The strongest fury system

Chapter 2925 College rumors

Chapter 2925 College rumors
"Thank you, Brother Feng, then I'll go back first." Zhang Tianhao said to Han Feng.

Han Feng nodded slightly, and said to Zhang Tianhao, "Well, you should go back first..."

After Zhang Tianhao bid farewell to Han Feng, he went back.As soon as he approached the dormitory, he heard several voices talking in the dormitory.

"What should I do? Boss was taken away. We also went to that ice cave that day. It is definitely a purgatory on earth. I waited for one more breath, and I was about to collapse. What's more, Boss has to live all day. It's even worse in that place, and I don't know how the boss is doing now!" Su Donglai said very worriedly.

"Hey, it's a pity that none of us are powerful people, otherwise we can think of a way. Those Tianhu members are really despicable. They even used the power of the Law Enforcement Hall to deal with the boss. Now the boss has nothing to do. Why? What to do?" Han Lei said a little speechlessly.

"This is normal. The Law Enforcement Hall originally had the power of Tianhuhui. Among the three forces in Tianhai College, which one has no power in the Law Enforcement Hall. Otherwise, this force will definitely not develop." Wang Jianwu smiled wryly. road.

"Well, now we can only go to Brother Han Feng. Now only Brother Han Feng can do it, otherwise there is no way for others to bring the boss back." Han Lei said.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao was deeply moved when he heard this.Unexpectedly, he came to this place of the Beginning God Realm. Although he was not familiar with the place, there were people who were so worried about him, and he regained the feeling he had at the beginning.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao pushed open the door of the dormitory and walked in.Looking at the stunned three people at the moment, they smiled and said, "I'm back, you don't need to worry."

"Old... boss..."

Han Lei looked at Zhang Tianhao with shock in his eyes. He was obviously stunned when he saw Zhang Tianhao's appearance at this moment. He didn't expect him to appear.

"Boss, how did you come out? We are still thinking about how to save you!"

"Yes, boss, we are not dreaming, are we?" Wang Jianwu rushed forward and hugged Zhang Tianhao's shoulders, overjoyed.

"Hahaha, how can those bastards in the Law Enforcement Hall trap me? You boss, I made a little trick and came out." Zhang Tianhao jokingly said in order to ease the atmosphere.

"Boss, you are just bragging. Did senior Han Feng find a way to help you out? Only he, as the first captain of the Law Enforcement Hall, can do this. I know that Han Feng's master is the vice president of the college." , There is absolutely no problem with how the old man will act." Su Dongzi thought he had the answer, and looked at Zhang Tianhao mysteriously and said.

"Hahaha, although your idea is good, I really wasn't brought out by Senior Han Feng, there was someone else." Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said.

"Who is that? Although there are many powerful people in the academy, you may not know the boss!" Su Donglai looked at Zhang Tianhao and said very curiously.

"Yes, Boss, tell me quickly. We are so curious, who is so powerful that he can bring you out, Boss." Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked eagerly.

Seeing how these people were so curious about the baby, Zhang Tianhao nodded and said with a slight smile: "It's Nangong Man, I wonder if you have heard of this person?"

"Ah, Nangong Man?"

The three of them were extremely surprised, obviously they didn't expect it to be this person.

"Boss, Nangong Man, we naturally know that she is one of the three beauties in our college. Grandpa is one of the elders of the college's Presbyterian Church. He has a great influence in the college. It is said that he is not under the vice president. But why is she Will it help you, Boss?"

Su Donglai and others looked at Zhang Butianhao curiously.

"Yes, we know."

Han Lei seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Zhang Tianhao with a look of enlightenment on his face and said, "Boss, could it be that you were the person that senior sister Nangongman offered a reward to find?"

"That's right, it's no wonder that the boss looks familiar to us these days. It turns out that he really looks like the person in the reward painting. Oh, it's really a big loss. Why didn't we think it was you, the boss? That's a cultivation talisman, if we bring the boss to senior sister Nangong Man, won't we make money?"

The three of Wang Jianwu were beating their chests and stamping their feet, obviously regretting that they hadn't discovered that Zhang Tianhao was the one offering the reward earlier.

"Damn it, is a cultivation talisman worth selling my boss? Is your boss so worthless?" Zhang Tianhao rubbed his nose with a wry smile.

"By the way, boss, you really recruited. What is your relationship with you, Nangong Man? Why did you offer a reward for you? Could it be that boss, you have an affair with Nangong Man?" Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked curiously.

"That's right, boss, you don't know. Ever since senior sister Nangong Man offered a reward, gossip has been circulating everywhere in this academy, asking if this senior sister Nangong Man has anything to do with you. After all, Senior Nangong Man My sister is known as a cold and glamorous goddess in the college! It is rare to see him having any ambiguous affairs with any man." Han Lei said seriously.

"Really, if you put it that way, your boss and I are really very attractive." Zhang Tianhao said with a slight smile.

"Boss, you haven't said the main point yet. What is the relationship between you and Nangong Man? Believe it or not, I will expose you and let all the boys in Tianhai Academy know that you took Senior Nangong Man away." Wang Jianwu Looking at Zhang Tianhao, he said threateningly.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhang Tianhao was speechless for a while, so he touched his nose with a wry smile and said, "Let's put it this way, your boss, can you do a good job?"

"However, we absolutely don't believe this. Boss, you are definitely not as strong as me. My nickname Seven Times a Night is definitely not for nothing." Han Lei said confidently.

"Damn, really, then we absolutely don't believe it." Su Donglai and others also looked at Han Lei with contempt.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you guys. This time, Nangong Man managed to get me out because Nangong Man had something to ask me. I still owe her a favor." Zhang Tianhao said lightly, frowning.

"I believe this..."

Han Lei looked at Zhang Tianhao seriously and said, "Boss, if Nangong Man hadn't fished you out, the three of us would have wondered if we were going to rob prison."

Zhang Tianhao pretended to be surprised, looked at them and said, "Hehe, aren't you afraid of death? Prison robbery is a very serious crime."

(End of this chapter)

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