The strongest fury system

Chapter 3338 Searching for medicinal herbs

Chapter 3338 Searching for medicinal herbs
The demon warriors present all knew that although these life and death realm warriors were not the top strength of human warriors, they were definitely the hope of the future. Killing the life and death realm geniuses of these sects was equivalent to killing the future hope of these sects .This is of course very important to the demons.

Zhang Tianhao and others had just landed on the island. Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao felt some kind of power appearing under his feet.

"No, this is a formation!"

Zhang Tianhao's heart trembled violently, he never expected that there would be a formation here.But when it was discovered at this moment, it was already too late.

When Zhang Tianhao opened his eyes, he found himself in a small forest.

"Where is this?" Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, feeling a little strange.

But Zhang Tianhao immediately thought that this place should be the island in the middle of the lake.

Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged in meditation. For some reason, he always felt that this island contained some kind of danger.Therefore, prepare to use perception to sense the breath around you.

As a spirit master of the spiritual rank, Zhang Tianhao's perception is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.In an instant, everything within a radius of several miles began to reflect in his mind like a flashlight.

"Hey, is this the breath of the demon race?"

Zhang Tianhao's heart trembled, as if he had noticed something.Immediately turned around and flew away.He didn't know why there were demon warriors here, but he knew that the presence of demon warriors here definitely contained a terrifying conspiracy.

Zhang Tianhao found a hidden place.Then he used the breath restraining formula to cover up all the breath in his whole body.

"Hey, it's strange. Obviously, the compass in my hand shows that the human kid is nearby. Why didn't I see anyone?"

Three tall demon warriors came from a distance.The one standing in the middle holds a compass in his hand.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, knowing that the other party found himself by relying on this.Fortunately, I am now relying on the breath-holding formula to temporarily shield the breath from my body.

Zhang Tianhao remained motionless.The three demon warriors are all in the middle and late stages of the life and death realm.The weakest ones are all above the middle stage of life and death.It's hard enough to deal with one, and it's even more difficult to deal with three.That's pure courting.

However, the three demons looked at the compass in their hands and obviously did not give up searching for Zhang Tianhao's whereabouts.This made Zhang Tianhao's heart tighten. He naturally knew that his breath-holding formula was only a low-level version. If it was closer, it would be hard not to be discovered.

Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao's luck is pretty good.Although the three demon warriors searched in all directions.But it didn't come in the direction of Zhang Tianhao.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao was not exposed.


Zhang Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know what happened to Senior Sister You and the others.Although Zhang Tianhao didn't know what conspiracy these demon warriors had at the moment, he knew that these demon warriors were planning to deal with human warriors.In this way, You Sisi and the others should be in danger.If everyone is together, they can gather some strength to fight.But because of the formation, they were teleported to other locations on Huxin Island.In this way, it is convenient for the demons to defeat each one.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time. Then we'll just find a way to save them." Zhang Tianhao murmured, thinking.

"Hey, is this medicinal fragrance?"

Zhang Tianhao smelled the scent of the elixir, and his heart couldn't help shaking.

"It seems that there should be a medicine garden near here." Zhang Tianhao thought to himself.

"Now let's improve our strength first. With my current strength, I can still deal with the weaker demon warriors here, but it is impossible for the stronger ones." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Tianhao finally found the medicine garden.However, there are demon warriors guarding the medicine garden.

"Damn it, should I just give up like this?"

Those two demon warriors should be warriors in the sixth level of life and death.Against one, maybe Zhang Tianhao can remain undefeated, but if he is to deal with two at the same time, he will probably have to run for his life.

However, Zhang Tianhao will not give up like this.

"Forget it, let Xiaolong and Xiaohei lead them away, and then I will sneak into the medicine garden."

Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Although it is indeed very risky to do so.But wealth is in danger.It is not impossible to do so.

"Hey, Sacco, did you see that, just now there seemed to be a black shadow passing by the front." A demon warrior said to his companion.

"Really, why didn't I see it."

As soon as the demon warrior said this, he noticed a white shadow passing by in front of him.

"It's not a black shadow, but a white shadow." Said the demon warrior.

The two obviously felt that something was unusual.They hurriedly headed towards the place where the white shadow and the black shadow disappeared.

Zhang Tianhao took advantage of the two demon warriors and immediately rushed into the medicine garden.Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that these two demon warriors would definitely return soon.Therefore, dare not have the slightest negligence.

Sure enough, the two masters of the demon race rushed back in less than ten breaths.After all, this medicine garden is very important, and the warriors of these two demons naturally dare not leave their posts without authorization.

Fortunately, the two warriors of the Demon Race naturally didn't expect that human warriors broke into the medicine garden just after the two of them left for a few breaths, so they didn't enter the medicine garden to check.

But this is cheaper for Zhang Tianhao.As soon as Zhang Tianhao entered the medicine garden, his eyes lit up.Because the elixir in this medicine garden is all kinds of extremely precious medicinal materials.Moreover, many medicinal materials can be used by Zhang Tianhao for body training.

"Sun root!"

"Star Spirit Grass!"

"Black black purple spirit flower..."

These are the medicinal materials for refining Tiger Leopard Pill!

That's right, Tiger Leopard Pill is a kind of body refining pill.Although only the fifth rank of the spirit rank.But its medicinal effect is very good.And Zhongzheng is peaceful.The biggest feature is that Tiger Leopard Pill has very little drug resistance.You can take three pills with no problem.That is to say, Zhang Tianhao can improve his cultivation to the third level with the Tiger Leopard Pill alone.

Looking at the elixir in the garden, Zhang Tianhao almost laughed out loud like Zhou Xingxing.Although there was a risk of exposure, Zhang Tianhao didn't have too many scruples, and began to pick all the elixir in the garden as quickly as possible.income into its own system space.

Sure enough, with the disappearance of the elixir that filled the garden, the energy in the medicine garden began to weaken.The two demon warriors guarding the medicine garden also sensed something was wrong.

"No, some human fighters have entered the medicine garden."

One of the demon warriors gritted his teeth, his expression changed.

Nima's, nonsense.If the head finds out that this garden full of elixir has been snatched up under their noses, then what kind of punishment will they face when they go back.Although some elixirs of human beings do not have much effect on the physique of the demons.But it is also a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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