The strongest fury system

Chapter 3301 The Door of the Black Demonic Beast

Chapter 3301 The Door of the Black Demonic Beast
"Tianhao, this monster is too big, have we fought it?"

Yang Xiu and the others all turned pale at the moment.They felt like ants standing in front of this black monster.

"If you can't fight, you have to fight, otherwise, we will all die..." Zhang Tianhao shouted.

"It's not that exaggerated, as long as you find its cover and kill it, it's not difficult."

You Sisi looked extremely determined.

"Thunder Sword!"

In the void, thousands of thunder swords fell towards the black monster.

It's just that these thunder swords seem to be powerful, but when they fell on the black monster, they couldn't cause too much damage to the black monster, they just made a clanging sound.

"Fuck me, this black monster is really made of copper skin and iron bones!"

Zhang Tianhao was aware of the horror of this black monster, and at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"This black monster is an ancient beast after all, so it's not easy to deal with it." You Sisi's expression became serious.

Although this black demonic beast is only a low-level divine beast, it is already close to the combat power of a mid-level divine beast, and it is definitely not so easy to deal with.Moreover, the defensive power of this black monster is absolutely terrifying.If you don't find the cover door, it will not be so easy to kill this intermediate black monster.

At this moment, the black magic beast grabbed Zhang Tianhao and the others with one claw.This claw whipped up a terrifying wind, rushing towards where Zhang Tianhao and the others were.Extreme horror.

Although the body of the black monster is extremely huge, the speed of the black monster is not weak.This claw, in the blink of an eye, had already arrived in front of Zhang Tianhao and the others.


You Sisi snorted coldly.A sword slashed out, shattering one of the claws of the black monster.Endless cold snapped out.

Zhang Tianhao finally knew at this moment that You Sisi's skill attribute was extremely sharp with the cold attribute.This sword at least made the speed of the black monster much weaker.After all, the horror of the cold snap had a great impact on the actions of the Black Warcraft.


Yang Xiu, Zhao Bai, Yao Bin and others also launched a fierce attack on the black monster.

It's just that the black monster's skin is rough and thick, and the attacks of several people can't cause substantial damage to it.But even so, the attacks of several people still hurt the black monster.The black monster howled angrily.

"Hurry up, everyone, you must find its cover. Otherwise, our attack will only get twice the result with half the effort." You Sisi said solemnly.

Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat, and he asked You Sisi: "Sisi, do you know where the door of this black demonic beast is?"

You Sisi shook his head at Zhang Tianhao, and said with some helplessness: "I can't tell you this. The door of this black monster actually doesn't have a certain position, and the doors of different black monsters are not in the same position."

"Damn, it's so troublesome." Zhang Tianhao was a little depressed.

Although because of the existence of You Sisi, a master in the realm of life and death, the attacks of the black monster on several people were easily resolved by her.But You Sisi's expression gradually froze at this moment.

"what happened?"

Zhang Tianhao immediately felt You Sisi's mentality.

"We must get rid of this black monster as soon as possible, because there is too much movement here. The strange beasts around have noticed it, and it is estimated that they will come here soon. The strange beasts here are very harmful to the foreign invaders like humans. There is a lot of hostility, so we must be careful." You Sisi said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat, he naturally knew what would happen if he fell into the siege of these strange beasts.He nodded and said: "It seems that we must do our best."

"Yin-Yang Domain!"

"Thunder field!"

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao used the power of two fields.

The black monster didn't know what was going on, but suddenly, it sensed an invisible force crushing towards its location.It felt as if it had fallen into a swamp in an instant.

The black monster lives in the black blood swamp, so it is no stranger to the power of the swamp.But at this moment, it felt more terrifying than falling into a swamp.

"Hey, Tianhao, your domain is really strong, the speed of this black monster has slowed down." Yang Xiu was overjoyed.

"Look at me!"

Zhao Bai, Yao Bin, Yang Xiu and others all went to kill the black monster.With the speed restricted by Zhang Tianhao, the black monster posed less threat to Zhang Tianhao and others.


After being bombarded indiscriminately by Zhang Tianhao and others, the black monster also became angry.A giant tail viciously swept towards where Zhang Tianhao and the others were.With the momentum of destruction.

The huge tail rolled down towards Zhang Tianhao and the others like a hill.

"Sword of Ice and Snow!"

You Sisi was not flustered, and swept across with a sword.

A powerful sword directly knocked the black monster into the air.

"Well, I know where the door of the Dark Demonic Beast is."

You Sisi's pretty face beamed with joy.

"You know, where is it?" Zhang Tianhao hurriedly asked You Sisi.

"It's just under its tail near the coccyx." You Sisi smiled at Zhang Tianhao.

"how do you know?"

Zhang Tianhao couldn't help being curious when he heard You Sisi's words.

You Sisi said very firmly to Zhang Tianhao: "Of course I know that when I attacked the Black Demonic Beast earlier, its tail subconsciously blocked the place of the coccyx. Therefore, it can be clearly said that its cover door, It should be right there at the place of the tailbone."

When Zhang Tianhao heard what You Sisi said, he also felt that it made sense.Then he said to You Sisi: "Then I'll try..."

After Zhang Tianhao finished speaking, he said to Xiaolong and Xiaomao: "You two go attack that gate, and whoever kills the black monster first will reward ten roast ducks."

The incentive to reward is endless.As soon as Xiao Mao and Xiao Long heard that there was roast duck to eat, they all geared up to kill the black monster with all their might.

Although the Black Demonic Beast is an ancient alien beast, there is still a big gap between it and the prehistoric alien beasts like Xiaolong and Xiaomao.Coupled with the speed being affected by Zhang Tianhao's Yin-Yang domain at this moment, it is even more difficult for Xiaolong and Xiaomao.However, the Black Demonic Beast obviously also knew where his vitals were, and he firmly protected that vitals.

"Thunder Sword!"

Zhang Tianhao began to cover for the two beasts.

The sword of thunder composed of endless thunder power can attack black monsters indiscriminately. It should be noted that this is added to the power of the thunder field, and it will deal a great blow to black monsters.Although it didn't pose a fatal threat to the black monster because it wasn't a cover, it still hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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