Chapter 1679
The Xiaoyao Sect disciple's knife was torn apart by a terrifying force, and then the claws ruthlessly landed on the warrior's body.


The chest of the Xiaoyao Sect disciple was pierced.A blood hole is gushing out a trickle of blood.

When Ximen Feishuang heard the movement, did she open it in surprise? With her big beautiful eyes, she was pleasantly surprised when she saw that Zhang Tianhao was fine and found a miniature dragon standing in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"Xiaolong... Xiaohei..."

Ximen Feishuang and Zhang Tianhao have been on missions together in the Forest of Despair, so they naturally know that Zhang Tianhao has two very powerful battle pets.It's just that she was anxious before, so she didn't think so much.Seeing that Xiao Hei and Xiao Long rescued Zhang Tianhao together, Ximen Feishuang was also overjoyed.

Of course, Ximen Feishuang also knew that Xiao Hei and Xiao Long might not be able to resist so many Xiaoyao Sect disciples.What's more, Zhang Tianhao has no defense at all now, so someone must protect him.

"Damn... kill him... kill him for me..."

The hook-nosed warrior saw his men being killed one after another, so he also jumped angrily, and went to kill Zhang Tianhao first.He has already discovered that the breath on Zhang Tianhao's body is getting stronger and stronger.It is obvious that the cultivation has reached a critical moment.What if he is allowed to complete his cultivation and wake up with great strength.It was them who were unlucky.

With Zhang Tianhao's fighting power against the Sword of Profound Truth before, it would be extremely difficult for them to kill Zhang Tianhao.Therefore, at this moment, the hooked nose warrior has only one belief, that is, Zhang Tianhao must not be promoted, absolutely not.

"Heavenly and earthly slash!"

The knife in the hook-nosed warrior's hand transformed into a huge knife shadow tens of meters long, covering the top of Zhang Tianhao's head, and beheaded towards Zhang Tianhao's location.

This knife is extremely terrifying.With a terrifying aura of destruction, wherever it passed, sand and rocks flew, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

"Dare to kill my boss."

Xiaolong roared angrily.The body couldn't help but swell up.Turning into a giant dragon hundreds of meters long, a divine dragon swung its tail and swept towards the hook-nosed warrior.

"Boom!" sounded.

The hook-nosed warrior snorted and was shocked back more than a dozen steps.

Xiaolong also felt a little uncomfortable. After all, although his cultivation was infinitely close to that of a high-level spirit beast, the hook-nosed warrior was also a genius of Xiaoyaozong.

"Kill him...don't let Zhang Tianhao wake up. Otherwise, we will be in trouble." The hook-nosed warrior shouted to his companion.


The four disciples of the Xiaoyaozong killed Zhang Tianhao who was still awake as if they had just woken up from a dream.


Ximen Feishuang's complexion changed, he never thought that these people were so despicable.But now she is also held back by these warriors.She couldn't rescue Zhang Tianhao at all.


A black shadow appeared out of thin air behind the four Xiaoyao Sect disciples, it was Xiao Hei.Xiao Hei's claws grabbed a divine dagger of consonance.He beheaded the four Xiaoyao Sect disciples on their necks.




The four disciples of Xiaoyao Sect didn't prepare for Xiao Hei's sudden attack on them.An extremely sharp knife across their necks.



A series of screams sounded,

Four big heads fell from the void.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhao also reached the most critical moment.After he absorbed the power of the sword's mystery, the quick knife's mystery is also rising steadily at this moment.After all, the energy of this mystery is too strong.He greedily absorbed the power of these mysteries.As for everything outside, it was automatically blocked by him.When absorbing the power of the profound truth, it is natural not to be distracted.And before Zhang Tianhao absorbed the profound meaning, he also summoned Xiaolong and Xiaohei.No matter what happens, he believes that Xiaolong and Xiaohei will protect him well.

Sixty percent of the secrets of the quick knife
Seventy percent of the secrets of the quick knife
Eighty percent of the secrets of the quick knife
Jiucheng Quick Knife Mysteries

Finally, after absorbing such a strong esoteric power, Zhang Tianhao's Quick Saber esoteric has advanced to [-]%.Of course, the realm of perfection is still far from being reached.

Zhang Tianhao didn't know that the outside world was already killing people like a raging fire.In order to protect him, Xiaolong, Xiaohei and Ximen Feishuang couldn't stand it anymore.

Those Xiaoyaozong disciples are all core disciples.Xiao Hei, Xiao Long, and Ximen Feishuang were the three of them, except for Ximen Feishuang, who were afraid of her status because these Xiaoyao Sect disciples were afraid of her.Xiaolong and Xiaohei were all seriously injured at the moment.Both beasts were covered in scars.

"Boss, are you alright? If we don't wake up, we're going to die." Xiaolong couldn't help but shouted at Zhang Tianhao, who had his eyes closed tightly.

I don't know if Xiaolong's words had any effect, Zhang Tianhao suddenly opened his eyes.

"Boss, if you don't wake up, Xiaolong will not be able to hold on anymore." Xiaolong couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when he saw Zhang Tianhao wake up.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiaolong like this, and after a little thought, he knew what happened before.Can't help but slightly jaw.

Immediately, a killing intent surfaced in Zhang Tianhao's heart.

"If you dare to kill me, you must have the consciousness of being killed."

"Shh!" sounded.

Zhang Tianhao's long knife was unsheathed.A blade shadow as fast as lightning flashed across the void.His knife was so fast that no one could clearly see how Zhang Tianhao's knife came out.In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tianhao's knife had already beheaded a martial artist.

second knife
Zhang Tianhao's second knife shot again.With one blow, the heads of three half-step martial gods were beheaded.

Fast, it's really too fast, no one can describe how fast his knife is, but when the knife comes out, those Xiaoyaozong disciples who surrounded Zhang Tianhao couldn't see the trajectory of the knife at all .Even the trajectory of this knife can't be seen clearly, so naturally it's impossible to talk about taking this fall.



Several warriors were beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.Turned into his experience value.

Seeing this scene, the hook-nosed warrior felt terrified.The knife before, if he hadn't flashed fast, his head would have moved.Of course, this is also because Zhang Tianhao's knife did not specifically target him.

"Now it is your turn."

What Zhang Tianhao did actually locked the hook-nosed warrior.

It's a long story, but it actually happened in just a dozen or so breaths.

The hook-nosed fighter kept silent, he naturally knew that he was definitely not Zhang Tianhao's opponent.Hastily took out a piece of talisman and threw it out.

In an instant, the hook-nosed warrior disappeared in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"Intermediate talisman?" Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.

This Profound Truth Cemetery is sealed by an enchantment, and this talisman can tear apart the enchantment here, so it is not an ordinary talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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