The strongest fury system

Chapter 2424 4 Great Demon Generals

Chapter 2424 Four Great Demon Generals
Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged on the ground and entered the subsystem of the system, the war subsystem.

Zhang Tianhao found that the originally gray morale progress bar had reached [-]%.The button is also illuminated.Of course, using morale at this time will not actually have the strongest effect.When you want to maximize the morale effect.However, it is best when this reaches the full mark.If the morale progress bar is full, it can at least increase the strength by ten times.This made Zhang Tianhao feel that it was the best.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao still decided to come back when the morale progress bar was full.

Then, Zhang Tianhao entered the task list again.Check out the progress of the task.He found that he had killed 120 warriors in the Valkyrie realm of the Demon Race.

"Not bad!"

Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied.

Liu Jie walked to Zhang Tianhao's side, sat down in front of him, and said with a smile: "Boss, I discovered a strange thing, I wonder if you want to hear it!"

"A miracle?"

Zhang Tianhao was also very puzzled when he heard it, and looked at Liu Jie and asked curiously: "What strange thing?"

Liu Jie said to Zhang Tianhao: "Boss, just now I heard from many warriors in Heaven that many of them have made breakthroughs!"


Zhang Tianhao's heart moved and he thought of it, as if under the influence of the war subsystem.Warriors in the Heavenly Court will have experience in fighting monsters.Of course, the warriors in the heavenly court don't know it themselves.But as long as their experience points slow down, they will break through.

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "Maybe it's because of breaking through in battle! We warriors can't just rely on closed doors in our cultivation. Breaking through in battle is actually a very good way."

Hearing this, Liu Jie nodded, and said to Zhang Tianhao seriously: "That's right, boss, after the few of us broke through to the God Emperor Realm, the progress of our cultivation slowed down. Maybe breaking through in battle is also a good way."

"Well, it's nice of you to think so."

Zhang Tianhao quietly looked at Liu Jie's data in the subsystem, and suddenly found that his experience bar had reached [-]%.He smiled and said to Liu Jie: "Liu Jie, you can break through by killing ten warriors at the Martial God Realm tomorrow."

Liu Jie is now at the seventh level of the God of War, and if he breaks through again, he will be the eighth level of the God of War.In this way, he is also a great master in the entire heaven.

"Really?" Liu Jie looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

Liu Jie still doesn't dare to believe it, after all, he has just broken through to the God Emperor Realm not long ago.Although he cultivated more smoothly than ordinary people because of his inheritance, but now he is in the God Emperor Realm after all, and his breakthrough has not been as fast as before.

"Hehe, boss, when did I lie to you?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Liu Jie and smiled slightly.

Liu Jie nodded, naturally he would not doubt Zhang Tianhao.In fact, there is no need for the other party to deceive him.

Zhang Tianhao paused, smiled slightly at Liu Jie, and said, "Of course, you also need to kill a Martial God whose cultivation level is comparable to yours. Weak ones are probably useless."

"Hahaha, boss, just watch, after this war, I will definitely be able to break through to the next level." Liu Jie said with a very determined look.

Zhang Tianhao also liked Liu Jie's self-confidence, and smiled at him and said, "Well, it's good that you have such self-confidence. Boss, I like you."

After Liu Jie left, Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.What he didn't say was that besides Liu Jie, the others had also reached the critical point of breakthrough.After another battle, it is estimated that someone will break through again.

"This is a good thing! As long as you can persevere, it is estimated that you can grow into the pillars of the heavenly court, and it is estimated that because of nervousness, these warriors in the heavenly court do not know that after breaking through, all the injuries on the whole body will be healed, and physical strength, true essence, etc. Recover. This is also very important for the battle in Heaven." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

It's just that there are still two days left, and Zhang Tianhao knows that the attack of the demons will become stronger and stronger.After all, the desire of the demons to invade the imperial domain made them absolutely not allow failure.

However, Zhang Tianhao decided that in the next two days, he could no longer confront the demons head-on.Because if it goes on like this, I guess it will be difficult for me to survive for another two days.And the generals of the Demon Race don't know if they will appear again.

Fortunately, before the battle, Zhang Tianhao had set up many formations around the three defensive circles.If these demons dare to come, these formations will entertain them well.

Just after dawn, the warriors of the Demon Race started a new day's attack.

It's just that there were not as many demon warriors attacking this time as the previous day.Only three hundred!But every demon warrior exudes a powerful aura.

"Everyone, be careful, these are demon warriors above the Godly Realm." Zhang Tianhao's expression became serious.

"Boss, don't worry, my sword is already very hungry." Zhang Jianfeng said coldly.

"Hahaha, okay, this time we brothers will kill together!" Zhang Tianhao said proudly.

The Heavenly Court warriors behind Zhang Tianhao and the others seemed to have been influenced by them, and their morale was also greatly shaken.


On the eighth day, the battle between humans and demons broke out again.

This battle is more intense than before.

"Three Swords Great Thousand Worlds!"

In order to strengthen his own killing efficiency.Zhang Tianhao even resorted to the Three Swords Technique.

More than a dozen demon warriors were instantly killed by Zhang Tianhao.The great head fell from the void.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

The system's notification tone kept ringing.

Zhang Tianhao picked up the crisp notification sound that sounded like firecrackers in his ears, and simply turned off the system notification sound.


With a few trembling sounds of yene.Four demon warriors appeared in front of him.

These are warriors at the peak of the god emperor.

"Boy, you have killed many demons, and I will let you be buried with them today." A fifty-year-old man from the demons said.

"That's right, kill him..."

The four warriors of the Demon Race all rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, because the strength of these four demon warriors was extremely powerful, although not as good as Zheng Xun, they were also extremely powerful.This made Zhang Tianhao feel terrified.

Top ten generals?

Zhang Tianhao was able to confirm at this moment that these four warriors of the Demon Race should be the top ten generals of the Demon Race.Although the top ten generals are not as strong as the four great generals and the six elders of the demon clan, they are second only to them. Now that the four generals join forces, Zhang Tianhao also feels terrified.


The four generals killed Zhang Tianhao at the same time. They all used sabers, and each one was full of murderous aura. Obviously, it is unknown how many warriors died in their hands.

"The Nether God Slashing Knife!"

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to keep his hand anymore, and resorted to all the tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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