The strongest fury system

Chapter 2002 Crisis!

Chapter 2002 Crisis!

Zhang Tianhao frowned, but he didn't care too much. This little scene couldn't trouble him.

If one knife can't kill, then two knife.If two knives can't kill, then four knives.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed out with a single blow, the endless light of the sword stretched across the world.This knife slashed out, as if the void was about to be burned.

"Give me death!"

Zhang Tianhao followed him like a shadow, and slashed at the skeleton with a single blow.

"Boom!" sounded.

The skeleton was immediately beheaded.reduced to ashes.

I don't know if it's because the skeleton is just a dead object, so the system didn't decide to give him experience.This made Zhang Tianhao somewhat depressed.

However, the other skeletons in the God Emperor Realm were not shocked just because he killed one of the skeletons, and they came towards Zhang Tianhao from all directions.

The fierce attack tears the void.

Although it is only a skeleton, its attack is not weak.It can still pose a great threat to Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao roared angrily, and slashed out with a single blow.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Endless sword lights followed Zhang Tianhao's hands and crushed them out.Beheaded towards the skeletons that were rushing around.Those skeletons were knocked back one by one.


Zhang Tianhao's body rushed out like lightning.Appearing behind a skeleton, the knife in his hand slashed out sharply, hitting the skeleton's back fiercely.

The skeleton made a "click!" sound.He was chopped off by Zhang Tianhao.The whole skeleton flew out directly.

Sure enough, it is the skeleton of a warrior in the god emperor realm, it is hard, but if you think that I can't break through you like this, then you are thinking too much.

Zhang Tianhao once again slashed at the skeleton.This knife directly looks for the skeleton as a vulnerable place.


Zhang Tianhao's knife reached the neck of the skeleton.

"Crack!" sounded.

That skeleton was beheaded by Zhang Tianhao in an instant.

"Hey, it seems that my son is really a genius. He found the flaws of these skeletons so quickly. What about the god emperor skeletons, the flaws are no different from other skeletons." Zhang Tianhao said with a deep breath.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao didn't think about it, although the skeletons of these god emperors seemed to have the same flaws as other skeletons.But it also requires considerable strength to take advantage of these flaws.If it were some other weaker fighters, they would probably be killed before they got close to these skeletons.Even if Zhang Tianhao slashed at the necks of these skeletons, it might not necessarily be able to break through the defense.

Skeletons in the God Emperor Realm have extremely powerful defenses.Without considerable strength, even if the opponent stands up and asks you to slash, you may not be able to break through that defense.

The other four skeletons charged towards Zhang Tianhao again.Maybe it's because these skeletons still have a certain amount of wisdom left by the deity, and they know how to protect themselves.Zhang Tianhao wanted to kill these skeletons again like before, but it was also somewhat difficult.

Of course, it's just a little difficult.But it was impossible to stop Zhang Tianhao.

"The hand of death!"

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly.The Law of Annihilation was cast.A giant hand from the sky slammed down on the four skeletons from the void.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang.

The three skeletons were directly thrown out first.It fell hard on the ground.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

The terrifying flame knife slashed fiercely on another skeleton.The endless flames swallowed it instantly.In the end, there was not even a scum left.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards the location of the other three skeletons again.Once again, he smashed down with a knife.

It is still burning the sky and boiling the sea in one style.

The fierce flame knife slashes the sky and destroys the earth, which is extremely terrifying.

Three flaming saber slashes devoured the remaining three skeletons in an instant, and finally there was not even a piece of slag left.

Zhang Tianhao exhaled, sat cross-legged on the ground, and took a short rest.After a series of movements, he also felt a little tired at the moment, and needed to calm down and adjust properly.

But he didn't go deep right away.After all, six warriors of the God Emperor Realm died here. Judging from the age, it should have been thousands of years, at least, but since even the warriors of the God Emperor Realm died here.Without absolute certainty, Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to go any further.These warriors of the God Emperor Realm absolutely crushed him in strength during their lifetime.But now that even these god emperors are dead, Zhang Tianhao must also make good preparations.

Although there is armor to protect the body, there is only one life.The life that exploded before has been used long ago.Now there is no second life for him to use.Therefore, in order to save his own life at this moment, Zhang Tianhao must be prepared.Moreover, although the armor set will take the initiative to defend, it only has one chance left now, and it will take some time to react. If the opponent's attack reaches an extreme level, even the armor's defense will not have time to deploy.That also doesn't work.

Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao revealed a lot of good things before, and now it's time for these things to come in handy.

When everything is ready.Zhang Tianhao walked into the interior of the hall.Soon, a skeleton came into Zhang Tianhao's eyes.

"Why is there a skeleton here? Could it be that this skeleton is the owner of this place?" Zhang Tianhao thought to himself.

Although this is just a guess, he feels that this should be close to ten.

Zhang Tianhao cautiously walked in front of the skeleton. Everything around the skeleton had long been weathered, and it was obvious that it had been here for many years.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao's eyes fell on a ring on the skeleton's hand.

"This should be a space ring!"

There is no sign of any treasure in the surrounding area, and the good thing should be in the ring on its hand.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao is not polite now.As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was about to take off the ring on the skeleton's hand.Of course, Zhang Tianhao was fully alert, because he always felt that there was some dangerous aura hanging around him.Just can't find the source of that danger.

But at this moment, a black glow shot out from the ring, and the speed of this black glow was extremely fast.Even in Zhang Tianhao's eyes, he could barely see a black shadow, and the most important thing was that the black shadow shot towards Zhang Tianhao.

"Do not……"

Zhang Tianhao yelled.But if he wanted to stop it now, it was too late.The black shadow's penetrating power was so strong that it directly penetrated Zhang Tianhao's entire body, and he didn't even have time to deploy his armor defense.

(End of this chapter)

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