The strongest fury system

Chapter 2947 Fierce battle against the violent ape

Chapter 2947 Fierce battle against the violent ape


Xiao Hui immediately returned to Zhang Tianhao's battle pet space.

For some reason, Zhang Tianhao always felt that there was a very dangerous feeling, and he rushed out of the cave immediately. At this moment, a huge violent ape stood in front of him.

Darling, you're back so soon.

From the aura of this violent ape, Zhang Tianhao also secretly groaned, because he realized that the strength of this violent ape is definitely not an ordinary beast.

Violent Ape was also angry when he saw a human coming out of the cave where he was staying.A palm shot down where Zhang Tianhao was.

This palm covered the sky and the sun, carrying extremely terrifying power.As if the entire void would be shattered under its palm,


Zhang Tianhao disappeared in place like lightning.

"Bang!" A sound.

In Zhang Tianhao's previous location, a big hole ten meters square was directly punched out by the violent ape's palm.

"Despicable human, put down the true spirit fruit of my ape king..."

Vigorous Violent Ape grabbed a huge tree with a height of hundreds of feet beside him, swept away thousands of troops, and ruthlessly swept towards Zhang Tianhao's location.

This sweep carried extremely terrifying power.It seems that the entire space can be torn apart.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a Vigorous Violent Ape. This power is beyond the reach of ordinary people.Zhang Tianhao felt that he was locked in by the sweep of the violent ape.

"Sixth-order infinite rage!"

The 64 times increase in strength of all attributes made Zhang Tianhao feel as if his whole body was full of strength at this moment.


The Dragon Tooth Knife was unsheathed, and Zhang Tianhao slashed down on the violent ape.

"Bang!" A sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

Although Zhang Tianhao's knife cut off the big tree, the berserk force still knocked him back hundreds of meters.Let his blood boil.

"Cough cough cough..."

Sure enough, it is a violent ape. This power is beyond my reach now.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao hadn't been killed with one blow, Vigorous Violent Ape roared angrily, and charged towards Zhang Tianhao again.It ran wildly on the ground.Every time a foot hits the ground, it causes a shock.Earth shook.

"Flying stone!"

The violent ape picked up huge boulders from the ground and threw them towards Zhang Tianhao.Those boulders were the size of small houses.Cut through the void, and smashed towards Zhang Tianhao's body.

Although these boulders seemed to be thrown down by the violent ape at Zhang Tianhao's body at will.But in fact, if you observe carefully, you can find that these still have certain rules.Seeing this, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help frowning.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed with a hundred knives in an instant, and slashed towards those boulders.In order to kill these boulders.


One after another explosion sounded in the void.Those boulders were crushed.


The violent ape kicked hard on the ground.Immediately, the whole earth shook.Countless huge boulders rose from the ground and blasted towards Zhang Tianhao's location.

"One mind, two swords!"

Zhang Tianhao sacrificed the Asura sword.

The dual-knife flow is cast together.

"A knife of nirvana!"

"The Nether God Slashing Knife!"

The two knives shattered all the boulders that were thrown towards him.

Zhang Tianhao was naturally unwilling to be bullied like this.He used Lingbo Weibu to the limit, and then he appeared strangely behind the Violent Ape.

"Unfeeling Thunder Slash!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.This knife carries extremely terrifying power.Contains the power of the law of thunder.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao's knife ruthlessly crushed Dali Violent Ape's body.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao felt that his mouth was numb, and his knife slashed on the body of the Violent Violent Ape, but it seemed to be slashed on an iron wall.A huge recoil force almost made the knife he was holding fly away.

"I wiped it, this Violent Ape looks very powerful!" Zhang Tianhao's complexion changed.


Although Zhang Tianhao's knife did not injure the Violent Ape, it still hurt the Violent Ape.Immediately yelled at him angrily.

"Sound wave power?"

The roar of Violent Violent Ape made Zhang Tianhao feel as if thousands of steel needles had been pierced into his ears. At that moment, his whole body was blinded.

At the same time, the violent ape once again crushed and killed Zhang Tianhao.This palm is as powerful as a broken bamboo, carrying extremely terrifying power.It seemed that the entire void was about to be shattered by the palm of the Violent Violent Ape.

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

Zhang Tianhao once again crushed and killed the big violent ape.

The powerful attack power made Zhang Tianhao feel great pressure.Under the impact of the fighting between the two sides, the big trees in the sky within a radius of [-] meters were uprooted.

"Damn it, this beast has used its advantages to the extreme." Zhang Tianhao's expression was a little gloomy at the moment.

"The divine sword is out of its sheath!"

Zhang Tianhao knew that he had to use Zunshen Dao.Only with the sharpness of the divine sword can it be possible to break through the defense of this mighty violent ape.

"Lingbo microsteps!"

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, he is now going to play guerrilla with Big Violent Ape.Temporarily avoiding its sharpness, and at the same time releasing the spiritual sense.

Zhang Tianhao's spiritual sense enveloped Violent Violent Ape's surroundings.During the fierce battle of hundreds of moves, he really found a flaw.Although this flaw is not very big.But with Zhang Tianhao's spiritual sense, he found it keenly.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily, and he appeared behind the big violent ape, and killed him with a single blow.Vigorous Violent Ape has no defense at all and can't avoid it.This knife directly crushed and killed the violent ape behind him.

"Bang!" A sound.

Vigorous Violent Ape let out a scream, and its huge body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, knocked down more than a dozen towering trees, and fell to the ground.


Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the Violent Ape was only successfully attacked by himself.Moreover, this knife has at least severely injured it, and it is probably impossible to kill it.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but turned around and fled.He didn't want to fight to the death with the big violent ape.That's not going to do me any good.

The violent ape's body like a hill was lying on the ground, and Zhang Tianhao's divine sword on his back cut out dense bones, which was extremely terrifying.


Big Violent Ape stood up.The expression is ferocious, and the strange thing is that after absorbing a mass of black energy, the place where it was originally injured recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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