The strongest fury system

Chapter 2053 Thunderbolt!Thunder!

Chapter 2053 Thunderbolt!Thunder!
"You think you're going to get me?"

Zhang Tianhao's expression was unmoved.Although Lei Qingtian was undeniably very strong, but he also had a hole card, so he wasn't too naive to the opponent.It's just that this hole card is his biggest reliance now.Unless it's a last resort, he doesn't want to
"Since you want to court death, this old man will help you."

Lei Qingtian clapped his palm again.

This time it was a blood red palm print.

"Purgatory Prison!"

The blood-red palm prints covered the sky and the sun, covering all the space around Zhang Tianhao in an instant.


Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, looking at the palm prints that fell in front of him.With a cold snort, he cast teleportation, and disappeared in front of Lei Qingtian in the blink of an eye.In the next second, he appeared behind Lei Qingtian and killed him with a single blow.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

This knife contained Zhang Tianhao's ninth-level law power.Extremely terrible.

There was a muffled sound of thunder in the void.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao slashed fiercely at Lei Qingtian's body.

Originally, Zhang Tianhao thought that even if Lei Qingtian wasn't killed by his knife, at least there was no problem in injuring him.But in the next second, Zhang Tianhao's expression changed suddenly.Because he suddenly felt that his knife was slashing against a copper wall and an iron wall.The hand holding the knife was slightly numb.

"how come?"

"Hmph, get out of here!"

Lei Qingtian slammed Zhang Tianhao's body with his palm.


Zhang Tianhao felt that the opponent's punch carried thunderous power.Wherever it passed, the void exploded inch by inch.

Zhang Tianhao narrowly avoided Lei Qingtian's punch, and before he could stand still, Lei Qingtian locked onto his breath again, and struck him with the second punch.

With this punch, Lei Qingtian blocked all his directions.This palm blasted towards him like a broken bamboo.

Zhang Tianhao's expression changed.Gritting his teeth, he fought.

"The Nether God Slashing Knife!"

It was when the evil fire phoenix was killed in the Phoenix Palace that the emperor-level high-grade kung fu burst out.The emperor-level high-grade kung fu method is in the Zhenwu Continent, and this is almost a top-notch martial skill.Of course, although it is a martial skill of the emperor rank, but when it is used.The load on the body is still quite large.

at that moment

The power of endless ghosts rushed towards Zhang Tianhao's body from all directions.And his power has skyrocketed almost geometrically.Ten times, a hundred times...


Zhang Tianhao slashed at Lei Qingtian's body.

The dreadful Netherfire wrapped the knife, and it slashed towards Lei Qingtian's body.This knife was so terrifying, it seemed that the void was about to tremble.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

Zhang Tianhao's Nether God Slashing Saber slashed at Lei Qingtian's body like a bamboo, and Lei Qingtian was instantly thrown away.

"Void Teleportation!"

Zhang Tianhao displayed his space magic power, and an invisible white light flashed, as if spanning the distance of space.He directly crushed Lei Qingtian with a single blow.

"Ah!" sounded.

Lei Qingtian let out a shrill scream.The Divine Consonance Dagger directly exploded in his body, leaving a big hole in his chest.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao had already activated the observation technique, and he suddenly discovered that his knife only caused him to lose five figures of blood.

This five-figure blood is compared to Lei Qingtian's seven-figure blood bull.This five-figure blood is simply drizzle.

"It seems that Lei Qingtian must kill his body's defenses. Otherwise, he will never be able to defeat Lei Qingtian." Zhang Tianhao murmured.


Zhang Tianhao's body shook, and he appeared behind Lei Qingtian like lightning.But Lei Qingtian's reaction was quick, he obviously sensed the danger, and immediately sent him a palm.It interrupted Zhang Tianhao's next actions.

"Damn it, this guy is tough."

Zhang Tianhao couldn't help narrowing his eyes at this moment.

"Phantom Clone!"

Zhang Tianhao split into seven clones, together with the eight clones of the deity, they all went to kill Lei Qingtian.

Watching Zhang Tianhao perform this weird move.Lei Qingtian couldn't help being a little shocked.Originally thought that this avatar was just an illusion, but I didn't expect that this was not just an illusion.Each of Zhang Tianhao's avatars has the same power as the main body.

"A knife of nirvana!"

"The Ultimate Knife!"

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

"The hand of death!"

"Thunder kill!"

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

All directions are destroyed
A series of attacks.He crushed and killed Lei Qingtian.

Even though Lei Qingtian's strength was strong, he was still a bit confused in the face of the series of attacks from Zhang Tianhao's seven avatars.

But what Zhang Tianhao admired was that under his thunderous offensive, the opponent still supported it, which made him a little unbelievable.


Zhang Tianhao appeared behind Lei Qingtian like a ghost.

"Eye of Destruction!"

In Zhang Tianhao's eyes, a terrifying light burst out, blasting on Lei Qingtian's body.Immediately, Lei Qingtian couldn't help screaming.I felt a terrifying and strange energy wreaking havoc in my body.

"Damn, what kind of power is this?"

Lei Qingtian mustered all the strength in his body, ready to resist the attack of this force.But not available.

"Damn, how could this be?"

Zhang Tianhao could find that Lei Qingtian's defensive power was slowly dropping.

"good chance!"

Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Thunder explosion!"


In the clear sky, there was a sudden muffled thunder.The invisible thunder net covered Lei Qingtian's body.Of course, Zhang Tianhao's clones were also covered together.

Zhang Tianhao's avatar must hold Lei Qingtian back, otherwise, for Zhang Tianhao, it would be a dream to rely on thunder to injure the opponent severely.

The seven clones began to besiege Lei Qingtian desperately in the thunder net.But under the siege of Zhang Tianhao's seven clones.Lei Qingtian didn't say that he could do anything with ease, but he could support it with all his strength.

"Damn boy, if you want to defeat me, there is no way."

Lei Qingtian frantically attacked the thunder nets around him, trying to knock them away, but under the interference of Zhang Tianhao's seven avatars, he couldn't.And Zhang Tianhao is also facing tremendous pressure.After all, Lei Wang was one with him, and Lei Qingtian's attack on Lei Wang had a great impact on Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Lei Qingtian's attack was too strong.Lei Wang almost couldn't hold it anymore.Fortunately, Thunderbolt is almost ready.


At this moment, an accident happened, and Lei Qingtian actually used a strong attack to tear a hole in the thunder net.If Lei Qingtian was really allowed to rush out, then the previous preparations would be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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