The strongest fury system

Chapter 2140 Meng Qi Was Captive

Chapter 2140 Meng Qi Was Captive
Zhang Tianhao didn't know that at the same time, in a luxurious courtyard of the Holy Tianzong

A young man in white angrily smashed everything in the room to pieces.There are bumpy palm prints everywhere, obviously, this young man in white has vented his anger for a long time.

"Emperor of Heaven, you are too deceitful. My years of hard work have been ruined just like that." The young man in white raised his head to the sky and howled wildly.

The eyes of the young man in white were extremely blood red, obviously he was in a state of extreme loss of control at the moment.Fortunately, the young man in white is also extraordinary.At the most critical moment, he still stabilized his emotions.It's just that his eyes are filled with infinite murderous intent.He murmured: "Heavenly Emperor, you forced me to do this, so don't blame me for being ruthless."

The young man in white naturally knew, with the power of Heavenly Court at this moment.Finding out his identity is only a matter of time. At that time, he will be the target of public criticism in Zhenwu Continent.This is not what he wants to see.Therefore, he is going to strike first.

After destroying most of the Butian Sect's forces, what Zhang Tianhao wants to find most at the moment is a Butian Sect leader who is hidden behind the scenes. Don't look at Zhang Tianhao's calm appearance on the surface.In fact, he is also very worried about the leader of Butian Sect. After all, with the strength of the leader of Butian Sect, if he hides in the dark, it will definitely be a great threat to Zhang Tianhao.It's just that the leader of Butian Sect hides very deeply. Even if Zhang Tianhao has a huge intelligence network in Tianting, it is not easy to find him in a short time.

On this day, a martial artist from the Heavenly Court hurriedly walked up to him, and said respectfully to him: "My lord, I have your letter..."


Zhang Tianhao was slightly astonished.Now most of his friends use the messenger talisman. This method of sending letters is really rare.However, he couldn't help but asked the martial artist in the court that day: "Where is this messenger?"

The martial artist in that court hurriedly said to Zhang Tianhao: "Master Tiandi, this man sent the letter to Donghua Academy and then left. And the other party said to his subordinates, if you ask, just say he is from the Haitian Chamber of Commerce."

"Haitian Chamber of Commerce?"

As soon as Zhang Tianhao heard the words Haitian Chamber of Commerce, a beautiful image appeared in his heart. This person was Meng Qi.It's just that Meng Qi also has her own communication talisman, but Zhang Tianhao was quite surprised why the other party would use this method of sending letters.Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.Immediately opened the letter.

After reading the contents of the letter clearly, Zhang Tianhao's complexion changed.

"Meng Qi's flying boat was attacked and disappeared?"

"how is this possible?"

Zhang Tianhao left Tianting immediately and rushed to the headquarters of Haitian Chamber of Commerce.

At the headquarters of the Haitian Chamber of Commerce.Zhang Tianhao saw Meng Qi's housekeeper, Mr. Meng.

"Meng Lao, how did Miss Meng Qi disappear, can you tell me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Meng Lao and asked.

Meng Lao looked at Zhang Tianhao who came in a hurry, and his expression flashed with relief.Said to him: "It's a long story, Meng Qi was originally going to discuss business cooperation with another big chamber of commerce, the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce. On the way to Xiyuan Kingdom, she was attacked by a gang."

Zhang Tianhao nodded, looked at Meng Lao and asked, "Meng Lao, who are those people, do you know?"

Meng Lao smiled wryly at Zhang Tianhao and said: "Those people come and go quickly, maybe they also know the strength of our Haitian Chamber of Commerce, and they are worried that our masters will come and leave in less than half a stick of incense. And The old man can clearly feel that the other party's goal is Miss Meng Qi."

"Meng Qi?"

Zhang Tianhao thought about it for a while, and asked Mr. Meng, "Old Meng, about when did it happen?"

Meng Lao said to Zhang Tianhao seriously: "Three days ago!"

"Three days ago?"

Zhang Tianhao's expression suddenly darkened.To Meng Lao said: "Meng Lao, is there really no clue in three days?"

Meng Lao looked a little irritable, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "No, this group of people seems to have jumped out of a rock suddenly. Our Haitian Chamber of Commerce on Sanyezhou is considered to have some strength, but after mobilizing all the power , and found no clues."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Meng Lao and asked: "Meng Lao, you said earlier that the other party withdrew within half a stick of incense, that is to say, you resisted for less than half a stick of incense. The saint of the Chamber of Commerce. Logically speaking, status and status are also important, why can't the people you bring can't resist even half a stick of incense?"

This is a big question for Zhang Tianhao now.Now, before he has any clues, he must sort out these questions one by one.

Mr. Meng nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said: "Well, Mr. Zhang, your doubts are very reasonable. But this is also a coincidence, because we have not cooperated with the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce once or twice. We are not going to the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce on weekdays. The resident of Yanyang Chamber of Commerce came to the resident of our Haitian Chamber of Commerce. This route is very familiar, and there have never been any problems. So, this time we were a little negligent, but this time the people we brought also It’s not much different from the past. So I don’t understand why the other party will launch an attack on our Haitian Chamber of Commerce today when nothing happened before.”

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and asked Meng Lao: "Meng Lao, you said that Meng Qi went to the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce's residence in the same way before, but nothing happened?"

"Yes, there have been several times. The route and the escort of the flying boat are the same as today. Therefore, this is the most confusing thing for our Haitian Chamber of Commerce at the moment." Meng Lao looked very depressed.

In fact, the pain in Meng Lao's heart at this moment is not under Zhang Tianhao's.After all, Mr. Meng watched Meng Qi grow up, and also watched her step by step to her current position.Therefore, Meng Lao has long regarded Meng Qi as his daughter.At this moment, Meng Qi's disappearance is also very painful for Mr. Meng.

"Meng Lao, do you think the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce is reliable?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Meng Lao and asked.

Meng Lao quickly nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said, "Master Zhang, I know you are suspicious of the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce, but I still want to emphasize that the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce and our Haitian Chamber of Commerce are very good partners. It's because of nervousness, constantly dispatching the forces under his command to search for Meng Qi's whereabouts in various places. It can be said that the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce does not want Meng Qi to have any problems."

In fact, Zhang Tianhao also knew about the Yanyang Chamber of Commerce. This Yanyang Chamber of Commerce is also one of the top ten chambers of commerce in Zhenwu Continent.However, Xiyuan Country on Sanye Continent is also the branch of Yanyang Chamber of Commerce in Sanye Continent, this time Meng Qi had an accident on the way to Xiyuan Country.

(End of this chapter)

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