The strongest fury system

Chapter 3028 Frozen Sky Snow Array

Chapter 3028 Frozen Sky Snow Array
"This kid understands!"

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, looked at Cheng Zhan and said, "General Cheng, I want to ask the general for some materials, and I hope the general can provide them."

"What material?" Cheng Zhan looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously.

Zhang Tianhao told Cheng Zhan all the materials he needed.Cheng Zhan was slightly taken aback when he heard this.Because he found that these materials are obviously needed for the formation.So he said to Zhang Tianhao: "Could it be that you are a formation master?"

"Well, the kid is rough and well organized."

Since Zhang Tianhao was asking for these formation materials, naturally he would not hide them.

"That's right, you boy, you are simply a monster. It doesn't matter if you are very talented in martial arts, but you are still a Taoist master. I really want to know what else you don't know." Cheng Zhan looked at Zhang Tianhao sighed.

"Hehe, the general praised you." Zhang Tianhao said humbly.

"Okay, since you know how to set up an array, that's great. The materials you want are all in stock in our Demon City. This general can make the decision and deliver these materials to you. But when the time comes, this general will go to check The progress of formation." Cheng Zhan looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that the materials he was asking for were all relatively expensive materials. Naturally, Cheng Zhan would not listen to his own words, so he would use these materials for free. This is also understandable to him.


After Zhang Tianhao left, within an hour, the people from the General's Mansion notified Zhang Tianhao to collect the materials.It has to be said that the efficiency is quite high.

As the front line against the demons, the Demon City has naturally received the full support of the Sky Sea Empire, and all kinds of resources are still available.

Zhang Tianhao's materials for arranging the spiritual order formation can still be found here.

"That's right, the collection in the Imperial Demon City is really quite rich. With these materials, I can lay down the formation of the spirit order on the side of the formation building." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Tianhao began to arrange formations on the side of the formation building, this time he was going to arrange a large formation of frozen sky and snow.This frozen sky and snow formation is a formation of the fourth rank of the spirit rank, and it is also the most advanced formation that Zhang Tianhao can arrange now.And to arrange the formation of this fourth-rank spiritual rank, one needs an ice soul as the source of the formation.

It's just that the Ice Soul alone needs 100 million system points.To buy this ice soul, Zhang Tianhao also felt a little bit pained.After all, with so many system points, he needs to keep them for a long time.

"Ding dong! The system released a C-level mission, please pay attention to check it." The system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

Hey, there is a C-level mission.Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.This is the first time the system has issued a task after it was restored.This also made Zhang Tianhao very curious.I don't know what kind of tasks the system will issue this time.

Zhang Tianhao instantly entered the system panel to check the tasks assigned by the system.

C-level task: defend the formation with all your strength until reinforcements come to support
Mission success: reward 200 million system mall points
Mission failed: Cultivation has dropped three realms in a row.

Digging, fortunately, there is no such thing as direct obliteration.That's pretty good,
This task can be regarded as a little benefit for myself, after all, I need to complete this task no matter what.This incidental task can be regarded as making up for the system mall points that he lost.Still earn a little more.

But don't look at it as a C-level task, but this C-level task is relative to the C-level task in the beginning of the gods, and it is definitely not as easy to complete as I imagined.The system will issue a C-level task at this moment, which proves that this C-level task is definitely not easy to complete.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao absolutely did not dare to take it lightly.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Tianhao began to form formations.A series of patterns penetrated into the ground.Immediately afterwards, a formation pattern appeared.Presented as a very mysterious array.

But at this moment, because there is no ice soul, the formation cannot work.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system mall and bought an ice soul.

"Ding dong! The purchase of Ice Soul was successful."

In Zhang Tianhao's hand, there is an extra ice soul.This ice soul exudes a strong power of ice soul.

Zhang Tianhao then drove the ice soul into the formation.Immediately, the formation began to work.

Yes, Zhang Tianhao wiped off the sweat stains on his forehead.He thought to himself: Now that the formation has been arranged, it is considered complete.This time, the building has a great guarantee.

the next few days
The warriors of the Demon Race started to attack the Demon City once again.The attack power is very powerful.It can be felt that in the last period of time, the demons have put all their eggs in one basket.


One after another shouts of killing sounded.

And the formation building has also received the most attention from the demon warriors.The powerhouses of the Demon Race frantically attacked the formation.Although Zhang Tianhao led the human warriors to resist the attack of the demon warriors desperately.But this time the demon warriors sent hundreds of powerful warriors to attack the building frantically.

Although Zhang Tianhao tried his best to resist.But the side of Tianhai Academy is always at a disadvantage.Zhang Tianhao summoned the three beasts and Zhao Linger.There are also nine warriors who started to use the killing array.However, under the siege of those demon warriors, the killing array gradually became a little bit unsmooth.Everyone's body is hurt.There are some scars all over the body.Everyone's body started to bleed.His complexion was extremely pale.


A "Nether God Slashing Knife!"

Behind Zhang Tianhao appeared the phantom of the God of Netherworld, standing upright, overlooking the common people.

A saber light like substance poured forward with Zhang Tianhao's saber momentum.In an instant, dozens of demon warriors in front were instantly crushed to death.Turned into slag.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

The system beep sounds.

But there were too many demon warriors around, and he was attacked by dozens of demon warriors almost every moment.Even Zhang Tianhao was seriously injured.Bloody all over.After all, Zhang Tianhao was under [-]% of the pressure alone.

The students of Tianhai College fell down one by one.There are not many students left in Tianhai Academy.But the warriors of the Demon Race still attacked the tower in a frenzy.

"Hahaha, I see how you still stop us... I will give you a chance to surrender to our demons, and we will spare you!"

A demon warrior of the first rank of the Great Ruler was suspended in the void, looking down at Zhang Tianhao with a gloomy expression.

"is it?"

Zhang Tianhao didn't change his face, and said in a deep voice to the nine companions who were covered in blood, "We retreat into the formation."

(End of this chapter)

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