The strongest fury system

Chapter 17 Battle Intermediate Martial Artist

Chapter 17 Battle Intermediate Martial Artist

After separating from Ning Xue, Zhang Tianhao hurried back to Ninghai City.One day later, Ninghai City was far away.

Outside Ninghai City
Looking at the endless stream of people at the gate of the city.Zhang Tianhao's eyes flashed coldly, and he murmured: "I'm back again. Zhang Zhentian, wash it up and wait for my butcher's knife!"

At this moment, the aura on his body is only the Warrior Four Heaven.He concealed his cultivation base with the "Breathing Concentration Jue" that exploded, and only warriors who are two realms higher than him can see through his cultivation base.

As soon as he entered the city, Zhang Tianhao suddenly noticed that someone was fighting in front of him.And it sounded like it belonged to Campbell.

Zhang Tianhao's complexion darkened, and he immediately spread his movements and swept over.

Four warriors wearing Li family costumes are besieging a fat man.At this moment, Jin Bao was drenched in blood, and it seemed that he could not last long.


Zhang Tianhao became angry when he saw his brother being bullied.

"court death!"

"Arhat Boxing!"

The overbearing two punches hit the two Li family warriors fiercely.

The two warriors flew out in an instant and landed on the ground, vomiting blood.

"Boy, do you dare to meddle in the Li family's business? How courageous you are."

The other two warriors from the Li family looked at Zhang Tianhao and said angrily.


Jin Bao was ecstatic when he saw Zhang Tianhao.He quickly shouted to him: "Boss, Zi Nan was just caught by Mr. Li while he was shopping."


Zhang Tianhao became anxious when he heard that his sister had an accident.Looking at the other two warriors from the Li family, he said angrily, "Where did you arrest my sister, please tell me?"

"Boy, it's a blessing for our young master to see your sister..."

One of the fighters hadn't finished speaking when Zhang Tianhao charged him like an electric shock and grabbed him by the neck.


The neck of the Li family warrior was twisted.

"Now it's your turn. If you don't say anything, you will die!" Zhang Tianhao's kill locked another warrior.Harshly strangled his neck.

" Xiyue Mountain Villa." The Li family warrior said fearfully.


Zhang Tianhao threw the warrior from the Li family out and hurried to Xiyue Villa.He used his body skills to the limit, and prayed in his heart: "Zi Nan, don't let anything happen to you, otherwise I will let the whole Li family be buried with you."

With Zhang Tianhao galloping with all his strength, he finally arrived at Xiyue Mountain Villa within half a stick of incense.

"Who is it!" The guards of Xiyue Villa immediately stopped Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao's eyes showed a cold light, and he looked at the four guards who rushed towards him.Hit it with a punch.

The domineering punch hit a guard directly.The guard vomited blood and flew away, and then blasted the other three guards with three punches!

The three guards screamed at the same time, vomited blood, flew away, and passed out on the ground.

"Who dares to come to Li's mansion to make trouble!"

A majestic voice sounded.

A fifty-year-old man rushed over with a dozen warriors, locking Zhang Tianhao with a terrifying murderous aura.


Zhang Tianhao froze slightly.

"A martial artist Zhong dares to come to the Li family's mansion to act wildly! It seems that he is quite courageous!" The martial artist sneered.

"Hmph, hand over my sister, otherwise, I'll wash Xiyue Villa with blood." Zhang Tianhao said murderously.

"The tone is not small, the old man will see how you wash Xiyue Mountain Villa with blood."

The great martial artist ordered to the warriors around him: "Come on, shoot and kill."

Zhang Tianhao used his body skills to the limit.

Arhat Fist has been used to the limit,
"Bang!", a martial artist screamed and flew upside down.A few more punches were thrown out, where the wind of the fist passed, there was no warrior, and it was a combined enemy.

In an instant, seven or eight of the dozen warriors fell down, screaming again and again.

"You are so ruthless at such a young age, I can't keep you." The martial artist was angry.

The sharp wind of the palm struck Zhang Tianhao.

"Arhat Fist"

Zhang Tianhao didn't dodge or dodge, and went forward with a single fist.The two forces collided in the air.


Zhang Tianhao felt an invisible impact from the heart of his fist.

"Push!" "Pedal!" "Pedal!"

Zhang Tianhao was instantly shocked back seven or eight steps.

"It really is an intermediate martial artist! In terms of cultivation alone, I am no match." Zhang Tianhao's face was slightly solemn.

As everyone knows, the martial artist was also surprised.He looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise and said, "You are not a martial artist, but a junior martial artist. No, even a junior martial artist can't take my palm."

However, the great martial artist said with a stern expression: "So what about junior martial artists, in my eyes, they are also ants, die for me."

As he said that, the great martial artist struck Zhang Tianhao again with his palm.This palm is more than ten times stronger than before, this is the result of attaching importance to Zhang Tianhao.

"Old man, you are the one who died."

The Xueyin Kuangdao appeared in Zhang Tianhao's hand.

"Unleash the Unlimited Frenzy!"

After the infinite fury is released, the attack power of all attributes is doubled.

A straightforward strike is also an incomparably domineering strike.


The middle-level martial artist felt that Zhang Tianhao's cultivation base had skyrocketed in an instant, and this knife also made his hair stand on end.

"Impossible, die to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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