The strongest fury system

Chapter 3010 Destruction of the Teleportation Array

Chapter 3010 Destruction of the Teleportation Array
How could the power of this knife be beyond the imagination of the little master.Immediately, Zhang Tianhao's knife directly shattered the little master's defense.He directly slashed at the little master's body.


The power of the super artifact directly caused the little master to be killed to pieces.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing the demon Deku, experience value 15000, real yuan 1500 and violent energy 10" the system's prompt sounded.


The two young masters of the Demon Race next to them saw Zhang Tianhao killing one of their companions with all gestures, and their eyes were tearing.

"Kill you……"

The little masters of the two demons roared angrily.Two terrifying dharma images erupted from the bodies of the two little masters.Upright.Exudes a vast coercion.


The dharma figures of the two little masters of the demon clan slapped Zhang Tianhao each.

The palm prints that covered the sky and the sun exuded terrifying power.Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, the sun and the moon have no light.

"court death!"

Zhang Tianhao ran out with a single blow.

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

Zhang Tianhao's knife seems to be able to cut off everything around him.

The knife Zhang Tianhao slashed with the divine sword directly broke the dharma appearance of the two little masters of the demon race, and then his knife unstoppably crushed towards the two little masters of the demon race.


The two little masters of the Demon Race screamed at once.The whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground hard.He vomited blood.

Although the physique of these two demons is much stronger than that of human warriors.But the power of Zhang Tianhao's knife is even stronger.It directly broke the defense of the two demon warriors.Let them fall to the ground, vomiting blood, looking extremely pale.

"You dare to kill me? The demons will not let you go."

The two demon warriors looked at Zhang Tianhao sternly.

"Too much nonsense."

Zhang Tianhao slashed at the heads of the two demon warriors.


The heads of the two demon warriors were directly beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.Rolled on the ground in a circle, the eyes widened as if they were dying.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Curry, the little lord of the Demon Race, experience value is 15000, true energy is 1500, and violent energy is 10"


On the other side, Wang Jianwu and others gradually gained the upper hand.And those warriors of the Demon Race were all killed because of their leaders.One by one has long been unwilling to fight.


Zhang Tianhao was killed like lightning.

"The Ultimate Knife!"

Zhang Tianhao's knife was extremely terrifying, as it sliced ​​through the void like a substance.How could the seven demon warriors who had long been unwilling to fight be able to resist Zhang Tianhao's knife at this moment.This knife, like a shooting star piercing the void, passed in front of those demon warriors.

In an instant, the heads of seven demon warriors flew into the void.Soaring blood arrows shot out from the necks of the seven demon warriors.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong..."

The system beep sounds.

"Boss, these demon warriors are really powerful. If it weren't for your three battle pets, we really wouldn't be the opponents of these demon warriors." Wang Jianwu smiled resentfully.

"That's right, I just heard about the horror of demon warriors, but now I understand it." Su Donglai looked serious.

Zhang Tianhao didn't take this into consideration, but came to the edge of the teleportation formation. He naturally knew what the most important thing to do when he came here this time.

"Broken Formation Seal..."

Zhang Tianhao's hands were forming seals like lightning.Seven or seven 49 seals suddenly appeared in the void.Like dots of stars, they turned into powerful sword glows in the void, falling towards the teleportation array.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

The attacks landed on the teleportation array,

Under the bombardment of the sword light, the base of the teleportation array exploded one after another.Disappeared in the void.

Under the teleportation array, a void crack is rapidly shrinking.This is a void channel through which the teleportation array penetrates. Without the support of the teleportation array, it will naturally disappear quickly.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao's heart shuddered, because suddenly there was an extra hand in the void crack that was about to disappear, a black giant hand covered with scales.

This giant hand unexpectedly forcibly opened the void crack that was about to disappear.

"What a powerful force."

Zhang Tianhao was shocked when he saw this scene.

Although I know that this is certainly supported by the power of the original formation, but under such circumstances, the strength of this person can be imagined to forcefully open the space crack.

Zhang Tianhao's hair stood on end for a moment.Immediately, he said to Wang Jianwu and the others behind him, "Go down the mountain quickly and wait for me at the foot of the mountain..."

Zhang Tianhao instantly felt that he was locked by a terrifying aura, and the soaring demonic aura erupted from the crack in the void.

Zhang Tianhao couldn't leave, he knew he couldn't.If everyone walks together, it is estimated that no one can escape.He had to lure this strong man of the demon race away.


Wang Jianwu and the others also felt the soaring demon energy, but they were very self-aware, knowing that staying by themselves would be a burden.

"Let's go, let's wait for the boss at the foot of the mountain, I believe the boss will come down and join us soon."

"Well... I'm waiting for the boss at the foot of the mountain..."

Su Donglai and others also said.

After Wang Jianwu and others quickly descended the mountain.Zhang Tianhao also went in the opposite direction.

After Zhang Tianhao and others left.A tall, black armored demon warrior crawled out from the crack in the void.He glanced in the direction where Wang Jianwu and the others were leaving.Finally, he fixed his eyes on the direction where Zhang Tianhao left.Then it flew in the direction he left, at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang Tianhao felt a terrifying murderous intent lock on him behind him.With a chill in his heart, he was always very confident in his own body speed, but he didn't expect that this person's speed was also so terrifying.


A terrifying phantom enveloped the sky directly above Zhang Tianhao.An invisible paw print crushed down on his body.

"Yin Yang Destruction Palm!"

Feeling extremely dangerous, Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.He greeted him with a punch.

This punch instantly emptied the yin and yang energy accumulated by Zhang Tianhao.The yin and yang energy exploded quickly, forming a terrifying fist mark, and went up to the phantom's claw mark.


The two forces collided together in the void.An invisible energy storm erupted in all directions.The towering trees in all directions were thrown away.Those towering trees were directly reduced to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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