zhang Tianhao know that the matter may not be so easy to end.But both Zhang Tianhao and Zhang Xixi seemed indifferent.

With Zhang Tianhao's strength at the moment, I'm afraid he really won't meet too many opponents in Dongyangzhou.

"The person who hurt the son of the city lord, come out to the city lord." A cold and stern voice sounded.

Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly at Zhang Xixi and said, "After hitting the puppy, the old dog came so soon. Xixi, look, I sent my husband away for you."

"I'll accompany you!" Zhang Xixi smiled slightly at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao and Zhang Xixi flew out of the window, suspended in the void, and five warriors stood in front of them.Standing in the middle was an old man with a square face, long gray hair, about fifty years old.

Zhang Tianhao could tell the opponent's cultivation level at a glance.Monarch peak.That is, the peak of Emperor Wu's triple heaven.This cultivation base is not bad in the fringe continent of this imperial domain.But in front of Zhang Tianhao, it was not enough to look at at all.The four warriors on the side are all at the first level of Emperor Wudi.Seeing that his cultivation base is a bit vain, it is obvious that he has just broken through.

This old man is naturally Yuan Xiao, the lord of Rising Sun City.

Yuan Xiao is not a very reckless person if he can be the lord of Rising Sun City.He first took a look at Zhang Tianhao and Zhang Xixi.But it was discovered that Zhang Xixi's cultivation was also in the realm of the gods.However, Zhang Tianhao's cultivation base is completely incomprehensible.

However, Yuan Xiao, as the city lord of Rising Sun City, had his young master lose one of his arms, so it was naturally impossible to end it like this. After that, how would others think of him as the city lord of Rising Sun City.

"Your Excellency actually crippled my son's arm, shouldn't I explain to the city lord one by one?" Yuan Xiao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly.

Zhang Tianhao curled his lips and smiled.He said to Yuan Xiao: "Then you molested my female companion, should you give me an explanation?"

At this moment, countless warriors in Rising Sun City were watching from the sidelines.

A rogue-headed warrior said coldly: "The Lord of Rising Sun City has always been domineering, and many warriors in Dongyang Island know it. At this moment, his son's arm has been broken. Naturally, he will not let it go."

Another warrior with thick eyebrows snorted coldly: "Mr. Yuan, for bullying men and women in Rising Sun City, someone should have come out to deal with him long ago. Even if he is not dealt with today, with his behavior, it will be sooner or later. .”

A companion next to the warrior with thick eyebrows quickly said to him: "Brother, don't say a few words, if City Master Yuan hears about it, you won't be able to eat and walk away."

"What are you afraid of? I'm telling the truth." The thick-browed youth sneered.

Even so, the tone of the young man with thick eyebrows is undoubtedly much lower.

"Hey, this son is so young, I'm afraid this time he will be doomed. Although he is a peerless genius, Yuan Xiao is the cultivation base of the emperor's peak, and it is definitely not something that ordinary Martial Emperors can easily compete with."

There are many warriors who feel sorry for Zhang Tianhao.After all, no matter how strong Zhang Tianhao is, these warriors simply don't believe that Zhang Tianhao will be Yuan Xiao's opponent due to his age.

Yuan Xiao glanced at Zhang Xixi who was beside Zhang Tianhao, even he felt a little surprised.He knows what his son is.It is basically certain that his son provoked others first.But to Yuan Xiao, this is not important.He is old enough to be a son, usually this son would not even be willing to swear harshly.At this moment, one hand was cut off, how could he endure it.

"My master's son, it's not up to outsiders to teach me a lesson." Yuan Xiao said angrily.

"In that case, let's draw the line! Whether you go up together or one by one, it's up to you." Zhang Tianhao said carelessly.

"It's so crazy! I'll leave this arrogant guy, the city lord, to my subordinates, and my subordinates will definitely take off his head and present it to the city lord." The warrior said solemnly.

"Very good, Jiang Hua, take down this arrogant thief for the city lord." Yuan Xiao said.

The warrior roared and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.A blood-red palm enveloped Zhang Tianhao.


When the martial artist was about to approach, Zhang Tianhao came later and punched out.This palm hit the warrior's chest.


The warrior screamed, and flew back like a kite with a broken string.Falling to the ground, Qiqiao bleeds to death.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiao was startled, and immediately ordered to the other three subordinates: "Give me this, no matter whether you live or die..."

The other three warriors in the Monarch Realm rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.

It was obviously not the first time that the three fighters cooperated, and they rushed towards Zhang Tianhao in the shape of a character.The fierce attack smashed down on Zhang Tianhao's body,

Three sharp killing intents had enveloped Zhang Tianhao's whole body.

"Give me death!"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed, and he punched three times in an instant, crushing him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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