The strongest fury system

Chapter 3063 Elder pressure

Chapter 3063 Elder pressure

"Boy, do you want to play tricks?" Zhao Shucheng looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly.

"Of course not, who should tell you, I only have the heads of these demons in my hands?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhao Shucheng with disdain.

"You?" Zhao Shucheng's complexion changed.

Amid everyone's astonishment, Zhang Tianhao waved his hand again, and suddenly, a pile of heads appeared on the table.

"Here, is this the leader of the demon clan?" The general affairs looked very surprised.

It needs to be known that the heads of the demons are at least the cultivation base of the great master, and even the minor masters are at least the cultivation base of the minor master.And there is no lack of heads of commander-level demon warriors.

If it hadn't been for this general clerk who had identified the heads of many demon warriors, he would have thought it was a fake.But the head of the demon warrior above is genuine.

"Young master, the total is 310 million military merits, plus the previous 170 million military merits, the total is 480 million." The general manager looked at Zhang Tianhao and said respectfully.


Zhao Shucheng's complexion was extremely ugly. He never thought that he would lose.And the gap with the opponent is huge.

"Impossible, how could you have so many military achievements, these military achievements must not be yours. Could it be that the military achievements of so many of you are put together. Then it is not fair to say that it belongs to you alone It's gone." Zhao Shucheng looked at Zhang Tianhao hysterically.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you can't afford to lose so much!"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhao Shucheng and shook his head, then said to Wang Jianwu and others beside him, "This Zhao Shucheng suspects that I'm using your military achievements to make up for it, what do you think should I do?"

Wang Jianwu and the others walked up to the general affairs officer proudly, and said to him, "Our military achievements also need to be settled."

As they said that, Wang Jianwu and others also took out the heads of the demon warriors they had hunted.

The military merit of the nine people is naturally much worse than that of Zhang Tianhao, but there are as many as 30, and at least more than [-].Zhao Shucheng's so-called use of his companion's military merits to make up for it is self-defeating.

"Now you admit defeat, don't you?"

As Zhang Tianhao said, he casually took the Cangwu Sword that Zhao Shucheng used as a bet earlier.

"Yes, this Cangwu sword is still very good." Zhang Tianhao praised.

"Do you dare to take my Cangwu Sword?"

Zhao Shucheng looked at Zhang Tianhao with hatred.

"How should I put it, this is your previous bet. Do you want to renege on your debt? This was witnessed by so many elders in the Army God Temple. If you, Zhao Shucheng, dare to renege on your debt, your reputation will soon be ruined." Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhao Shucheng and said with a half-smile.

Zhao Shucheng's heart suddenly sank, indeed, he would not dare to renege on the courage given to him in the Temple of the Army.Otherwise, his reputation will not be so easy to make up for. It is estimated that the family will not give him good fruit to eat.In the Tianhai Empire, a person's reputation is of great use.

"you are vicious!"

Zhao Shucheng glared at Zhang Tianhao fiercely, turned around and left at several companions.

However, Zhang Tianhao's body swayed, and his body like a ghost stopped Zhao Shucheng in front of him, looking at him with a half-smile.

"What do you want?"

Zhao Shucheng looked at Zhang Tianhao with surprise and anger.

"What do I want to do? Have you forgotten our previous bet? Whoever loses will kneel down and slap him a hundred times, and then call the other party ten times grandpa? Mr. Zhao will forget so soon, do you want me to Long memory for you?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhao Shucheng and asked disdainfully.

"What? How dare you?"

Not only Zhao Shucheng, but even several companions around Zhao Shucheng couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this.After all, if the previous bet was really followed, they would indeed kneel down, slap the face and call grandpa.This is unacceptable to them.If they did, they would be a laughing stock in the Empire in the future.

"Boy, don't go too far. The Cangwu Sword has been lost to you, and you still want to make more progress?" Zhao Shucheng's face turned pale.


Zhang Tianhao looked very surprised, and said disdainfully to Zhao Shucheng: "If I haven't forgotten, this bet was made by you, why is it in the Temple of the Army, if you lose, you want to renege on it? Hehe, this is really very important. How rare is it that a dignified son of the Zhao family actually cheated? This will definitely become a great anecdote for the empire!"

Zhao Shucheng was stunned.Because if he really reneged on his debts, it would become an anecdote in the empire, and his reputation would soon be tainted.

"Boy, you should stop in moderation! Don't forget, I am the son of the Zhao family. Although you are the deacon of the Tiansha Temple, you are only the lowest deacon. You are not someone who can offend our Zhao family." Zhao Shucheng looked at Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth and said.

"So, as the son of the Zhao family, you can deny it? You don't care about the Temple of the General?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhao Shucheng and said mockingly.

Zhao Shucheng suddenly became angry, this Zhang Tianhao opened his mouth to the Temple of the Army and closed his mouth to the Temple of the Army, and pulled the tiger skin to pull the banner.Make it difficult for him to parry at all.

"It turns out that the so-called Young Master of the Zhao family has this kind of virtue, and he will renege on his debt..."

"Yes, we saw him betting with others with our own eyes. There is no gambling product at all..."

"Also ask the elders to judge."

Zhang Tianhao cupped his hands towards the military temple.

Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that there would definitely be elders sitting in the army temple of the empire. After all, it was absolutely impossible for such an important place to have no elders sitting in charge.

There was a silence in the Temple of the Army, and an old voice said: "Zhao Shucheng, I don't care about other places, but here, you must fulfill your bet, otherwise, you will never come to the Temple of the Army."

When Zhao Shucheng heard this, he was immediately startled. If the elder really cared about him, it would be of no benefit to him.But let him kneel down in full view, slap himself, and call the other party's grandfather.It was worse than killing him.under weighing the pros and cons.


Zhao Shucheng knelt down in front of Zhang Tianhao.Slap yourself.Then he called Zhang Tianhao ten times as grandpa according to the bet.Then, Zhao Shucheng left in despair with his people.After all, he didn't dare to stay any longer under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"This Zhao Shucheng is really flexible! He really fulfilled his bet."

Wang Jianwu's expression became serious.

"Hmph, Elder Tianshun is putting pressure on him, how could he dare to renege on his debt?" Han Lei said disdainfully.

"Jianwu, what do you want to say?"

However, Zhang Tianhao heard the meaning behind Wang Jianwu's words.

"Boss, this Zhao Shucheng is more tolerant than I thought, I guess he will come to trouble us again in the future." Wang Jianwu frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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