The strongest fury system

Chapter 3008 Intermediate Teleportation Array

Chapter 3008 Intermediate Teleportation Array
However, Zhang Tianhao still felt a hint of danger.This demon race is about to invade the human race continent, and it will never be so easy to prevent it.There should be some danger that he didn't see.

"Everyone stand still!"

Zhang Tianhao said to the people around him.

"Boss, what's the matter? Did you find anything?" Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Although he didn't know what Zhang Tianhao meant, he didn't dare to neglect his orders in the slightest.After all, they knew very well that with Zhang Tianhao's strength, they might have discovered something.

Zhang Tianhao said to Wang Jianwu and the others: "I feel a dangerous aura. There may be secret whistles of the demons around here, so you must be careful. You wait for me here..."

Zhang Tianhao meditated cross-legged.The spiritual sense spread out in all directions like a spider web.As a spirit master of the spiritual rank, Zhang Tianhao's spiritual power is extremely powerful.Naturally, it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.Therefore, at this moment, his spiritual sense instantly covered a kilometer radius.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao's spiritual sense far exceeds the distance of a kilometer, but the farther the spiritual sense spreads, the lower the coverage density will be, and the search accuracy will decrease.So covering within a radius of one kilometer is just right.

However, Zhang Tianhao searched back and forth.But nothing was found.

"Strange, how is it possible, how could it not be. Could it be that my premonition of danger was wrong?" Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes and muttered.

"Impossible, my danger premonition has never been missed. It should be that I haven't found the enemy temporarily."

The coverage of Zhang Tianhao's spiritual sense was condensed to within a radius of 500 meters, and the search became several times stronger.


Zhang Tianhao's spirit was shaken, and he discovered something.He found three dark whistle.The masters of these three secret whistles are naturally warriors of the demon clan, and it is because he compressed the search efforts within a radius of [-] meters that he would hardly find them.These three dark-whistle demon warriors seemed to have turned into a tree.Blend in with the surrounding environment.That is, all the breath in the body is restrained.It turned out to have escaped the perception of Xiaolong, Xiaohei and Xiaomao.

However, the three beasts Xiaolong, Xiaohei, and Xiaomao pulled out those strongholds, and there was a distance from these secret sentries.Moreover, the three beasts were all killed with one blow, without making any movement.Therefore, none of the three demon warriors who were secretly sentry were found.

"Xiaolong, Xiaomao, Xiaohei, you bosses, I found three more secret whistles, you go and get rid of them all, but the demon warriors of these three secret whistles are not weak, so be careful." Zhang Tianhao looked at the three beasts and said .

The three beasts fought very hard for the Beast God Pill.

"Boss, don't worry, leave it to us."

Zhang Tianhao and the three beasts all signed a contract.Naturally, everyone can feel Zhang Tianhao's thoughts.Zhang Tianhao passed on the positions of the three secret sentries to them.

The three beasts shot away and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Boss, have you found the secret whistle?" Wang Jianwu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

A determined smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face, and he said to everyone: "Don't worry, I'll let the pets kill all these secret whistles, and they should come back soon."

Although Zhang Tianhao knew that the strength of these three secret sentries should not be weak, but he could easily complete the task by letting the three beasts cooperate with each other.Even if these demon warriors are not weak, they should not be able to resist the assassination of the three beasts Xiaolong, Xiaohei and Xiaomao.

Sure enough, the three beasts came back one after another.

"Boss, complete the task..."

Xiaolong smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

"Boss, those secret whistles react very quickly. If it is really Xiaolong himself, he really can't resist, but with the cooperation of the three of us, there will be no problem." Xiao Hei said.

For Xiao Hei's words, Xiao Long surprisingly did not refute.

"Okay, the obstacles have been cleared away, and we can go to the summit. The teleportation array is there..." A smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.

Half an hour later, a group of ten people reached the summit.

However, for fear of being discovered by the enemy, Zhang Tianhao first hid himself a hundred meters away.A hundred meters away, Zhang Tianhao took out his infrared night vision binoculars.


When Zhang Tianhao saw the teleportation array, his eyes froze and his face became serious.

"Boss, what did you find?"

Wang Jianwu and others had also seen the telescope in Zhang Tianhao's hand before, and they were not very surprised.

"This is an intermediate-level teleportation array. Obviously, this time, the demon warriors to be teleported are all strong. Otherwise, there is no need to set up such a large teleportation array." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

There are also grades of teleportation arrays, such as elementary teleportation arrays, intermediate teleportation arrays, advanced teleportation arrays, and super teleportation arrays.

The different levels of these teleportation arrays represent different powers.For example, the power of the elementary teleportation array against the defensive enchantment is also different.

The defensive enchantment of the human continent can block the power of the demon teleportation array.The stronger the warrior sent by the demons, the more suppressed they will be.This intermediate teleportation array, the warriors who can teleport are naturally much stronger than the primary teleportation array.

"It seems that this time the Demon Race's picture is not small!"

Zhang Tianhao took a look. There were more than ten meters of demon warriors around him, and among them were three demon warriors who dominated the realm.The most frightening thing is that this teleportation array is still in operation.It proves that there will soon be a master of the Demon Race being sent over.

"It's not too late, we must do it now."

When Zhang Tianhao saw this, he immediately thought of something, and immediately shouted to his companions: "Do it now..."

Wang Jianwu and others killed them.Kill those Mozu warriors.

This group of demon warriors would never have imagined that someone would kill here, and their complexions changed.

"Protect Master Shaq." said a Martial Artist who ruled the Demon Race.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the demon warrior surrounded in the center should be the formation Taoist.Only by killing him can the operation of this formation be stopped.

Of course, Zhang Tianhao, as a Taoist formation master, was naturally able to break the demon formation.It's just that there are still some differences between the demon formation and the human formation, and if he destroys the formation, the opponent's formation master can also repair it at any time.

But these demons naturally knew what Zhang Tianhao was thinking, and roared angrily: "Damn human, if you want to kill our noble Dao Master of the demons, don't even think about it..."


More than a dozen demon warriors attacked Zhang Tianhao.

"Give me death!"

In order to kill these demon warriors as soon as possible, Zhang Tianhao will naturally not hold back any more.

"Cold Soul Holy Ice Palm!"

With this god-level martial skill, the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart, and the sun and the moon dimmed.Endless cold currents surged out.

(End of this chapter)

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