The strongest fury system

Chapter 2997 9rd-Order Refiner

Chapter 2997 Ninth-Rank Artifact Refiner

"Martial God Pill, is it still top-grade?"

All six were surprised.The Martial God Pill of the low-rank and mid-rank is already very precious.Not to mention top grade.

"Boss, what an embarrassment, this is too precious."

Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and shook his head.

But they know that even if the Martial God Pills occasionally flow out from the outside world, most of them are low-grade. For example, the high-grade Martial God Pills are priceless.

"If you are like this, you will not regard me as your boss anymore. I can't use the top-grade Martial God Pill now, and if you increase your cultivation base, you can have the strength to protect yourself in the next battlefield of humans and demons. Don't you want to go? Can't you be cannon fodder?" Zhang Tianhao said earnestly.

"Let's accept it. Only when we are strong, will we not need to rely on the boss to protect us in everything in the future. This is what we need to do now." Wang Jianwu said seriously.

"Well, what Jianwu said is also true. If we can't protect ourselves well, we will only become a burden to the boss in the battlefield of humans and demons. Therefore, now we must improve our strength. We can no longer drag the boss and become a burden to the boss. It's the boss's burden." Su Donglai followed suit.

"Hahaha, just figure it out." Zhang Tianhao nodded in satisfaction.

Next, the six of them went to the academy's practice room to retreat.Strive to break through the Martial God Realm within three days.Breaking through to the Martial God Realm within three days, none of the six originally had any confidence.But now it is different.With the high-grade Martial God Pill given by Zhang Tianhao, all of this is naturally not a big problem.The quality of the top-grade Martial God Pill far exceeds that of ordinary Martial God Pill.The energy is stronger.

Of course, during this period of time, Zhang Tianhao was not idle either, he was going to refine two Jiugong swords.Construct the Liangyi Sword Killing Formation.Although the Liangyi Sword Killing Formation is not as powerful as the Jiugong Sword Killing Formation, its power is not weak either.However, Zhang Tianhao still lacked the resources to refine the Sword Killing Formation, so he began to go to the Refining Building of Tianhai College to find ores suitable for refining the Liangyi Sword Killing Formation.

Tianhai College Refining Building

"Student, do you want to refine equipment or buy the materials for refining equipment? We are doing an event recently, and you can get a discount." A young man who is a bit fat and smart at first glance looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, he didn't believe these people's so-called discounts.I just feel that I have taken advantage of you, but it is not beneficial at all. This method was used badly when I was on Earth, and Zhang Tianhao naturally would not believe it.

"I want some refining materials, here is the list..."

As Zhang Tianhao said, he handed the list he had prepared to the young man.

"This is the list, take a look! Is there any of these materials on it?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man and said.

The young man took the courage given by Zhang Tianhao and saw the above materials.


The young man was slightly astonished, because he suddenly discovered that the above materials were all relatively expensive materials.

"How is it? Is there any?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man and said.

The young man smiled slightly at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Of course, it's just that these materials are relatively rare and require more academy coins."

"Are you worried that I won't be able to pay?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man and frowned.

"Of course not, I just had a meeting with my classmate." The young man smiled embarrassingly because he was obviously spoiled by what he said.

"How many of these materials are there, and how many do I want?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man and said.

After all, for Zhang Tianhao's first forging, he still needed to prepare enough materials.


The young man took out all the materials on the list, then smiled at Zhang Tianhao and said, "It's [-] academy coins in total."

Eight thousand college coins is indeed relatively expensive.However, considering that these materials are relatively rare.He also has no objection, although some premium.But don't want to worry too much.

"Swipe your card!"

Zhang Tianhao handed over his ID number plate to the young man.

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's generosity, the young man looked at him differently.After all, [-] college coins is considered a relatively large transaction no matter where it is in Tianhai College.

"Student, this is our VIP card for the Refining Building. Keep it well, next time you come to trade with us, with this, you can get a [-]% discount." The young man smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

Such a big customer naturally needs to win over.After all, Tianhai Academy is very big, and they are not the only ones that provide refining materials.


Zhang Tianhao naturally would not refuse.[-]% off doesn't seem like a huge discount.But if there are more transactions in the future, you can still save a lot of academy coins.

"By the way, classmate, you want to refine weapons. With this VIP card, you can also get a discount in refining weapons in our refining building." The young man seemed to have thought of something, looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled.

"Oh, no need, I've already contacted the refiner, so I don't need to bother you with the refiner building." Zhang Tianhao laughed.

"Students, don't you really think about it? Our refining building has a seventh-level refining master, which is not available in other places." The young man looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

"I'll think about it if necessary."

Zhang Tianhao secretly smiled.Damn, I can be promoted to a ninth-level craftsman at any time, and a seventh-level craftsman dared to speak out.

But Zhang Tianhao also knew that craftsmen, like alchemists, were scarce resources.Although there are seventh-level refiners in Zhenwu Continent, they are all among the top forces.And Tianhai Academy is just an academy in an empire on the edge of the Beginning God Realm.From this point of view, God Realm is much stronger than Zhenwu Continent.

"Well, if students need it, I can give you some other discounts." The young man looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

However, Zhang Tianhao could still tell that a trace of disappointment flashed in the young man's eyes.Obviously, it was a pity that such a good business was missed.

After Zhang Tianhao got the materials, he returned to his residence, and after explaining to Zhao Linger and Song Sitian, he retreated and started refining the weapon.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao is only a Tier [-] refiner now.Must be upgraded with skill cards.

Fortunately, the previous enhancement cards are still usable.There is absolutely no problem for a refiner who has strengthened to the ninth level.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully using the skill card and being promoted to a second-tier refiner..."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully using the skill card and being promoted to a third-tier refiner..."


"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully using the skill card and being promoted to the ninth-level refiner!"

(End of this chapter)

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