The strongest fury system

Chapter 2344 Hualong City

Chapter 2344 Hualong City

Zhang Tianhao also felt a little uncomfortable.After all, his soul came from the earth.He has lived in the modern civilization of the earth, but he actually values ​​human life more than anyone else.

"Damn demons, if I find you, I will send you all to hell." Zhang Tianhao was completely enraged by the cruelty of the demons.

"There are still humans here who dare to fly in the air, stop for me..."

After a deep voice sounded, a dozen tall warriors stood in front of Zhang Tianhao in the air.

Below, dozens of human warriors captured by demon warriors looked at Zhang Tianhao above the void with admiration.

"This person is really awesome. He dared to fly in the void. Don't you know that the entire Eastern Territory is about to fall under the hands of the demons? He is trying to die by doing this!" Warrior way.

"Perhaps they have the confidence!" Another warrior said.

"Give me death!"

Zhang Tianhao's blood sword was out of its sheath, and now he has extreme hatred for the demons, so he will kill it with one blow.The fierce sword glow is as powerful as a broken bamboo.

There is no trick in this knife, but it contains extremely terrifying power.

These demon warriors are at the Martial Saint Realm at most, how could they be Zhang Tianhao's opponents.

Although Zhang Tianhao's knife only used less than [-]% of his power, but even so, this is not something these demon warriors can handle.

Under that terrible knife, those martial artists felt that the void around them was frozen.It is simply impossible to resist.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

A group of demon warriors didn't know what was going on. Under the powerful sword light, they were beaten into scum one by one, and exploded into blood mist in the void.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

A system beep sounded.

Zhang Tianhao fell from the void, and the demon warriors escorting the human captives were all terrified and turned to run away.

But they were fast, but Zhang Tianhao was even faster.Without further ado, with a wave of the Blood God Saber, he killed him with one blow.

The half-moon-shaped sword glow shot out of the void, and crushed and killed the demon warriors.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

Thirteen warriors from the Demon Race were killed in an instant, turning into blood mist and disappearing into the void.

"Are you all right?"

Looking at the captured human warriors, Zhang Tianhao nodded and asked,

A human warrior about fifty years old looked at Zhang Tianhao, and quickly said to him in awe: "My lord, thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Zhang Tianhao waved his hand to the old man and said, "You don't need to thank me, everyone is a human race. What's more, I can only lift a finger."

"Your little effort saved our lives!" The old man still said gratefully to Zhang Tianhao.

"But, now the Western Regions are full of demons raging everywhere, where is our shelter!"

A pessimistic mood spread in the hearts of the people present.

"Don't despair, in fact, the Western Regions are not completely fallen." Zhang Tianhao also saw that the pessimistic atmosphere at the scene was too strong and said hastily.

"Oh, my lord, is there anywhere else we can go?" the old man looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "Of course there are, such as Hualongzong, you can go to Hualongzong. As far as I know, Hualongzong has not fallen yet!"

"Hua Longzong, is it true?"

The human warriors present were overjoyed.As long as there is still a glimmer of hope for survival, no one will give up easily.

"Of course it's true. Don't you believe me?" Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly with his hands behind his back.

"The young master saved us, of course we don't have too much doubt about the young master!" The old man said hastily.

"However, there are demons everywhere here, how can we reach Hualongzong!" A young warrior said helplessly.

Zhang Tianhao was silent for a while, and felt that he was going to Hualongzong anyway, and he didn't know where Hualongzong was.

"Then do you know where Hualongzong is?" Zhang Tianhao asked several human warriors present.

The old man hurriedly said to Zhang Tianhao: "My lord, I have been to Hualong City before, and I know roughly where Hualongzong is!"

"Well, let me go with you! The current Hualong City should not have fallen, so you all go with me!" Zhang Tianhao said.

Those human warriors were overjoyed when they heard the words.Zhang Tianhao's fighting power is obvious to all.It is natural to know that Zhang Tianhao's cultivation base is very strong.If Zhang Tianhao protected them to go to Hualong City, their safety would be greatly guaranteed.

"Thank you, son. Thank you, son..."

The people present suddenly surged with infinite hope.

The five-year-old man is obviously very prestigious among this group of human warriors, and these human warriors call him Wang Lao.Along the way, Zhang Tianhao also knew from the chat that this old man and these warriors all came from a small family in the Western Regions, and that old man was the elder of the family.It's just that under the invasion of the demons, this family also disappeared, and now only they are left lingering.

Next, Zhang Tianhao took these human fighters to Hualong City.Three days later, Zhang Tianhao arrived at Hualong City with these human warriors.

At this moment, under Hualong City, there are corpses all over the field.One day ago, Hualong City had just repelled an army of demons.At this moment, many human survivors nearby gathered under Hualong City.It's just that the gates of Hualong City are closed at the moment, and these human survivors are not allowed to enter.Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but frowned.

"My lord, it seems that Hualong City doesn't welcome human fighters!" The old man shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, it seemed that the demon warriors might come at any time, if these people didn't enter Hualong City, they would soon die at the hands of the demons.

Zhang Tianhao walked up to a human refugee, looked at him and asked, "My old man, why is the gate of Hualong City closed and you are not allowed to enter?"

The human refugee was a sixty-year-old man who looked very weak. He opened his eyes and glanced at Zhang Tianhao, shook his head and smiled wryly: "There are already a lot of refugees in Hualong City, and they have reached the limit that Hualong City can bear. Besides, there is not so much food in the city, so naturally they don’t want us to go in again.”

Zhang Tianhao understood after hearing this.He took out the messenger talisman and threw it out.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lu Yunxuan brought the warriors from the Tianting War God Hall down from Hualong City, and landed in front of Zhang Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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