The strongest fury system

Chapter 2873 Doing Tasks

Chapter 2873 Doing Tasks

Huatai smiled wryly.Zhang Tianhao's temperament is indeed extremely violent.Even he in the Zhao family felt a lot of pressure, but Zhang Tianhao didn't seem to care, which made him very admirable.Huatai asked himself to change places, and he absolutely couldn't do this.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, if the Zhao family troubles Brother Zhang, Huatai will definitely support Brother Zhang." Huatai looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously.

Zhang Tianhao was also waiting for Huatai's statement. He didn't really need Huatai's support, but just used it to see a person's character.Whether a person is worthy of friendship depends not on whether the other party can add to the cake, but whether the other party can give charcoal in the snow.But this Huatai obviously did not disappoint him.The other party really didn't stay out of it.This made Zhang Tianhao feel very satisfied and a little moved. He naturally knew what kind of psychological struggle Huatai had to go through to make this decision.

After all, Zhang Tianhao and Huatai just met by chance, and it is commendable that the other party can do this.

"Brother Hua, I am serious. Let the Zhao family deal with it by themselves. Brother Hua, as a direct descendant of the Hua family, you represent not only yourself, but also the Hua family. You must not do this." Zhang Tianhao looked at Huatai said seriously.

Huatai quickly looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously: "Brother Zhang, you are my savior. Now the savior is in trouble. If I, Huatai, stay out of the matter, I will definitely be cast aside by others."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Huatai's determined face, shook his head, and didn't talk about this topic again.

Huatai obviously had the same idea as Zhang Tianhao.He didn't discuss this topic any further, he just looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Master Zhang, why did Wei Hua make things difficult for you? Even if Brother Zhang is a freshman?"

Zhang Tianhao said: "This is because of Tianhu Club."

"Tianhuhui?" Huatai frowned slightly.


With that said, Zhang Tianhao told Huatai how he offended Tianhuhui.This made Huatai couldn't help but smile bitterly.He said helplessly to Zhang Tianhao: "Brother Zhang, it seems that you are destined to be a man of the hour! Wherever you go, you will cause waves. But the people of Tianhuhui are indeed too rampant today. Brother Zhang, don't worry, you have a chance , Let me help you talk about Xiang Xiangxiang, there are people familiar with Hua at the Tianhu Club today, and they must still sell me a little face."

However, Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and said to Huatai: "Brother Hua, you don't need to talk about Xiang. This Tianhu Club, I don't take it too seriously."

Huatai shook his head, took a deep look at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Since Brother Zhang said so, I won't intervene, but if Brother Zhang needs anything, feel free to mention it, as long as Huatai can do it, he will be so heartbroken."

"Hahaha, brother Hua is serious." Zhang Tianhao smiled heartily.

At the same time, inside Tianhu Club

Qiao Jin, the vice-chairman of the Tianhu Club, looked at the young man of the Tianhu Club in front of him, frowned and said, "This Tianhao is really so arrogant, how dare he not give face to the president?"

"Yes, leader, this freshman is really too arrogant. When our people went to invite him, he beat them up." The white-browed youth said helplessly.

"Hmph, a freshman dares to be so arrogant. I really don't know how to write the word "dead." Qiao Jin looked stern.

But at this moment, the white-browed young man looked a little dignified, and said to Qiao Jin: "Brother Qiao, this kid Zhang seems to have a close relationship with Huatai from the Hua family. When I saw Zhang Tianhao taking people to collect rations, I asked Wei Hua made some troubles for the opponent, but Huatai appeared to support him unexpectedly. In this way, it seems that our Tianhu Society will not be very good at dealing with him blatantly."

"Oh, he has a very close relationship with Huatai. Does this kid Zhang really have a background that we don't know about?"

Upon hearing the Hua family, even Qiao Jin's expression turned serious. After all, the Hua family is one of the top ten families in the Tianhai Empire, and Huatai is also one of the most important people in Tianhai Academy.Therefore, at this moment Qiao Jin became serious.

"Hey, it's a pity that our guild master is also in seclusion. Otherwise, our Tianhu Club wouldn't have to worry so much." Qiao Jin, the vice guild leader of Tianhu Club, sighed.

Upon hearing the vice-master, the white-browed young man asked curiously: "Brother Qiao, if we go out as the master, we will definitely enter the realm of the master, right?"

"You shouldn't ask, so don't ask, these are not things you should know." Qiao Jin glared at the white-browed young man, and said seriously.


The white-browed young man's complexion was complete.

"Zhang Tianhao provoked our Tianhu Club. We can't let it go like this. Although the relationship between the other party and Huatai is unknown, our Tianhu Club still has to make a proper gesture. Otherwise, our Tianhu Club will return to Tianhai College in the future." How to gain a foothold!" Qiao Jin sneered.

"Brother Qiao, what should we do? Why don't you go find someone and give that kid a hard lesson. With the strength of our Tianhu Club, that kid will never be able to walk around." The white-browed young man gritted his teeth.

"Can you grow your brains, kid? Just now, the leader of the club said that we can't deal with him blatantly. It's a troubled time now. The people in the Law Enforcement Hall have not dealt with our Tianhu Club recently. We can't fall into their hands. Therefore, these things must be done in a more secretive way. Let people know that we Tianhu will do it, and there is no evidence." Qiao Jin said.

"Well, I got it, Brother Qiao, I'll make arrangements now." The white-browed young man understood what Qiao Jin meant, and immediately left.

Looking at the figure of the white-browed young man leading away with someone, Qiao Jin sneered and said, "No matter who you are, if you dare to provoke our Tianhu Club, you will not end well."

In the next few days, everything was peaceful, as if Tianhu would really estimate the existence of Huatai, and temporarily did not come to the trouble of looking for Zhang Tianhao. Zhang Tianhao was also happy and calm. Of course, he did not relax his vigilance, knowing that Tianhu It will definitely not be so easy to let it go. If this is the case, Tianhuhui will not be Tianhuhui.

"Brother Zhang, according to regulations, we freshmen must complete a task every month. It seems that there are only five days left in this month. We must complete the task now, otherwise we will be punished if the task is delayed until next month. "Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao has been getting acquainted with Tianhai Academy during this period of time. After all, his original intention of coming to Tianhai Academy was to find the mastermind behind the Fog Organization, but until now he still has no clue.But he was not in a hurry, and when the day he handed in the blood pill, he would have a chance to find this person.

"Well, since we want to complete the mission, let's go to the mission hall now!"

Zhang Tianhao didn't want to procrastinate any longer.

A group of four people immediately came to the mission hall of Tianhai College.The Mission Hall of Tianhai College is next to the Hall of General Affairs, just beside the Hall of General Affairs of the college.The location is striking.

At this moment, there are many students waiting to do the mission in the mission hall, and most of them are freshmen. If they are old students, they will definitely not wait until this time to come out with the mission.

After queuing for half an hour, it was finally Zhang Tianhao and others.The senior in the mission hall was a short, fat young man with triangular eyes, which made people uncomfortable just by looking at his face.

"Are you going to do a mission?" The senior with triangular eyes took a deep look at Zhang Tianhao and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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