The strongest fury system

Chapter 2352 Fighting against the Elders of the Demon Race

Chapter 2352 Fighting against the Elders of the Demon Race

"A knife of nirvana!"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed, and he greeted him with a knife.

This knife contains the ninth-level law of extinction.

The invisible sword light cuts the sky and splits the earth.Swept towards the elder of the demon clan.

But the knife was instantly torn apart by the demon elders, and the terrifying claw continued to grab Zhang Tianhao.This claw contained extremely terrifying destructive power.On the terrifying claw shadow, there is a terrible suction force.It can disrupt all movements of Zhang Tianhao.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhao frowned.After performing Lingbo Weibu, the whole person transformed into several figures on the spot.But the paw of the elder of the demon clan crushed and killed him again.

Zhang Tianhao felt that he had transformed several times in a row to avoid the opponent's claw, but the demon elder seemed to be able to find Zhang Tianhao's position immediately.

Zhang Tianhao felt serious.He never thought that the elder of the demon clan would be so difficult.But he knew that he must not be led by the nose by this demon elder, otherwise it would be very troublesome.We must turn passive into active.


Zhang Tianhao disappeared in place like a ghost.Appeared behind the elder of the Demon Race, and slashed down with a single blow.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

Zhang Tianhao's body swayed, and he appeared behind the elder of the demon clan like lightning, and the saber in his hand slashed down behind him.

The extremely sharp knife was as fast as lightning, and extremely fast.He slammed hard behind the demon elder.

"Bang!" A sound.

This knife slammed hard behind the demon elder.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao's knife slammed into the protective air shield of the demon elder.


The elder of the Mozu was shocked back three steps.Zhang Tianhao's knife just caused a slight ripple on the protective energy of the demon elder.

"What a powerful defense!"

Zhang Tianhao was also a little stunned, and he didn't seem to expect that the defensive power of the demon elder would be so strong, which also made him feel a little bit wrong.

"Soul Breaking Claw!"

The paw of the demon elder grabbed Zhang Tianhao with force.Sharply grabbed Zhang Tianhao's place.

"One mind, two swords!"

"Sixth-order infinite rage!"

Zhang Tianhao shouted loudly.

32 times the energy increase of all attributes.Let Zhang Tianhao feel that his whole body is full of strength.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Two sharp knives crossed and smashed towards the body of the elder of the demon clan.

The elder of the Mozu was caught off guard immediately.Even with his knowledge, it is rare to see someone who can use two different sword techniques at once.Moreover, Zhang Tianhao burst out with 32 times the power in an instant.That terrifying force directly sent his whole body flying.


Zhang Tianhao ran towards the location of the elder of the demon clan like a shadow.

The elder of the demon clan roared angrily, and a phantom of a demon god appeared in the void.Immediately afterwards, he slapped Zhang Tianhao's body with a palm. This palm covered the sky and the sun, and the sun and the moon were darkened.


Zhang Tianhao resorted to the law of space and moved 300 meters laterally.


The palm of the demon elder slapped directly beside Zhang Tianhao, making a big hole in the ground.Invisible vigor radiated out.

The Elder of the Demon Race saw that the long move didn't work, so he slapped Zhang Tianhao again with his palm.

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and the blood god knife slashed out a destructive blade light, and greeted the palm of the Dharma figure.

"Bang!" A sound.

The palm of Faxiang shattered immediately.

Zhang Tianhao performed Lingbo Weibu continuously, and his whole body swept towards the location of the demon elder like a ghost.

"The Nether God Slashing Knife!"

Behind Zhang Tianhao appeared the image of the Nether God.Standing upright, overlooking the common people.The deep eyes of the Nether God were cold and merciless.

This knife is as powerful as a broken bamboo.The sun and the moon are dark.

Blinking to the front of the demon elder, the demon elder felt that the knife was extremely sharp.The endless sword light seemed to be able to destroy his whole body.

"Soul Slayer Claw!"

The elder of the demon clan ruthlessly smashed his palm towards the elder of the demon clan. This claw was as powerful as a bamboo, covering Zhang Tianhao's whole body.


Zhang Tianhao used teleportation, his whole body swayed in place a few times, and in the blink of an eye he arrived behind the demon elder again.

"Eye of Destruction!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily, and an invisible light shot out from his eyes, shooting towards the body of the demon elder.Blink into his body.


Zhang Tianhao's Eye of Destruction directly shot into the body of the demon elder.This destructive light shot into the body of the demon elder, and began to constantly destroy his defense and strength in his body.

"What kind of power is this? Why do I feel that the power in my body keeps disappearing?" The demon elder felt extremely shocked.

"This is the power to kill you!"

"Big space shift!"

A mysterious light burst out from Zhang Tianhao's eyes.He transferred Xiao Hei's consonant divine dagger into the body of the elder of the Demon Race.

Almost the moment Zhang Tianhao used the space teleport, the demon elder felt the danger.After all, he is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.He ate more salt than Zhang Tianhao ate.Naturally, he felt something was wrong, and used his body skills to the limit. His whole body turned into a cloud of green smoke, avoiding Zhang Tianhao's attack.

But the horror of this large space shift is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Under Zhang Tianhao's space shift, the Consonant Divine Dagger is not something the demon elder can avoid at all.


The elder of the Mozu didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt a pain in his chest.Suddenly there was a huge hole in his chest, and blood flowed out.

The elder of the Mozu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said in disbelief, "What kind of power is this?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the elder of the demon clan and said with a stern smile, "This is the power to kill you. Go to hell!"

Zhang Tianhao rushed towards the location of the demon elder again.The Blood God Saber and Shura War Saber in their hands crushed down on him together.

For these two swords, Zhang Tianhao used [-]% of his strength.It was as if the entire space was about to be shattered under his two knives.

"Give me death!"

"Do you think Elder Ben is so easy to kill?"

The Mozu elder looked at Zhang Tianhao with a stern smile on his face.

Zhang Tianhao felt something was wrong when he saw the smile of the demon elder.

(End of this chapter)

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