The strongest fury system

Chapter 2080 Rejection

Chapter 2080 Rejection
Ouyang Qing's expression was extremely serious.Said: "Nowadays, the Zhenwu Continent is full of battles, resulting in numerous killings every day. Ouyang Qing hopes to advocate that the warriors in our Zhenwu Continent can stop the conflicts, so that many forces can develop peacefully, and there will be no endless killings... Of course, this hope requires You all work together."

"Miss Ouyang's idea is very good, but it is obviously very difficult to realize it. For example, our Tianyang Villa and Sunset Fort are deadly enemies. If you want us to live in harmony, unless the sun comes out from the west .” A warrior with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks sneered.

"That's right, Sunset Fort and Tianyang Villa are deadly enemies. It's impossible for us to get along in harmony." Another warrior with a big belly stood up and said in a deep voice.

"What are you talking about, Miss Ouyang is also kind, please pay attention to your wording!" Wang Jingyu said looking at the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked young man looked at Wang Jingyu and said calmly, "Young Master Wang, I'm just telling the truth."

Ouyang Qing glanced at the young man, nodded slightly and said, "It's actually very simple, every martial artist present has signed a contract!"

The young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said unwillingly: "What if you don't sign?"

"If you don't sign, you will die..." Wang Jingyu slapped the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks on the head.

The young man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks suddenly had his brains shattered and died.

"How is it? Are there any problems now?" Wang Jingyu grinned.

The young man in Sunset Fort was also terrified at this moment, obviously he did not expect such a thing to happen.He nodded quickly and said, "No problem, no problem."

Ouyang Qing frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Wang Jingyu's self-assertion, but she didn't say anything.

"I hope everyone cooperates to stop the disputes. This is something that is beneficial to everyone. I hope everyone can do it." Ouyang Qing said.

"Miss Ouyang, it's useless just for us to sign the contract. The power of Zhenwu Continent is more than tens of millions. It's not something we can represent."

A well-dressed warrior said seriously.

Ouyang Qing said with a light smile: "This is very simple. For those forces that have not signed the contract, we can gradually let them join the agreement. If they don't want to, they will be enemies of all the forces present. Ouyang Qing believes that in the future , we should gradually let the forces of Zhenwu Continent join our contract."

Zhang Tianhao at the bottom, after hearing Ouyang Qing's plan, had to admit that if Ouyang Qing was really allowed to do this, it would indeed reduce disputes in the imperial domain to a great extent.In the long run, this is indeed a good thing.But can Zhang Tianhao agree?The answer is obvious.Naturally, he couldn't agree, and he had to vigorously oppose it.After all, his Heavenly Court is prepared to be the same as the entire Zhenwu Continent.If Ouyang Qing did this, it would be a great constraint on the Heavenly Court.

"I'm sorry, we won't do this matter. The matter of stopping conflicts is beautiful to think about, but it is very difficult to implement it." Zhang Tianhao stood up, looked at Ouyang Qing and said seriously.

Ouyang Qing looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "What do you mean by Mr. Zhang? Does Mr. Zhang have a different opinion?"

Zhang Tianhao waved his hand to Ouyang Qing, and said seriously: "I don't dare to take it seriously, but I know that wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. If you want to stop conflicts, unless there are no rivers and lakes."

Ouyang Qing looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously: "Mr. Zhang, why don't you want to stop fighting? Do you want to see a world full of killings?"

Zhang Tianhao looked deeply at Ouyang Qing and said: "Miss Ouyang, maybe you have good intentions. But your so-called siege dispute, in my opinion, is like a castle in the air. Soon, the demons will invade. How can it be possible to stop fighting?" , At that time, only iron and fire can be reborn. Therefore, I do not agree with the girl's idea."

After saying that, Zhang Tianhao turned around and left.

Of course, the four holy places of Xiaoyaozong, Chixiazong, Taiyidian, and Ice Palace are also walking with Zhang Tianhao.This made Ouyang Qing, Yuan Baokun, and these warriors look a little ugly.Because Zhang Tianhao's plan was not completed.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for this guy, our mission this time would have been completed." Wang Jingyu said with an ugly expression.

"It's unlikely. None of the top ten holy places is fuel-efficient, but this time the top ten holy places are not monolithic. The Heavenly Court has put a lot of pressure on the Holy Heaven Sect and the Ghost Spirit Sect. I think it is possible for them He cooperated with us." Yuan Baokun of Taixu Academy said indifferently.

"That's right, but I think we can take down the Emperor of Heaven. As long as we take down the Emperor of Heaven, our strength can be doubled in Zhenwu Continent, and we can integrate all the forces of Zhenwu Continent for our use. It's much simpler." He Shoucheng, the young owner of Colorful Villa, said.

"Miss Ouyang, what do you mean?"

Wang Jingyu and the others set their eyes on Ouyang Qing.

Ouyang Qing nodded and said: "What Mr. Yuan and Mr. He said is good, but Ouyang Qing thinks that we can do both."

Wang Jingyu was always the first to support Ouyang Qing. Hearing this, he quickly said: "I also support Ouyang Qing's words. We can attack the Ten Great Sacred Grounds and the Heavenly Court at the same time. They almost represent the strongest forces in the Zhenwu Continent."

"I agree too!" Yuan Baokun said.

He Shoucheng also said, "I also support Miss Ouyang's words."

"Today, that kid named Zhang Haotian must go and investigate. This person has a mysterious background. He can win despite being besieged by so many of us. He is definitely not an ordinary person." Wang Jingyu said.

"That's right, when did such a powerful Tianjiao appear in Zhenwu Continent?" Yuan Baokun also said seriously.

In fact, Wang Jingyu was also suspicious of a person in his heart, but this was just a suspicion.He didn't think the possibility was very high, so he was just bored in his heart.


Tianlong City, the manor where Zhang Tianhao lives
Lin Zetao looked at Zhang Tianhao who took off the supreme mask, and smiled suddenly: "Hahaha...Tianhao, I knew it was you...I thought it was because I remembered it wrong. Of course, only you can be here So many masters of hidden world families got away with it."

Lin Zetao didn't have too much grudge against Zhang Tianhao because of the past, after all, time has changed.

"Haha, it's a great pleasure to see Brother Lin here, and it will be a big day tonight." Zhang Tianhao looked at Lin Zetao and smiled heartily.

"Haha, I was just about to say it too!" Lin Zetao smiled at Zhang Tianhao very cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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