The strongest fury system

Chapter 2936 Restoring Strength

Chapter 2936 Restoring Strength
Ten days?
Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and felt that this time was okay.Therefore, he said to several people: "Actually, during this period of time, you can still improve a little bit."

"What? Can you improve some more? In just ten days?"

Su Donglai, Han Lei, and Wang Jianwu were really shocked. How could it be possible to improve their cultivation in just ten days.They are all in the Martial Emperor Realm now. Although the world energy in the Beginning God Realm is very strong, they think it is very impossible to break through in such a short period of time.In the realm of the Martial Emperor Realm, the breakthrough of each small realm can take as short as a few months, and as long as a year or so, it is possible to break through, and this is still under the condition of cultivation resources.

"Boss, are you still trying to comfort us? In ten days, even if we are killed, it is impossible to break through." Wang Jianwu shook his head and smiled wryly.

Su Donglai also said to Zhang Tianhao: "That's right, boss, let's pray for you!"

"How do you talk, what is praying for the boss, does the boss still use you to pray?" Han Lei scolded Su Donglai with a smile.

"Hehe, what if there is this?"

Zhang Tianhao took out three bottles of pills.

"This is?"

The three of them took the pills separately.Open the stopper, and suddenly a strong fragrance came.

"Is this the Martial Emperor Pill?"

Han Lei looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

Han Lei came from a small family, and he also took a Martial Emperor Pill. Of course, that Martial Emperor Pill was only a low-grade Martial Emperor Pill.But he still knew the fragrance of Emperor Wudi Dan.

"This is definitely the Martial Emperor Pill above middle grade. Boss, are you going to give us this pill?" Han Lei looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

"Well, this elixir is for you. It takes you ten days to break through to the Great Emperor Realm for me. In this way, your chances of competing for places will be much greater." Zhang Tianhao said to the three of them.

"Boss, this thing is too expensive, we can't accept it." Han Lei looked at Zhang Tianhao and shook his head, before returning the pill to Zhang Tianhao.

Su Donglai and Wang Jianwu are also average.

"Are you so stubborn? You will be my younger brothers in the future. Since you call me the boss, your strength must be higher. Otherwise, I, the boss, will not lose face. Don't you expect that when you encounter danger in the future? , you boss, I will fight for you? Since, as my younger brother, Zhang Tianhao, your strength is destined not to be too weak, and the most important thing is, I have plenty of this Martial Emperor Pill."

As he spoke, Zhang Tianhao waved his hand, and there were a bunch of medicine bottles on the ground, all of which were Martial Emperor Pills.

"This one……"

The three of them looked at the medicine bottles on the ground in surprise.My mind is a little clouded.

"Boss, what are you doing? Why are there so many Martial Emperor Pills?" Wang Jianwu looked at so many medicine bottles on the ground with an unimaginable look.

"Yes, boss, why do you have so many Martial Emperor Pills?" Han Lei looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"My family owns the pill pavilion, so it's normal to have so many pills." Zhang Tianhao said nonchalantly.

Zhang Tianhao's words are not considered a lie, after all, he did open the Donghua Pill Pavilion in Zhenwu Continent, and the business of the Pill Pavilion has been done almost all over the continent.

"Boss, you are so handsome, now our cultivation base can go straight up."

The three of them were very excited, and felt that they had a bright future with such a boss.

"Hehe, but you can't blindly take drugs! Improving your cultivation base by taking drugs alone may not necessarily make you stronger. Actual combat is also very important. You must participate in this experience." Zhang Tianhao said to the three of them. .

Han Lei, Su Donglai, and Wang Jianwu nodded immediately.The three of them are full of confidence at the moment. With the Martial Emperor Pill, they are absolutely confident that they can break through to the Great Emperor Realm in a short period of time.After all, the quality of Zhang Tianhao's Martial Emperor Pill is no better than average.

Zhang Tianhao is also very interested in going to the ruins to experience this time, but he has a faint feeling that he may encounter danger this time.Although Meng Tianhu didn't move during this time.But if he enters the ruins, he will never let go of this opportunity easily, but this time only freshmen can enter the ruins, Zhang Tianhao doesn't know how Meng Tianhu will operate.But he knew that Meng Tianhu would definitely plan something.

"The most important thing now is to strengthen your own strength. As long as your strength recovers, even if the opponent makes some small moves, you won't be afraid..." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

For the next period of time, Zhang Tianhao was in the Nine Heavens Palace.Every day, he took a Qingling Dan to heal his wounds.This allowed his injuries to gradually heal.

seven days later

There was a crackling sound like fried beans coming from Zhang Tianhao's body.

Zhang Tianhao felt that his energy was better than ever.All his injuries healed.The current strength has also returned to the peak state before the beginning of the God Realm.

In other words, Zhang Tianhao's current Qi refining is at the peak of the Martial God.And body refining is a first-order dominance level.Now he dares to meet any challenge.

This feeling of regaining control of strength is very good.

Zhang Tianhao didn't know how the three guys in the dormitory were doing now.He walked out of Nine Heavens Palace.The three of them are not in the dormitory at the moment, and they should go to the training room of the academy to practice.The practice room of the academy mainly pays a certain amount of academy currency, and there is a special secret room for practice, which is considered a very good place.This is also a training place specially provided by the college for students.

These training rooms are very safe, and the door can only be opened from the inside, and people outside cannot open the door of the room.Moreover, there is a huge spirit gathering array to provide students with spiritual energy for cultivation.It's just that the college coins needed are very expensive, and no student dares to go to this place to practice extravagantly unless it is for retreat and breakthrough.

For this breakthrough, the three also gritted their teeth and went to the practice room to practice.Zhang Tianhao also gave them [-] academy coins for their cultivation.The three of them realized that they already had Zhang Tianhao's younger brother.Taking the [-] college coins from the boss is not a burden on my heart.After all, they really couldn't afford the ten-day practice room with their poor academy currency.For Zhang Tianhao, the [-] academy currency is really just a drizzle.

It was the day before the competition for the number of places in the college relics.

Wang Jianwu, Han Lei, and Su Donglai are back.

Zhang Tianhao was about to go out for dinner. When he saw the three of them coming back, he also had a smile on his face. Sensing the current aura of the three of them, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.The three performed well this time, and each of them broke through to the Great Emperor Realm.

"Boss, we have finally lived up to your expectations and made a breakthrough." Wang Jianwu saw Zhang Tianhao standing at the door with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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