Chapter 2982
"Hehe, my son, you don't need to worry about this, because these bandits seem to only dare to rob some relatively low-strength business groups, like some relatively high-strength business groups. Like giant elephant mercenaries, flying Eagle mercenary group, these bandits don't dare to make up their minds." The tall and thin young man laughed.

Zhang Tianhao nodded upon hearing this.

"Hey, it's a pity that some small business groups have to hire some people in order to avoid being robbed by these bandits." The tall and thin young man said to Zhang Tianhao.

"Oh, are there any mercenaries hired by the merchant group in this town?" Zhang Tianhao said with a heartbeat.

"Well, I'm a little interested." Zhang Tianhao nodded.

"Yes, there is a merchant group hiring mercenaries in the Wu Temple in the town. It has been posted for three days, do you know if you have recruited enough mercenaries? Young Master, if you are interested, you can go and have a look." Youth Road.

"Why can't these business groups change their route, so they won't run into these bandits?" Zhang Tianhao asked curiously.

"Hahaha, this son is obviously coming here for the first time, right? In fact, it's very simple! Jiuling County is located in a mountainous area, surrounded by mountains and mountains. There is only one trail leading directly from the imperial city of the empire to Jiuling County. Yes. Of course, it’s not impossible to make a detour, but if you do, you have to detour from here to the rear of Jiuling County, which will double the distance. And it’s not necessarily safer There is also the risk of encountering bandits. And if you do this, the business group will suddenly increase a lot of costs." The thin and tall young man said.

"I see that you are all mercenaries. Are you not interested in being hired by the business group?" Zhang Tianhao thought of a question and asked.

"Hey, it's not that we're not interested, it's just that the small business group will most likely be robbed by bandits. These bandits are numerous and powerful, and their strength is not weak. So, I advise you not to go." Gao Qingnian said to Zhang Tianhao kindly.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, nodded and said, "I know. I will be careful."

Those warriors couldn't help sighing when they saw that Zhang Tianhao didn't listen to persuasion.After all, they met by chance, so they didn't say much.

Zhang Tianhao returned to his seat.Nalan Jieyu looked at him and said with a smile, "Brother Zhang, are you going to be a mercenary?"

Zhang Tianhao touched his nose in depression, and said to him resentfully: "I'm going to be a mercenary, why do you seem more excited than me?"

"This is natural, because if you go, I can go." Nalan Jieyu looked at Zhang Tianhao with a smile.

at this time.Zhang Tianhao was even more depressed, and said to Nalan Jieyu: "Why do you say that, I go, I go, you can't go, you should stay in the town, it should be safer."

"Wow, why can you go, I can't. No, I haven't been a mercenary since I grew up! This time, I have to go." Nalan Jieyu said with a smile.

"Anyway, if I say no, I won't do it." Zhang Tianhao said with a straight face.

"Damn... If you don't let Miss Ben go, Miss Ben will follow you secretly." Nalan Jieyu looked very determined.

Zhang Tianhao was immediately annoyed by it, he never thought that he was wise all his life, and at this moment he felt that he had nothing to do with a little girl.

"Forget it, follow if you want. But you must be obedient, otherwise I will drive you away at any time." Zhang Tianhao looked at Nalan Jieyu and said seriously.

"No problem, as long as you are willing to let me follow." Nalan Jieyu saw that Zhang Tianhao was willing to take her, and suddenly laughed.

After Zhang Tianhao finished his meal, he walked to the Wu Temple in the town.On the wall of Wu Temple, there is indeed a piece of paper.It says on it, recruit twenty martial artists above the Martial God Realm.Three hundred mid-grade crystals per day.And standing beside it was a middle-aged man with a big belly.It's just that he looks a little anxious at the moment.

"Are mercenaries recruited here?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"That's right, we're recruiting mercenaries here. Do you want to apply?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Tianhao and Nalan Jieyu with suspicion in his eyes.

But no wonder he was skeptical.Zhang Tianhao and Nalan Jieyu looked too young indeed.He didn't believe what kind of strength such two young people would have.

"Well, we want to recruit mercenaries, what are the requirements?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, looked at Zhang Tianhao and Nalan Jieyu and said: "The conditions are all written on it, you need a cultivation level above the Martial God Realm, you..."

"Don't worry, we are all above the Martial God Realm. You don't have to doubt this, we won't make fun of our own lives." Zhang Tianhao said seriously.


The middle-aged man nodded, but did not verify the cultivation of the two of them.He said to them: "It's good that you understand, come with me!"

In a square behind the Wu Temple, fifteen warriors stood.

"Hey, the boss really found two, but why are they two young men, can't they just pretend to be fake?" A man in black said lightly.

"That's right, there are not many mercenaries willing to go to Jiuling County this time, not even twenty of them, Master, if this is the case, our remuneration will have to be discussed again." The man in black said.

"Yes, how about adding [-]% to everyone's salary?" the middle-aged man said.

"Okay, my boss is really refreshing, we can go on the road now." The man in black looked at his boss and smiled.

"Wait a minute..."

Another burly man with a black face came over and fixed his eyes on Zhang Tianhao and Nalan Jieyu.He said indifferently: "Although we don't have enough bodyguards this time, we don't want someone to fill them up. That would be taking advantage of our brothers."

"We take advantage of you?"

Zhang Tianhao touched his nose speechlessly.

"That's right, we don't want anyone to mix in our team, and then get paid easily, without any effort in the end." The man in black also came over, looking at Zhang Tianhao and Nalan Jie with burning eyes Jade.

"Then what do you say?" Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said lightly.

"It's very simple, as long as you can take a punch from me unbeaten, you are eligible to join us."

The burly young man looked at Zhang Tianhao and Nalan Jieyu and grinned.

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly and said, "This is fair, come on!"

"So brave."

The burly young man stared at Zhang Tianhao with round eyes, and punched Zhang Tianhao's body with a punch. This punch exuded a powerful momentum, and the fist print seemed to be able to blow everything in front of him.There was a loud rumbling noise.

(End of this chapter)

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