Chapter 3313

Being rich and willful is Zhang Tianhao's current state.

On the fourth floor, Zhang Tianhao was like a duck to water.Endless mysterious energy poured into his body.He began to transform his body.He felt his body becoming stronger and stronger.

Gradually, Zhang Tianhao felt that his body had reached a breakthrough point, and he mustered all his strength to break through.

However, from the half-step life-death realm to breaking through to the life-death realm, it seems that there is only half a step away. In fact, there is still a lot of gap. Although Zhang Tianhao exhausted all his strength to break through, the shackles of that level, But still can't break through.

"Damn it, I still don't believe it."

Zhang Tianhao once again organized the strength of his whole body to break through the last layer of shackles.Let the shackles begin to loosen, but only a little bit, and there is still a big gap from the breakthrough.However, Zhang Tianhao did not give up. Anyway, in the training tower, he has endless energy, so he has no worries.

The vortex above Zhang Tianhao's head was several times larger than it was at the beginning, almost occupying the entire training room where he was.That huge vortex is frantically devouring the surrounding mysterious energy.

Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't notice anything, but the warriors in the several training rooms near him were greatly affected.Because of Zhang Tianhao's crazy plunder.The mystery that was originally strong in the training room on the fourth floor dropped by [-]% in an instant.

"Damn, what's going on, why has the energy dropped so much?"

An inner disciple of the Taixue Sect approached the training room where Zhang Tianhao was, looking a little confused.He muttered: "What's the matter, why the effect of cultivation has become worse, it seems that the energy has become weaker."

Of course, many Taixuezong disciples in the cultivation tower on the fourth floor have noticed this phenomenon.I feel very confused.

Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that he was still making the final impact on the shackles of the life and death realm.

Body training is different from Qi training, it is to tap one's own potential and strengthen one's body.Therefore, the process of refining the body is definitely more difficult than refining qi.

Every impact made Zhang Tianhao feel the pain of thousands of arrows piercing his heart.

However, Zhang Tianhao has long been numb to these pains, so he doesn't feel much.

The thousand and first shock.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes. Although he felt that the skeleton of his whole body was about to fall apart due to so many shocks, Zhang Tianhao already felt the dawn of a breakthrough.

Since the impact started at this moment, Zhang Tianhao realized that every impact he made would loosen the shackles.

For the thousand and eighth impact, Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes and started another impact.


Zhang Tianhao felt a sense of enlightenment.

"Hahaha, finally broke through."

A happy smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.

From the half-step life-death realm to the life-death realm, Zhang Tianhao's strength can be said to have made a huge breakthrough.Now he, alone, can beat the previous three.The combat power is so strong that it is sturdy.

Zhang Tianhao walked out of the training tower, and this time, nearly [-] points were deducted.If it was another Taixuezong disciple, knowing that Zhang Tianhao practiced once in the cultivation tower and used so many points, his eyes would pop out in surprise.


The guardian elder of the training tower looked at Zhang Tianhao and said indifferently.

However, he was still surprised that Zhang Tianhao spent 10000 points for one training session.The corner of his mouth twitched. It should be noted that, as Zhang Tianhao, the guardian of Taixuezong, he only had 10000 training resources for one month.Don't underestimate the 10000 points, if the 1000 points are converted to crystals.That's [-] million crystals, and it's still top-grade.Of course, not every elder of Taixuezong is as poor as the guardian elder. In Taixuezong, many elders have their own side jobs.For example, You Sisi's master, as the top elder of Taixuezong, has a lot of side jobs in Taixuezong.Therefore, she will not worry about points.This is also why You Sisi can refuse Zhang Tianhao's points. It should be noted that [-] points is definitely not a minority.

Zhang Tianhao walked out of the cultivation tower and murmured: "Now my strength, even in the inner sect of Tai Xuezong, cannot reach the top, but it is not difficult to challenge the top [-], right?"

Zhang Tianhao's cultivation has broken through to the realm of life and death at this moment, and his fighting spirit has also been greatly improved.In the past, he could only use the Dou Zhan Holy Fist once in a short period of time, and his Dou Zhan Qi would be exhausted in an instant.But it's different now, the current fighting spirit is enough to support him to use it five times.Don't underestimate these five times, you must know that the power of this Holy Fighting Fist is extremely powerful. In the past, Zhang Tianhao really wouldn't use this Holy Fighting Fist unless it was absolutely necessary.But the current situation is much more abundant.

However, Zhang Tianhao did not immediately challenge the top [-] insiders.Because Tai Xuezong's challenge mechanism is very strict.Not everyone can be challenged casually.Otherwise, everyone would challenge the inner disciples whenever they had the chance, and the inner disciples would definitely not have the time to deal with it.There is no need to practice, so the challenge mechanism of Taixuezong is very humane.Disciples who want to challenge the top [-] inner sects must enter the Wooden Man Alley.

Only by breaking through Wooden Man Alley can he be qualified to challenge the top [-] disciples of the inner sect. Otherwise, Zhang Tianhao, who is not at the bottom of the inner sect but is still ranked similarly, is naturally not qualified to challenge the top [-] disciples of the inner sect.

"Okay, then I'll challenge Wooden Man Alley! Presumably, with my current cultivation, it's not too difficult to challenge Wooden Man Alley."

Zhang Tianhao's confidence at this moment is full after his body training has advanced to the life and death realm.

Come to the examination hall

At this moment, there are several people queuing up outside the examination hall.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly. These people seemed to be planning to break into the wooden man's alley. It seemed that many people were still planning to break into the wooden man's alley.

"Are you going to break into Wooden Man's Lane?"

A deacon in charge of registration looked at Zhang Tianhao.


Zhang Tianhao nodded.

"You've just entered the inner door and you're ready to break into the wooden man's alley?"

The deacon in charge of registration looked at Zhang Tianhao and said in surprise.

After all, in the eyes of the deacon, Zhang Tianhao is just a disciple who has just entered the inner sect, so he dared to challenge Wooden Man Lane so early, his courage is indeed commendable.

"This kid is too arrogant. He dared to challenge Wooden Man Lane at such an early age. Alas, are we old? There are no young people, and we have vigor."

"I don't know. Anyway, I feel that this kid is too arrogant. I'll just wait and see what he does."


Many disciples present did not believe that Zhang Tianhao had the strength to challenge Wooden Man Lane.

(End of this chapter)

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