The strongest fury system

Chapter 2262 News about Zhang Tianhao

Chapter 2262 News about Zhang Tianhao
Zhang Tianhao also arranged a formation in front of him.At this moment, he naturally wanted Xiaolong to take him to the area of ​​the formation.In this way, the pursuers of those lion people can be completely stopped.

"You bloody bastards, you can't run away."

The warriors of the lion tribe frantically chased and killed Zhang Tianhao and the three beasts.Although the speed of the three beasts is very fast, because they are surrounded by warriors of the lion tribe, they still cannot escape the pursuit of the warriors of the lion tribe.

Just when the three beasts were about to be surrounded by lion-human warriors.


Zhang Tianhao, who was sitting cross-legged on Xiaolong's body, suddenly shot out a seal very quickly, and this seal completely ignited the spiritual formation that Zhang Tianhao had arranged long ago.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

A series of flames exploded from under the ground, completely blowing away the warriors of the Lion Clan. These warriors of the Lion Clan were inexplicably horrified. Obviously, they did not expect that Zhang Tianhao would arrange a formation here in advance.

"These are exactly the fire-thirsty formations of the first rank of the spiritual rank that Zhang Tianhao didn't know about!"

Zhang Tianhao arranged a total of eighteen fire-loving and burning formations.Zhang Tianhao felt extremely distressed as he watched the formations come into operation and the flames soared into the sky.

It should be noted that even Zhang Tianhao spent a lot of materials for arranging so many formations.Almost all the materials in his system space were emptied.

Of course, the effect is also excellent.The formation of the eighteen first-rank spiritual ranks works together. Although it may not be possible to kill these Lion Clan pursuers, it is still possible to block them for a while.

"Xiaolong, let's go..." Zhang Tianhao shouted at Xiaolong.

Under Zhang Tianhao's command, it is naturally impossible for those formations to harm them.

Zhang Tianhao commanded the little dragon, the little black and the little hairy beasts to flee towards the northwest corner.

Although those Lion Clan warriors wanted to chase after them, the underground flames turned into terrifying fire dragons and charged towards them.All the Lion Clan warriors were wiped out, causing heavy casualties.Naturally, he has no time to hunt down Zhang Tianhao at this moment.And there is no Lion Clan warrior in front of him.Even if they wanted to catch up now, they couldn't catch up. The Scourge is not too big, but it is not too small.

In a forest three hundred miles away from the Lion tribe
Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged under a big tree, took out a Bi Ling Pill and swallowed it, and then immediately began to circulate the true energy in his body to transform the energy of this pill.

After all, the Bi Ling Pill is a holy medicine for healing. Under Zhang Tianhao's transformation, this Bi Ling Pill quickly turned into balls of energy and began to repair Zhang Tianhao's injury.

an hour later
Zhang Tianhao opened his eyes, and a trace of turbidity spewed out of his mouth.He murmured: "The injury is mostly healed, but I can't stay here for too long. After all, the patriarch of the Lion Clan died at my hands. It's not good if he stays too long. Warriors of the Lion Clan Maybe they will come after him again, although I’m not afraid, but it’s not good after all.”

When the words fell, Zhang Tianhao used his body skills, floated away, and disappeared in the woods in the blink of an eye.

Tiger Clan

Luna was restless at the moment.Zhang Tianhao has been away for three days, but within three days, there is no news.Although she also asked her aunt many times.But even her aunt has no news at all.

"Sister Xixi, is something wrong with Brother Zhang?" Luna asked anxiously after seeing Zhang Xixi.

Although Zhang Xixi was very anxious, she naturally wouldn't show it on the surface at the moment, she just comforted Luna and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your brother Zhang is a master who will never suffer."

"But...but the Lion Clan is very dangerous! Luna is still very worried about Brother Zhang!" Luna looked worried.

Zhang Xixi smiled at Luna: "Hehe, Luna, I know you are very worried about your big brother Zhang, but I know you best, and he will never suffer. I think so You should worry about the Lion Clan!"

Luna was a little puzzled, and asked Zhang Xixi in confusion: "Sister Xixi, why is this? Why are you worried about the Lion Clan?"

Zhang Xixi smiled and said to Luna: "It's normal, because your big brother Zhang is going to trouble the Lion Clan. If you don't pray for the Lion Clan, who else can you pray for?"

"Hmph, Luna doesn't pray for the Lion Clan. The Lion Clan killed Luna's sister, brother and father. Luna hates them!" Luna's face was full of hatred.

With a burst of footsteps.Luna looked quickly.He found that it was his aunt Jia Lisi who came over.

"Aunt! Do you have any news?" Luna hurried forward.He asked excitedly while holding Jia Lisi's hand.

"Well, there is news."

Jia Lisi's expression became serious.

"How is Mr. Zhang?" Luna asked Zhang Tianhao's news as soon as she saw Jia Lisi.

At this moment, Jia Lisi was different from before, she just nodded to Luna and said: "Well, this time we did have news about Mr. Zhang, and there was a great battle in the lion tribe, which was extremely fierce. The reason why the lion clan turned against each other is not that they dare to get too close. I just know that the lion clan tribe is full of heaven and earth, blood is flowing like rivers, and the screams of killing are loud. The lion clan seems to have been severely injured."


Luna doesn't care about these things now, she just looked at Jia Lisi and asked, "Auntie, how do you know how Mr. Zhang is doing now, is he alright?"

Luna and Zhang Xixi naturally knew that such a change in the Lion Clan was most likely because Zhang Tianhao had already fought against the warriors of the Lion Clan.

Luna looked at Jia Lisi and said, "Auntie, isn't there any news about Brother Zhang?"

Jia Lisi looked at Luna with some helplessness and said: "Hey, that's all the news that's coming back for now, but you don't need to worry, Luna, our Tiger Clan has sent experts to investigate the news, and there should be the latest news soon The message came back."

Luna looked at Jia Lisi and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

Jia Lisi looked at Luna lovingly and said with a smile: "Luna, why should our aunt and nephew be so alien..."

a day later.

As the Tiger Clan sent out a large number of spies, news came back to the Tiger Clan.But this time the news made the Tiger Clan extremely excited.Because the patriarch Stya, known as the number one master of the Lion Clan, was killed by a human.It's just that Luna still didn't get any specific news about Zhang Tianhao. The only thing she knew was that Zhang Tianhao was also seriously injured after killing Stya. Now she doesn't know what happened.

Looking at Luna's sad look, Jia Lisi couldn't bear it, and said to her, "Luna, don't worry, Mr. Zhang is auspicious, and everything will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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