The strongest fury system

Chapter 2973 Sky Sea City Conflict

Chapter 2973 Sky Sea City Conflict

Zhang Tianhao slapped Tang Chao hard on the face.Suddenly Tang Chao screamed, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and landed hard on the ground.

"You dare to hit me?" Tang Chao looked at Zhang Tianhao in disbelief.

"Crack!" sound.

Zhang Tianhao slapped Tang Chao's face again.Immediately, Tang Chao screamed again and flew upside down.


Tang Chao spat out a mouthful of blood, and his teeth came out.

"Next time you mess with me, it won't be so simple, get out!" Zhang Tianhao yelled at Tang Chao angrily.

Although Tang Chao felt a little humiliated, at this moment.But he also knew that he was definitely not Zhang Tianhao's opponent, so he left in despair.

Zhang Tianhao's trip to the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion was a bit depressing, after all, the cat's claw grass is the elixir necessary for refining the master pill, and without the cat's claw grass, it would be difficult to refine the master pill.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao is going to take Song Sitian there this time, after all, Song Sitian has been bored in Tianwu Academy for many days.

"Wow, son, do you really want to take Si Tian there?"

Song Sitian was very happy to hear that Zhang Tianhao was willing to take her shopping.

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly at Song Sitian, and said: "Of course, you have been bored in Tianwu Academy for several days, son, I naturally want to take Sitian to the street for a stroll."

"That's great. Thank you, young master." Song Sitian said happily to Zhang Tianhao.

Shopping is a woman's nature.Naturally, Song Sitian also likes shopping.

As an advanced student, the college restrictions will be slightly relaxed, and there are still a few days in a month that students can arrange freely.After Zhang Tianhao came to Tianwu City, he hadn't been here much. Walking on the streets of Tianwu City, Zhang Tianhao realized how prosperous Tianwu City was.The streets are bustling with people.

"Wow! Young Master, this place is more prosperous than Lingxi City..." Song Sitian hugged Zhang Tianhao's arm very excitedly.

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said: "Well, this is natural. After all, Tianhai City is the imperial capital of the Tianhai Empire in Shishen Realm, and it is normal to be prosperous."

When Zhang Tianhao came to the Beginning God Realm, he knew that the Beginning God Realm was indeed much stronger than the Zhenwu Continent.The Sky Sea Empire is actually the edge of the Zhenwu Continent, but it is much stronger than here.

Zhang Tianhao took Song Sitian into a pharmacy in the center of Tianhai City. Seeing Song Sitian's bored look, he smiled at her and said, "It's going to be very boring here. You can hang around outside the door. Don't go too far." Far."

"Yes... son..."

Song Sidian nodded, she was still very interested in shopping.Anyway, she wouldn't worry if she just strolled around the door.

"Guest officer, what do you need?"

The shopkeeper looked enthusiastically at Zhang Tianhao wearing Tianhai Academy's clothes.After all, those who can enter Tianhao Academy are either real geniuses or some dignitaries, these are the objects they curry favor with.

"Do you have cat's claw here?" Zhang Tianhao asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Guest officer, you are right. Our pharmacy has just arrived with a batch of new medicinal materials, and there are really cat's claws."

"Oh, really, then it's really a coincidence that I came here!" Zhang Tianhao was very happy when he heard that there was a cat's claw.

"Guest officer, I don't know how many cat's claw plants you want?" the shopkeeper asked Zhang Tianhao.

"Well, I want as much as you have here." Zhang Tianhao said carelessly.

"Okay, but guest officer, we have ten cat's claw plants here, and we need a total of 1000 million middle-grade crystals. Are you sure you want to buy them?" The shopkeeper of the inn looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"No problem, give me all ten cat's claw plants!"

Although the 1000 million mid-grade spar is a bit expensive, it is considered a market price. Zhang Tianhao quickly paid for the 1000 million mid-grade spar, and quickly paid for all the spar.

"Guest officer, are you walking slowly?"

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy nodded and bowed to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao had just walked outside the door of the pharmacy, and was about to look for Song Sitian, when he suddenly noticed a burst of yelling from the side.

"Damn little girl, you don't eat or drink fine wine when you toast, and you dare to beat our Hou family." The voice of a young man said.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, walked over to take a look, and found that Song Sitian was confronting several warriors, and there were several thug-like people lying on the ground.

Zhang Tianhao knew immediately that something had happened.Immediately walked over.He asked Song Sitian, "Sitian, what's going on?"

Song Sitian said aggrievedly to Zhang Tianhao: "My lord, just now Sitian was looking at some supplies by herself. These people came to pester Sitian, and Sitian couldn't bear the trouble, so she beat them."

"What? Dare to harass my maid?"

Zhang Tianhao scratched at this moment, staring fiercely at the leader, a blue-clothed youth who looked to be in his early twenties.

"Boy, we are members of the Hou family. If your maid beat us Hou family members, you can figure it out yourself?" The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao and said sternly.

"It's up to you? What do you mean? Why don't you tell me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in blue with a half-smile.

The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao's appearance and thought he had given up.He proudly said to him: "Boy, you are wise. Listen, you just need to give me your maid as a servant, and then you kneel down and kowtow ten times to me. I can let you go. It's not that simple anymore!"


Zhang Tianhao suddenly relaxed and laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with displeasure.

"What are you laughing at? You are so naive. I will give you a chance. Kneel down and kowtow a hundred times to my maid, begging her for forgiveness. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel." Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in blue, A terrifying murderous aura emanated from his body.


The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao with a cold murderous intent on his face.

"Boy, you don't want to toast and not eat fine wine."

"I count to ten, if you don't do what I say, you will be at your own risk."

Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in blue and began to count.



The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao and became angry.

When Zhang Tianhao counted to ten, the other party was still indifferent.

"In this case, then you can stop blaming me for being cruel."


As Zhang Tianhao said, his body flew out like lightning, and he punched the warrior closest to him.

The two warriors beside the young man in blue didn't know what was going on, but they were smashed to pieces by Zhang Tianhao's punch, and they were killed without even resisting.

(End of this chapter)

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