The strongest fury system

Chapter 2049 3 punches

Chapter 2049 Three Punch
Zhang Tianhao laughed loudly and said: "Hou Taizhong, do you think you can block me with this mountain guard formation?"

Hou Taizhong gave Zhang Tianhao a disdainful smile and said: "Emperor, don't pretend to be calm, our Great Formation protecting the mountain in the Hall of Supreme One cannot be destroyed by ordinary people."

"Really, if I tell you that I only need three punches to break this so-called mountain guard formation, would you believe it or not?" Zhang Tianhao smiled lightly.

Hou Taizhong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing loudly.Looking at Zhang Tianhao, he said with great disdain: "Emperor Heaven, I originally heard people say that you are extremely arrogant, and I thought it was exaggerated. But now, it seems that you are even more arrogant than usual."

"Don't believe me? Then I'll prove it to you!"

Zhang Tianhao flew to the front of the mountain guard formation in the Hall of Supreme One.

In fact, even the warriors in the Heavenly Court felt that Zhang Tianhao was a bit exaggerated.A sect's mountain protection array is the sect's most powerful heritage.

Although the warriors in the Heavenly Court did not have much doubt about Zhang Tianhao's ability to break the mountain protection formation, they still expressed strong doubts about whether he could break the mountain protection formation with three punches.

"Zhang Tianhao, just give it a try. If you can really smash through the formation protecting the mountain in our Hall of Supreme One with three punches, I will admit defeat!" Hou Taizhong said.

"What's the use of losing? If you lose, how about my son?" Zhang Tianhao laughed at Hou Taizhong.

"Okay, did you lose?"

Even after beating Hou Taizhong to death, he didn't believe that he would lose.This is a spiritual formation.Even if the demon army came, within three days, in Hou Taizhong's view, it would be absolutely impossible to break this formation.Not to mention Hou Taizhong.

"It's the same if I lose." Zhang Tianhao said seriously.


Shi Lei, Zhang Jianfeng and others beside him turned pale with shock when they heard the words.Even Feng Qingwu and Ximen Feishuang were a little surprised.Only Murong Ziqian looked very calm.In her opinion, Zhang Tianhao would never do anything he was not sure about.

"Boss, it's too risky, we don't need to do this." Zhang Jianfeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "Don't worry, you boss, I have my own reasons."

"Hou Taizhong, just keep your eyes wide open and watch me break your mountain protection formation!"

After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he flew towards the formation protecting the mountain in the Hall of Supreme Oneness, and punched down the formation protecting the mountain.


This punch hit the protective formation in the Hall of Supreme Oneness.

But the dazzling array of body protection in the Hall of Supreme One remained the same, as if it hadn't changed in any way.

Hou Taizhong, who was slightly worried at first, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this situation.He thought to himself: I really went back more and more.I'm actually worried that this guy can really break my mountain protection formation.He deserves it too.

The people at the Hall of Supreme One were full of ridicule.But the people on the Heavenly Court side were somewhat depressed.But Zhang Tianhao didn't change his face.In fact, the punch just now did not seem to have changed much. In fact, Zhang Tianhao had already shattered the inner core of the mountain protection formation with that punch.

Zhang Tianhao didn't speak, and continued to bombard with the second punch.This punch still penetrated into the weakness of the Great Formation of the Hall of Supreme Oneness.

This dilapidated mountain-protecting formation looks intact, and it's okay to deal with some warriors who don't understand the formation.But facing Zhang Tianhao, the mountain guard formation of the Hall of Supreme One is full of loopholes.


Zhang Tianhao's punch slammed heavily on the protective array of the Hall of Supreme One, causing faint ripples.This punch shattered the internal energy spar of the mountain protection formation.Of course, in a short period of time, this mountain protection array is still operating on the surface.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao's second punch still did not shake the mountain guard formation.The warriors in the Hall of Supreme One were extremely proud.The originally depressed morale began to recover rapidly.

"Boss, why is this?" Zhang Jianfeng looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Brother Tianhao, let's stop punching the third time." Murong Xian'er looked at Zhang Tianhao.

From Murong Xian'er's point of view, as long as Zhang Tianhao doesn't punch the third punch, it is not considered a broken promise, and there is no need to fulfill his promise.

"No, I have to punch this third punch, otherwise people will think I lost." Zhang Tianhao said with a half-smile.

Hou Taizhong looked at Zhang Tianhao proudly and said: "Emperor, I advise you to admit defeat. Our Taiyi Palace's mountain protection formation has been passed down for thousands of years. Do you think you can break it if you want to, otherwise it would have been broken long ago. No need to wait until now."

"Oh, Hou Taizhong, it seems that you really think I've lost? Don't forget, I haven't punched my third punch yet, so I don't know if I lost or not!" Zhang Tianhao looked at Hou Taizhong very calmly. road.

"Hahaha... Heavenly Emperor, it seems that you will not cry when you see the coffin, I will see what you have to say after your third punch." Hou Taizhong was extremely determined at this moment.Even if he was beaten to death, he didn't believe that Zhang Tianhao's third punch could break his protective formation in the Hall of Supreme Oneness.

"Hmph, Hou Taizhong, open your dog eyes wide!"

Zhang Tianhao used [-]% of his strength in the third punch.

"Heart-piercing Destruction Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao slammed down the big formation protecting the mountain in the Hall of Supreme One with a punch.This punch was devastating, and wherever it passed, the void exploded inch by inch.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao's punch slammed heavily on the formation protecting the mountain in the Hall of Supreme One.

The great array of guards in the Hall of Supreme One shook violently.There were faint ripples.

Immediately afterwards, the barriers of the protective array in the Hall of Supreme One began to crack in all directions like cobwebs.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.The protective formation in the Hall of Supreme One disappeared in an instant.

"How is it possible, how is this possible?" Hou Taizhong looked extremely surprised at the moment.

The disciples of the Hall of Supreme One had surrounded a group of high-level officials, and they were extremely surprised at the moment, and they were obviously stunned, with an incredulous look on their faces.


Compared with those in the Hall of Supreme Oneness, the martial artists on the side of Heavenly Court cheered and jumped for joy.

"The Emperor of Heaven is mighty, the Emperor of Heaven is mighty..."

Zhang Jianfeng was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Let me just say, the boss will never fight a battle that he is not sure of, so here is a good show."

"Hou Taizhong, what else do you have to say now, you should fulfill your promise immediately and be my younger brother. Being my younger brother, the benefits are very good, not worse than you being the master of the Supreme One Hall. Think about it!" Zhang Tianhao looked at Hou Taizhong and laughed.

"Damn..." Hou Taizhong's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Why, it looks like you want to renege on your promise and get fat. But you are the master of the Taiyi Hall, one of the top ten holy places. If you don't keep your promise, it will deal a big blow to your prestige." Zhang Tianhao said Then, he blinked at Hou Taizhong.

(End of this chapter)

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