The strongest fury system

Chapter 1906 Poisonous Smoke

Chapter 1906 Poisonous Smoke
"Well, in the past in our Ugin Empire, there were actually legends about the phoenix, but this was just a legend, because no one had seen the phoenix with their own eyes. However, the legend of the phoenix's nirvana has been passed down from generation to generation in the Ugin Empire. According to the legend, In the ancient times 10 years ago, the distant ancestor of our Emperor Wujin once fell in love with a beautiful girl, the girl who was as beautiful as a fairy named Feng Qingyan. She and Wu Ming were married together and gave birth to a Their descendants. They love each other very much, and they are reluctant to part for a moment. Later, the enemies of the distant ancestor Wu Ming ambushed and killed Wu Ming in a valley. Finally, Feng Qingyan came after hearing the news and killed all those enemies. But Wu Ming Ming also died because of this, and his life was cut off."

"and after?"

Zhang Xixi listened with rapt attention, as if worried.

Feng Qingyan exhausted all her essence and blood to save Wu Ming.After Feng Qingyan exhausted all her life, she also showed her own body, turned into a colorful phoenix, and headed northwest.

"Ah... so the distant ancestor of the Wujin Empire's royal family was a phoenix?" Zhang Xixi was surprised.

You Jiali nodded and said, "That's right, Feng Qingyan is a phoenix. And the direction Feng Qingyan flew to is this area of ​​the Chaos Plain."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, looked at You Jiali and asked seriously: "Jiali, how true do you think this legend is?"

You Jiali hesitated for a moment, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "I can't guarantee the number, but it should be [-]%, because I have heard this story since I was a child, and my ears are almost callused, which proves the credibility of this story. It shouldn't be too low."

Hearing the words, Zhang Tianhao also had a judgment in his heart, and seeing You Jiali, he said, "Go here, how long will it take to get to Death Swamp?"

You Jiali nodded and said, "After passing here, you have to pass through the Devil's Prison Forest. After passing through the Devil's Prison Forest, you have entered the Death Swamp?"

"Magic Prison Forest?" Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, and said to You Jiali and You Jinyu: "It's time for you to rest, it's still unknown what will happen in the Devil's Prison Forest, now we have to replenish our strength?"

You Jinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Well, I see, Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely take you to the Death Swamp."

"Well, you should go to rest quickly." Zhang Tianhao looked at You Jinyu and said.


After You Jinyu killed the Golden Leopard, he relaxed a bit.After cutting out all the people in Qixingzhai, he now has no worries.

After You Jinyu and You Jiali left, Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Xixi and said, "Go and rest too, I have a feeling that we will enter the Demon Prison Forest on this trip, and I'm afraid it will not be so easy to pass."

Zhang Xixi looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Tianhao, are you worried about the people in Xingchen Pavilion?"

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said: "Well, the people in Xingchen Pavilion are like dog skin plasters, and they can't even shake them off. I'm worried that the other party won't give up easily."

Zhang Xixi said to Zhang Tianhao seriously: "Tianhao, don't worry, the people in Xingchen Pavilion are not enough threats to us."

Zhang Tianhao said lightly: "I'm not worried about Xingchen Pavilion coming with bright swords and spears, but I'm afraid that the other party will play some tricks. After all, we are in the open, and the other party is in the dark."

The warriors of the Iron Banner Mercenary Group rested for a while before continuing on their way.

After another two hours, You Jinyu pointed to a lush forest in front of him, and said to Zhang Tianhao seriously: "Young Master Zhang, the Devil's Prison Forest is ahead, but the Devil's Prison Forest is extremely dangerous, and Mr. Zhang still needs to be careful." Some."

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said, "It's okay..."

As a warrior in the Martial God Realm, Zhang Tianhao would be a joke if he didn't even dare to enter a mere Demon Prison Forest.

A group of people entered the Demon Prison Forest and found countless white skeletons along the way, which was extremely frightening.The people from the Iron Banner Mercenary Corps looked a little more careful.

"Jin Yu, have you ever been to the Demon Prison Forest?" Zhang Tianhao looked at You Jinyu and asked.

You Jinyu immediately shook his head to Zhang Tianhao and said, "I haven't come in before. This time, I just reached the outside of the forest."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help nodding his head.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao smelled a strange smell, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.Not enough but nothing too big of an anomaly.

On the contrary, those warriors of the Iron Banner Mercenary Group with weaker cultivation bases beside Zhang Tianhao began to feel a little dizzy.

"No, the black smoke here is poisonous. Everyone, please don't practice kung fu. If you do it, the poisonous smoke will spread faster." You Jinyu shouted immediately.

Some warriors who were planning to use their kung fu to exorcise the poison immediately did not dare to use their kung fu any more.

"Take these pills quickly."

You Jiali immediately took out a few bottles of pills, and then gave the points to every warrior present.Of course, Zhang Tianhao and others were also included.

It's just that after these warriors took these elixirs, they only slightly delayed the onset of these highly toxic substances.The poison on everyone's body is still not cleared.

When Zhang Tianhao saw this, he immediately knew that the poison was terrible.He immediately entered the system space, ready to find some pills in the system space.He spent 100 million points to buy some relatively common detoxification pills.

Although each bottle of these detoxification pills only has [-] system points, which seems not expensive, Zhang Tianhao still believes in the efficacy of the detoxification pills that can be sold in the system.Although the detoxification function in the system seems to be ranked last.

"Everyone, use some of my detoxification pill!"

Zhang Tianhao threw a detoxification pill to Zhang Xixi beside him.Zhang Xixi is quite trusting in what Zhang Tianhao brought out.Swallowed it without much thought.

"Is it useful? Mr. Zhang, the elixir we took just now is the most expensive interpretation elixir. It was refined by our seventh-level alchemist in Black Gold City, but it seems that the effect is not very good in the end!" You Jiali said to Zhang Tianhao Some said helplessly.

When Yu Jiali said this, her expression was a little weak.Apparently the poison had affected her too.And You Jiali's cultivation is second only to You Jinyu in the Iron Banner Mercenary Corps.She is like this, it is conceivable that other warriors.

But Zhang Tianhao said to You Jiali very firmly: "You will know whether it will succeed or not, just try it."

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's confident look, You Jiali was dubious, but still followed Zhang Tianhao's instructions and distributed the elixir, and asked the warriors of the Iron Banner Mercenary Group to take the elixir.

"Tianhao, your elixir is really good. Now I feel that the poison in my body is being gradually discharged, and it should be cured soon."

Zhang Xixi stood up from the ground, looking much better than before.

"Me too, it seems that the poison on my body is gone." You Jinyu also looked at Zhang Tianhao happily.

(End of this chapter)

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