The strongest fury system

Chapter 2992 Mind Clone

Chapter 2992 Mind Clone
Zhang Tianhao returned to the courtyard of Tianhai College.

For some reason, when he returned to the academy this time, he felt an inexplicable crisis.

"Why is this crisis so strong?"

Zhang Tianhao was a little confused, and murmured: "Could it be because of the Zhao family's relationship?"

The higher the martial artist's cultivation level, the stronger his sensitivity to danger.Zhang Tianhao is convinced of this point. After all, for a long time, relying on this sensitivity, Zhang Tianhao has successfully avoided many dangers.

However, Zhang Tianhao quickly denied this idea.It is absolutely unlikely that it will be the Zhao family.After all, the crisis of the Zhao family had already started, so it shouldn't be the Zhao family.

Could it be from oriental jade?
This thought made Zhang Tianhao's heart tighten. He is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble.However, Dongfang Yu's strength is far above him.Whether it's personal cultivation, family power, or influence in the Tianhai Empire, Zhang Tianhao is absolutely incomparable now.

"We must investigate, is it Dongfang Jade?" Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Although in Zhang Tianhao's heart, Dongfang Yu was probably the mastermind behind the scenes.But there are still some variables.Zhang Tianhao is not too sure.Is Dongfang Yu really that person?

However, Xiaolong had long remembered the aura of that person, and if it was him, he would know if he went outside Dongfangyu's mansion.As long as Dongfang Yu goes in and out of her mansion frequently, she will definitely not be able to escape Xiaolong's sense of smell.

Dongfang Yu's mansion is in the center of the inner courtyard of Tianhai College.Originally as a junior student, Zhang Tianhao couldn't enter the inner courtyard no matter what, but now as a senior student, naturally there is no problem.

Zhang Tianhao entered the inner courtyard and came outside the courtyard where Dongfang Yu was.This is Zhang Tianhao's first visit to Dongfang Yu's residence.This residence is more than ten times larger than the courtyard where Zhang Tianhao lives.Extremely luxurious.

"Xiaolong, feel it, do you have that person's aura?" Zhang Tianhao asked Xiaolong seriously.

Xiaolong said: "Boss, that's right, there is an aura of oriental jade here, so it should be right."

Zhang Tianhao's expression sank, and he murmured: "That's no problem, Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Yu, I didn't expect you, the so-called peerless genius, to be like this. I will definitely find a way to expose your true face... "

Zhang Tianhao turned around and left.

"Stop! Boy, what are you doing here sneakily? Is there some conspiracy?" A senior student stood behind Zhang Tianhao.

Seeing this person, Zhang Tianhao smiled flatly and said, "I'm sorry. I got lost."

This senior student, Zhang Tianhao is very strange.But the other party recognized him.

"It's you? Zhang Tianhao?" The thick-browed young man looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Although Zhang Tianhao is only a freshman.But the popularity in Tianhai College is extremely high.There are not many people who know him.

Obviously, Zhang Tianhao, a student with a vicious reputation, is still a little jealous.The senior student nodded and didn't make things difficult for him.Said: "Let's go, you can't stay here."

Zhang Tianhao looked at the thick-browed young man and asked, "Why are you here? Even if I am here, it's none of your business, right?"

"Hmph, I'm the guard of Dongfang Senior's courtyard, do you think it's none of my business?" The thick-browed young man looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled mockingly.

"What? Your Excellency is the guard here?" Zhang Tianhao was slightly startled.

"This is because you have no experience. It is an honor to be a guard in Dongfang senior's courtyard, and the college currency is high. Do you think that a single person can be a guard here?" said the thick-browed youth.

Now that he was discovered, Zhang Tianhao felt it was inappropriate to stay here.leave immediately.Anyway, he already knew that Dongfang Yu was the mastermind behind the Wu organization.

"Hmph, how dare a mere freshman dare to be so arrogant, dare to come to Brother Dongfang's mansion to be arrogant." The thick-browed young man looked at Zhang Tianhao's distant figure with disdain.

At this time, a young man in white clothes appeared.His handsome face was full of arrogance.

"Meet the senior!"

The young man with thick eyebrows saluted Dongfang Yu immediately.

"Don't be too polite, who was the one who talked to you earlier?" Dongfang Yu said lightly.

Dongfang Yu had sensed an aura earlier, an aura that had the same origin as her own cultivation technique.Of course, this is not because someone practiced the same technique as him, but because that person had injured his hand.On the opponent's body, there is still the breath of his practice.Originally, this breath would automatically disappear after a period of time.But by coincidence, Zhang Tianhao came outside Dongfang Yu's residence, making Dongfang Yu aware of this aura.

"That man's name is Zhang Tianhao. He is a freshman of our Tianhai Academy, but he is extremely arrogant. Since then, he has caused a storm in our Tianhai Academy..."

The young man with thick eyebrows explained Zhang Tianhao's information to Dongfang Yu concisely.

"Oh..." A warm smile appeared on Dongfang Yu's face.

For some reason, Zhang Tianhao came back from Dongfang Yu's residence, and felt like he was being watched by someone.

Could it be because I went to Dongfang Yu's residence and revealed some flaws?
Zhang Tianhao felt that the reason should be here.Although I don't know why this is so, this feeling is indeed very strong.


A terrible breath spread out directly above Zhang Tianhao.

The void boiled, as if the void was torn apart by some force.

"This is?"

Zhang Tianhao was fully alert, he didn't know what it was.

Just when Zhang Tianhao was vigilant, a person appeared in the void.This person is none other than Dongfang Yu.At this moment, he is condescending.His cold eyes were staring at Zhang Tianhao.

"It's you?"

When he found out that it was Dongfang Yu, Zhang Tianhao calmed down instead.Because he discovered that the other party was just a mind clone.Just relying on a mere mental avatar, this is not enough to make Zhang Tianhao afraid of the other party.

"Boy, was it you that night?" Dongfang Yu's thought avatar exuded a powerful coercion.

In just a few days, Dongfang Yu's strength seemed to be much stronger, which also made Zhang Tianhao feel a little bit of pressure.

"So what if it's me? You should be the mastermind behind the Mist organization?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Dongfang Yu with disdain.

"Bold? Still kneeling?"

The mind clone of Dongfang Yu exuded a powerful coercion, like an invisible mountain, crushing down on Zhang Tianhao's body.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao felt endless pressure.The bones of the whole body made a sound of "creak!" and "creak!" due to the huge pressure.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, and said disdainfully: "If your real deity came, maybe I would be more jealous, but a mere mind clone wants to suppress me, it's ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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